Journal - Simple App for creating notes React Native, Native-Base, GraphQl with Apollo and expo build Email-Password Auth handles server errors allows to add, edit and remove created notes Setting up GraphCool (hosted DB CMS) setup your account create new project and insert DB Schema provided below probably provide some user access restrictions on posts API update App.js to match your key const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: 'XXXXXXXXX' }); DB Schema type File @model { contentType: String! createdAt: DateTime! id: ID! @isUnique name: String! secret: String! @isUnique size: Int! updatedAt: DateTime! url: String! @isUnique } type Post @model { body: String! id: ID! @isUnique title: String! createdAt: DateTime! user: User! @relation(name: "PostOnUser") } type User @model { createdAt: DateTime! id: ID! @isUnique updatedAt: DateTime! email: String @isUnique password: String posts: [Post!]! @relation(name: "PostOnUser") }