title | date | firstname | lastname | year_arrived | year_left | still_around | status | website | google_scholar | github | labs | draft | |||||
Ross Clarke |
2020-12-14 09:32:37 UTC |
Ross |
Clarke |
2018 |
true |
student |
rmclarke |
ross-clarke |
false |
Since joining the group as a PhD student in 2018, my research has explored the automation and democratisation of machine learning, including aspects of hyperparameter optimisation and architecture search, with additional interests in the ethics and societal implications of our field. I'm supervised by Dr José Miguel Hernández-Lobato under funding from EPSRC. Previously, I received the BA and MEng degrees in Engineering from the University of Cambridge, specialising in Information and Computer Engineering, with a year's study of topics in Software Engineering and Aeronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.