Do not assume that file names must be 8.3 compatible. Be reasonable though. Let the file names be as long as necessary, but no longer. Some operating systems limit file names to 32 characters.
Allowing spaces would cause problems with certain versions of existing industry tools and does not provide additional clarity.
Most source control systems will not be able to handle file names that start with numbers.
All file names within an EDK II source tree must comply with the following regular expression:
That is, a letter followed by zero, or more, letters, underscores, dashes, or digits followed by a period followed by one or more letters or digits.
Below sections are the file naming guidelines for EDK II meta files and source files. The guidelines are not just considering the the uniformity of file naming, but it also provides the flexibility of file name construction for the scenario of different EDK II module designs; such as the support for multiple processor architectures and vendors. It may require the further discussions between EDK II maintainers and contributors in order to determine the best naming of the EDK II module file.
<PackageName> REQUIRED *
- If the implementation is for all CPU architectures, specific CPU architectures, CPU vendors or the implementation is shared by certain CPU archs:
<Feature> REQUIRED *
<Phase> REQUIRED Base, Sec, Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm, StandaloneMm,
Smm, Uefi.
<CpuArch> OPTIONAL The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
<arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
<CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
<Vendor> OPTIONAL *
- SmbiosDxe.inf
- CpuIo2Dxe.inf
- CpuIo2DxeAmd.inf
- CpuIo2DxeIa32X64.inf
- CpuIo2DxeIa32X64Intel.inf
- If the implementation does not have any shared code between phases (e.g., Pcd/Dxe):
<Feature> OPTIONAL *
<CpuArch> OPTIONAL The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
<arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
<CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
<Vendor> OPTIONAL *
<Phase> REQUIRED Base, Sec, Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm,
StandaloneMm, Smm, Uefi.
<CpuArch> OPTIONAL The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
<arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
<CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
<Vendor> OPTIONAL *
<LibraryClassName> REQUIRED *
<Dependency> OPTIONAL * (Typically name of PPI, Protocol, LibraryClass
that the implementation is layered on top of)
- SmmAmdSmmCpuFeaturesLib.inf
- SmmIa32X64SmmCpuFeaturesLib.inf
In generally, the file name is constructed as below:
<CpuArch> OPTIONAL The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
<arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
<CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
<Vendor> OPTIONAL *
<FileName> REQUIRED Refer to 4.3.1 to 4.3.4 sections for the file
naming format.