diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 40beb79..085f604 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+## [v0.3.0](https://github.com/thesobercoder/polygon/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0) (2023-10-06)
+### Features
+- Add Top Half
+- Add Bottom Half
+### Shortcuts
+- Changed Center HD shortcut from CTRL+WIN+q to CTRL+WIN+/
+- Changed Center HD shortcut from CTRL+WIN+q to CTRL+WIN+/
## [v0.2.0](https://github.com/thesobercoder/polygon/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0) (2023-09-27)
### Features
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 09f8906..fb32d34 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Here are the shortcuts available in Polygon.
| Status | Shortcut | Layout | Conflicts |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | --------------- |
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+C | Center |
-| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+Q | Center HD | Quick Assist |
+| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+` | Center HD | |
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+W | Center Half | |
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+[ | Left Half | |
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+] | Right Half | |
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ Here are the shortcuts available in Polygon.
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+B | Bottom Right Sixth | |
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+N | Top Center Sixth | Narrator |
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+M | Bottom Center Sixth | Magnifier |
-| :construction: | | Top Half | |
-| :construction: | | Bottom Half | |
+| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+- | Top Half | |
+| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+= | Bottom Half | |
| :construction: | | First Two Thirds | |
| :construction: | | Last Two Thirds | |
| :white_check_mark: | CTRL+WIN+U | Top Left | |
diff --git a/polygon.ahk b/polygon.ahk
index e0213ab..65615e9 100644
--- a/polygon.ahk
+++ b/polygon.ahk
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
;-- Ahk2Exe properties
;@Ahk2Exe-SetName Polygon
-;@Ahk2Exe-SetVersion 0.2.0
+;@Ahk2Exe-SetVersion 0.3.0
;@Ahk2Exe-SetCompanyName Soham Dasgupta
;@Ahk2Exe-SetDescription A window manager for Windows 10/11 powered by AutoHotkey
;-- Globals
-global APP_VERSION := "0.2.0"
+global APP_VERSION := "0.3.0"
global APP_NAME := "Polygon"
global APP_REPO_OWNER := "thesobercoder"
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ global APP_INI_SECTION_SHORTCUT := "Shortcut"
global APP_INI_SECTION_TOAST := "Toast"
global APP_SETTING_ISTOASTENABLED := IniRead(APP_INI_FILE, APP_INI_SECTION_TOAST, "Show", "1") == "1" ? true : false
A_IconTip := APP_NAME
;-- Register global error logging
;-- On startup check for version update
;-- Context Menu
tray := A_TrayMenu
@@ -61,61 +59,45 @@ tray.Add("Feedback", SubmitFeedback)
tray.Add("Restart", Restart)
tray.Add("Exit", Terminate)
tray.Default := "Version"
-LogError(exception, mode)
+LogError(exception, mode) {
; Get the user's application data folder
PolygonDataFolder := A_AppData . "\Polygon"
PolygonLogPath := PolygonDataFolder . "\errorlog.txt"
; Create the folder if it doesn't exist
if (!DirExist(PolygonDataFolder))
; Append the error message to the log file
FileAppend("Error on line " . exception.Line . ": " . exception.Message . "`n", PolygonLogPath)
; Display a message to the user
result := MsgBox('Polygon encountered an error. The error has been logged in the "errorlog.txt" file. Open folder location?', APP_NAME, "YesNo Iconx")
if (result == "Yes")
return true
-Toast(Message, r, l, t, b)
+Toast(Message, r, l, t, b) {
;-- Return if toast is not enabled
;-- Calculate the center of the current monitor
centerX := Ceil((l + r) / 2)
centerY := Ceil((b + t) / 2)
title := APP_NAME . " 08ab0337-daeb-4b9c-b01d-11fbc97e1dcb"
hWnd := WinExist(title)
if (hWnd > 0)
toastGui := Gui()
toastGui.Opt("+ToolWindow -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +Disabled")
toastGui.BackColor := "000000"
toastGui.SetFont("cFFFFFF S18", "Verdana")
toastGui.add("Text", "Center X0 Y90 W278 H210", Message)
toastGui.Title := title
toastGui.Show("X" (centerX - 139) " Y" (centerY - 55) " H210 W278 NA")
WinSetRegion("0-0 H210 W278 R30-30", title)
WinSetExStyle(32, title)
Loop 60
if (A_Index = 1)
@@ -136,9 +118,7 @@ Toast(Message, r, l, t, b)
+ParseVersionString(version) {
regex := "v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"
if (RegExMatch(version, regex, &parsedVersion))
@@ -148,23 +128,18 @@ ParseVersionString(version)
major := parsedVersion[1]
minor := parsedVersion[2]
patch := parsedVersion[3]
return Number(major) * 10000 + Number(minor) * 100 + Number(patch)
return 0
+CheckForUpdate(args*) {
version := GetLatestGitHubRelease(APP_REPO_OWNER, APP_REPO_NAME)
; Check if the request was successful
if (version)
newVersion := ParseVersionString(version)
currentVersion := ParseVersionString(APP_VERSION_NAME)
;-- Check if the latest version is greater
if (newVersion > currentVersion)
@@ -176,15 +151,12 @@ CheckForUpdate(args*)
if (args && args.Length > 0 && args[1] == "Check for Updates")
MsgBox("You already have the latest version.", APP_NAME, "Iconi")
-GetLatestGitHubRelease(owner, repo)
+GetLatestGitHubRelease(owner, repo) {
req := ComObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
req.open("GET", "https://api.github.com/repos/" . owner . "/" . repo . "/releases/latest", false)
@@ -193,10 +165,8 @@ GetLatestGitHubRelease(owner, repo)
MsgBox("Error checking for update. Please try after some time.", APP_NAME, "Iconx")
res := JSONParse(req.responseText)
return res.tag_name
htmlfile := ComObject("HTMLFile")
@@ -204,32 +174,21 @@ GetLatestGitHubRelease(owner, repo)
return htmlfile.parentWindow.JSON.parse(str)
+SubmitFeedback(*) {
+Restart(*) {
+ShowHelp(*) {
+Terminate(*) {
+ShowVersion(*) {
MsgBox("Version " . APP_VERSION, APP_NAME, "Iconi")
;-- Map Hotkeys
@@ -250,352 +209,282 @@ Hotkey(APP_SHORTCUT_TOPLEFT, TopLeft)
+Center(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the center of the current monitor
centerX := Ceil(((l + r) - (ofl + ofr)) / 2)
centerY := Ceil(((t + b) - (ofb + oft)) / 2)
;-- Move the active window to the center of the current monitor
WinMove(centerX - w / 2, centerY - h / 2, w + ofl + ofr, h + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Center", r, l, t, b)
+CenterHD(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Set desired window dimension
rw := Min(1920, ((r + ofr) - (l + ofl)))
rh := Min(1080, ((b + ofb) - (t + oft)))
;-- Calculate the center of the current monitor with desired size
centerX := Ceil(((l + r) - (ofl + ofr)) / 2)
centerY := Ceil(((t + b) - (ofb + oft)) / 2)
;-- Move the active window to the center of the current monitor with desired size
WinMove(Ceil(centerX - rw / 2), Ceil(centerY - rh / 2), rw + ofl + ofr, rh + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Center HD", r, l, t, b)
+CenterHalf(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of half of the monitor
HalfWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 2)
;-- Calculate the horizontal position for centering
CenterX := (l - ofl) + Ceil(((r - ofr) - (l - ofl)) / 2) - Ceil(HalfWidth / 2)
;-- Set the window position to the center half of the monitor
WinMove(CenterX, t - oft, HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, (b - t) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Center Half", r, l, t, b)
+CenterTwoThird(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate two third width of screen
TwoThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) * 2 / 3)
;-- Calculate horizontal position for centering
CenterX := (l - ofl) + Ceil(((r - ofr) - (l - ofl)) / 2) - Ceil(TwoThirdWidth / 2)
;-- Set window position to center two third width
WinMove(CenterX, t - oft, TwoThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, (b - t) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Center Two Third", r, l, t, b)
+FirstThird(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of one third of the monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Set the window position to the left one third of the monitor
WinMove(l - ofl, t - oft, OneThirdWidth + ofr + ofl, (b - t) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("First Third", r, l, t, b)
+CenterThird(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of one third of the monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Calculate the horizontal position for centering
CenterX := (l - ofl) + Ceil(((r - ofr) - (l - ofl)) / 2) - Ceil(OneThirdWidth / 2)
;-- Set the window position to the center one third of the monitor
WinMove(CenterX, t - oft, OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, (b - t) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Center Third", r, l, t, b)
+LastThird(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate width of one third of monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Calculate horizontal position for right aligning
RightX := (r - ofr) - OneThirdWidth
;-- Set window position to right one third of monitor
WinMove(RightX, t - oft, OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, (b - t) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Last Third", r, l, t, b)
+TopLeftSixth(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of one third of the monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Set the window position to the left one third of the monitor and top half of it
WinMove(l - ofl, t - oft, OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofb, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Top Left Sixth", r, l, t, b)
+BottomLeftSixth(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of one third of the monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Set the window position to left one third of monitor and bottom half of it
WinMove(l - ofl, Ceil(b - (b - t) / 2), OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Bottom Left Sixth", r, l, t, b)
+TopRightSixth(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate width of one third of monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Calculate horizontal position for right aligning
RightX := (r - ofr) - OneThirdWidth
;-- Set window position to right one third of monitor and top half of it.
WinMove(RightX, t - oft, OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Top Right Sixth", r, l, t, b)
+BottomRightSixth(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate width of one third of monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Calculate horizontal position for right aligning
RightX := (r - ofr) - OneThirdWidth
;-- Set window position to right one third of monitor and bottom half of it
WinMove(RightX, Ceil(b - (b - t) / 2), OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Bottom Right Sixth", r, l, t, b)
+TopCenterSixth(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of one third of the monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Calculate the horizontal position for centering
CenterX := (l - ofl) + Ceil(((r - ofr) - (l - ofl)) / 2) - Ceil(OneThirdWidth / 2)
;-- Set the window position to top center one sixth of the monitor
WinMove(CenterX, t - oft, OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Top Center Sixth", r, l, t, b)
+BottomCenterSixth(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of one third of the monitor
OneThirdWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 3)
;-- Calculate the horizontal position for centering
CenterX := (l - ofl) + Ceil(((r - ofr) - (l - ofl)) / 2) - Ceil(OneThirdWidth / 2)
;-- Set the window position to bottom center one sixth of the monitor
WinMove(CenterX, Ceil(b - (b - t) / 2), OneThirdWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Bottom Center Sixth", r, l, t, b)
+LeftHalf(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of half of the monitor
HalfWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 2)
;-- Set the window position to the left half of the monitor
WinMove(l - ofl, t - oft, HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, (b - t) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Left Half", r, l, t, b)
+RightHalf(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of half of the monitor
HalfWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 2)
;-- Calculate horizontal position for right aligning
RightX := (r - ofr) - HalfWidth
;-- Set the window position to the right half of the monitor
WinMove(RightX, t - oft, HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, (b - t) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Right Half", r, l, t, b)
+TopLeft(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width as half of the monitor
HalfWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 2)
;-- Set the window position to the left half of the monitor and top half of it
WinMove(l - ofl, t - oft, HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Top Left", r, l, t, b)
+TopRight(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width as half of the monitor
HalfWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 2)
;-- Calculate horizontal position for right aligning
RightX := (r - ofr) - HalfWidth
;-- Set the window position to start from the middle of the monitor and extend to the very right edge
WinMove(RightX, t - oft, r - l - HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Top Right", r, l, t, b)
+BottomLeft(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width of half of the monitor
HalfWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 2)
;-- Calculate the height of half of the monitor
HalfHeight := Ceil((b - t) / 2)
;-- Set the window position to left one third of monitor and bottom half of it
- WinMove(l - ofl, Ceil(b - (b - t) / 2), HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
+ WinMove(l - ofl, Ceil(b - (b - t) / 2), HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, HalfHeight + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Bottom Left", r, l, t, b)
+BottomRight(*) {
if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
;-- Calculate the width as half of the monitor
HalfWidth := Ceil((r - l) / 2)
;-- Calculate horizontal position for right aligning
RightX := (r - ofr) - HalfWidth
;-- Set the window position to the right half of the monitor and bottom half of it
WinMove(RightX, Ceil(b - (b - t) / 2), HalfWidth + ofl + ofr, Ceil((b - t) / 2) + oft + ofb, hWnd)
;-- Show layout toast
Toast("Bottom Right", r, l, t, b)
-GetWindowRectEx(&hWindow := 0, &winX := 0, &winY := 0, &winW := 0, &winH := 0, &winOffsetLeft := 0, &winOffsetRight := 0, &winOffsetTop := 0, &winOffsetBottom := 0, &monRight := 0, &monLeft := 0, &monTop := 0, &monBottom := 0)
+TopHalf(*) {
+ if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
+ {
+ ;-- Calculate the height of half of the monitor
+ HalfHeight := Ceil((b - t) / 2)
+ ;-- Set the window position to the left half of the monitor and top half of it
+ WinMove(l - ofl, t - oft, Ceil((r - l)) + ofl + ofr, HalfHeight + oft + ofb, hWnd)
+ ;-- Show layout toast
+ Toast("Top Half", r, l, t, b)
+ }
+BottomHalf(*) {
+ if (GetWindowRectEx(&hWnd, &x, &y, &w, &h, &ofl, &ofr, &oft, &ofb, &r, &l, &t, &b))
+ {
+ ;-- Calculate the height of half of the monitor
+ HalfHeight := Ceil((b - t) / 2)
+ ;-- Set the window position to the left half of the monitor and top half of it
+ WinMove(l - ofl, Ceil(b - (b - t) / 2), Ceil((r - l)) + ofl + ofr, HalfHeight + oft + ofb, hWnd)
+ ;-- Show layout toast
+ Toast("Bottom Half", r, l, t, b)
+ }
+GetWindowRectEx(&hWindow := 0, &winX := 0, &winY := 0, &winW := 0, &winH := 0, &winOffsetLeft := 0, &winOffsetRight := 0, &winOffsetTop := 0, &winOffsetBottom := 0, &monRight := 0, &monLeft := 0, &monTop := 0, &monBottom := 0) {
;-- Get the handle of the active window
hWindow := WinExist("A")
if (hWindow > 0)
;-- Get the number of monitors
MonitorCount := MonitorGetCount()
;-- Get the dimensions of the current window
WinGetPosEx(hWindow, &winX, &winY, &winW, &winH, &winOffsetLeft, &winOffsetRight, &winOffsetTop, &winOffsetBottom)
;-- Loop through each monitor to find which one contains the active window
Loop MonitorCount
;-- Get the dimensions of the current monitor
MonitorGetWorkArea(A_Index, &monLeft, &monTop, &monRight, &monBottom)
;-- Check if the active window is within the current monitor
if (CheckWindowWithinMonitor(winX, winY, winW, winH, winOffsetLeft, winOffsetRight, winOffsetTop, winOffsetBottom, monRight, monLeft, monTop, monBottom))
@@ -603,46 +492,34 @@ GetWindowRectEx(&hWindow := 0, &winX := 0, &winY := 0, &winW := 0, &winH := 0, &
return false
-CheckWindowWithinMonitor(winX, winY, winW, winH, winOffsetLeft, winOffsetRight, winOffsetTop, winOffsetBottom, monRight, monLeft, monTop, monBottom)
+CheckWindowWithinMonitor(winX, winY, winW, winH, winOffsetLeft, winOffsetRight, winOffsetTop, winOffsetBottom, monRight, monLeft, monTop, monBottom) {
; Calculate the coordinates of the corners of the window
winLeft := winX + winOffsetLeft
winRight := winX + winW - winOffsetRight
winTop := winY + winOffsetTop
winBottom := winY + winH - winOffsetBottom
; Calculate the area of intersection between the window and the monitor
intersectionArea := (min(winRight, monRight) - max(winLeft, monLeft)) * (min(winBottom, monBottom) - max(winTop, monTop))
; Calculate the total area of the window
windowArea := winW * winH
; Check if more than 50% of the window is within the monitor
if (Round(intersectionArea / windowArea, 1) > 0.5)
return true
return false
-WinGetPosEx(hWindow, &winX := 0, &winY := 0, &winW := 0, &winH := 0, &winOffsetLeft := 0, &winOffsetRight := 0, &winOffsetTop := 0, &winOffsetBottom := 0)
+WinGetPosEx(hWindow, &winX := 0, &winY := 0, &winW := 0, &winH := 0, &winOffsetLeft := 0, &winOffsetRight := 0, &winOffsetTop := 0, &winOffsetBottom := 0) {
;-- Workaround for AutoHotkey Basic
PtrType := (A_PtrSize = 8) ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
;-- Get the window's dimensions
;-- Note: Only the first 16 bytes of the RECTPlus structure are used by the
;-- DwmGetWindowAttribute and GetWindowRect functions.
RECTPlus := Buffer(32, 0)
DllCall("Dwmapi.dll\DwmGetWindowAttribute", PtrType, hWindow, "UInt", DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS, PtrType, RECTPlus, "UInt", 16)
;-- Populate the output variables
winX := Left := NumGet(RECTPlus, 0, "Int")
winY := Top := NumGet(RECTPlus, 4, "Int")
@@ -654,7 +531,6 @@ WinGetPosEx(hWindow, &winX := 0, &winY := 0, &winW := 0, &winH := 0, &winOffsetL
winOffsetRight := 0
winOffsetTop := 0
winOffsetBottom := 0
;-- Collect dimensions via GetWindowRect
RECT := Buffer(16, 0)
DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowRect", PtrType, hWindow, PtrType, RECT)
@@ -662,12 +538,10 @@ WinGetPosEx(hWindow, &winX := 0, &winY := 0, &winW := 0, &winH := 0, &winOffsetL
GWR_Top := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
GWR_Right := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int")
GWR_Bottom := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int")
;-- Calculate offsets and update output variables
NumPut("Int", winOffsetLeft := Left - GWR_Left, RECTPlus, 16)
NumPut("Int", winOffsetTop := Top - GWR_Top, RECTPlus, 20)
NumPut("Int", winOffsetRight := GWR_Right - Right, RECTPlus, 24)
NumPut("Int", winOffsetBottom := GWR_Bottom - Bottom, RECTPlus, 28)
Return &RECTPlus
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/polygon.ini b/polygon.ini
index 3d3f652..3c0f311 100644
--- a/polygon.ini
+++ b/polygon.ini
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ TopLeft="^#u"