0.2.0 (Jan 2015)
ESON is a Exa-scale binary format in which key-value pairs are stored.
ESON format is strongly affected by BSON, and ESON can be considered 64bit binary extension of BSON. So readers are welcome to refer BSON specification (http://bsonspec.org/)
ESON uses little-endian
type | bytes | comment |
byte | 1 | 8-bits byte |
int64 | 8 | 64-bit signed integer |
double | 8 | 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point |
symbol | expression | comment | |
document | := | int64 elems | ESON document. The int64 is total number of bytes in the document. |
elems | := | element elems | Sequence of elements |
| : | nil |
element | := | "\x01" key double | floating point value | : | "\x02" key int64 | integer value | : | "\x03" key byte | bool value | : | "\x04" key string | UTF-8 string | : | "\x05" key int64 document | Array value(not yet implemented) | : | "\x06" key binary | Binary value | : | "\x07" key document | Object value key | : | chars + '\0' | Null terminated string string | := | N chars | Number of chars(int64) + char(byte) array binary | := | N bytes | Number of bytes(int64) + byte array