Pools values from edges to nodes, or from nodes or edges to context.
graph_tensor: GraphTensor,
to_tag: IncidentNodeOrContextTag,
edge_set_name: Union[Sequence[EdgeSetName], EdgeSetName, None] = None,
node_set_name: Union[Sequence[NodeSetName], NodeSetName, None] = None,
reduce_type: str,
feature_value: Union[Sequence[Field], Field, None] = None,
feature_name: Optional[FieldName] = None
) -> Field
This function pools to context if to_tag=tfgnn.CONTEXT
and pools from edges to
incident nodes if to_tag
is an ordinary node tag like
The edge_set_name
(or node_set_name
, when pooling to context) can be set to
a single name, or to a non-empty list of names. Pooling is done as if all named
edge sets (or node sets) were concatenated into a single edge set (or node set).
For example, pool(reduce_type="mean", edge_sets=["a", "b"], ...)
will form the
sum over all edges in "a" and "b" and divide by their total number, giving equal
weight to each.
The following choices of reduce_type
are supported:
reduce_type |
Description |
"sum" |
element-wise sum of input tensors |
"prod" |
element-wise product of input tensors (beware of overflow) |
"mean" |
element-wise mean (average), or zero for no inputs |
"max" |
element-wise maximum, or -inf for no inputs |
"max_no_inf" |
element-wise maximum, or zero for no inputs |
"min" |
element-wise minimum, or -inf for no inputs |
"min_no_inf" |
element-wise minimum, or zero for no inputs |
The helper function
returns a list of these values.
Moreover, reduce_type
can be set to a |
-separated list of reduce types, such
as reduce_type="mean|sum"
, which will return the concatenation of their
individual results along the innermost axis in the order of appearance.
support RaggedTensors.
A scalar GraphTensor. |
Values are pooled to context if this is tfgnn.CONTEXT or to the
incident node on each edge with this tag.
The name of the edge set from which values are pooled, or
a non-empty sequence of such names. Unless to_tag=tfgnn.CONTEXT ,
all named edge sets must have the same incident node set at the given tag.
The name of the node set from which values are pooled,
or a non-empty sequence of such names. Can only be set with
to_tag=tfgnn.CONTEXT . Exactly one of edge_set_name or node_set_name
must be set.
A string with the name of a pooling operation, or multiple ones
separated by | . See the table above for the known names.
A tensor or list of tensors, parallel to the node_set_names
or edge_set_names, to supply the input values of pooling. Each tensor
has shape [num_items, *feature_shape] , where num_items is the number
of edges in the given edge set or nodes in the given node set, and
*feature_shape is the same across all inputs. The *feature_shape may
contain ragged dimensions. All the ragged values that are reduced onto
any one item of the graph must have the same ragged index structure,
so that a result can be computed from them.
The name of a feature stored on each graph piece from which pooling is done, for use instead of an explicity passed feature_value. Exactly one of feature_name or feature_value must be set. |
A tensor with the result of pooling from the conceptual concatenation of the
named edge set(s) or node set(s) to the destination selected by to_tag .
Its shape is [num_items, *feature_shape] , where num_items is the number
of destination nodes (or graph components if to_tag=tfgnn.CONTEXT )
and *feature_shape is as for all the inputs.