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142 lines (119 loc) · 4.83 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (119 loc) · 4.83 KB



Combines SQL with regular expressions to provide a new way to filter and process text files.


  • Requires cargo (
  • Build with: cargo build --release
  • Build output in target/release/sqlgrep


First, a schema needs to be defined that will transform text lines into structured data:

CREATE TABLE connections(
    line = 'connection from ([0-9.]+) \\((.+)?\\) at ([a-zA-Z]+) ([a-zA-Z]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)',

    line[1] => ip TEXT,
    line[2] => hostname TEXT,
    line[9] => year INT,
    line[4] => month TEXT,
    line[5] => day INT,
    line[6] => hour INT,
    line[7] => minute INT,
    line[8] => second INT

If we want to know the IP and hostname for all connections which have a hostname in the file testdata/ftpd_data.txt with the table definition above in testdata/ftpd.txt we can do:

sqlgrep -d testdata/ftpd.txt testdata/ftpd_data.txt -c "SELECT ip, hostname FROM connections WHERE hostname IS NOT NULL"

We can also do it "live" by tailing following the file (note the -f argument):

sqlgrep -d testdata/ftpd.txt testdata/ftpd_data.txt -f -c "SELECT ip, hostname FROM connections WHERE hostname IS NOT NULL"

If we want to know how many connection attempts we get per hostname (i.e. a group by query):

sqlgrep -d testdata/ftpd.txt testdata/ftpd_data.txt -c "SELECT hostname, COUNT() AS count FROM connections GROUP BY hostname"

See testdata folder and src/ for more examples.


Tries to follow the SQL standard, so you should expect that normal SQL queries work. However, not every feature is supported yet.


Supported features:

  • Where.
  • Group by.
  • Aggregates.
  • Having.
  • Inner & outer joins. The joined table is loaded completely in memory.
  • Limits.
  • Extract(x FROM y) for timestamps.
  • Case expressions.

Supported aggregates:

  • count(x)
  • min(x)
  • max(x)
  • sum(x)
  • avg(x)
  • stddev(x)
  • variance(x)
  • percentile(x, p): calculates the p percentile of x where p in interval [0.0, 1.0]
  • bool_and(x)
  • bool_or(x)
  • array_agg(x)
  • string_agg(x, delimiter)

Supported functions:

  • sqrt(REAL) => REAL
  • pow(REAL, REAL) => REAL
  • regex_matches(TEXT, TEXT) => BOOLEAN
  • length(TEXT) => INT
  • upper(TEXT) => TEXT
  • lower(TEXT) => TEXT
  • array_unique(ARRAY) => ARRAY
  • array_length(ARRAY) => INT
  • array_cat(ARRAY, ARRAY) => ARRAY
  • array_append(ARRAY, ANY) => ARRAY
  • array_prepend(ANY, ARRAY) => ARRAY
  • now() => TIMESTAMP
  • make_timestamp(INT, INT, INT, INT, INT, INT, INT) => TIMESTAMP
  • date_trunc(TEXT, TIMESTAMP) => TIMESTAMP

Special features

The input file can either be specified using the CLI or as an additional argument to the FROM statement as following:

SELECT * FROM connections::'file.log';



    Separate pattern and column definition. Pattern can be used in multiple column definitions.
    <pattern name> = '<regex patern>',
    <pattern name>[<group index>] => <column name> <column type>,
    Use regex splits instead of matches.
    <pattern name> = split '<regex patern>',

    Inline regex. Will be bound to the first group
    '<regex patern>' => <column name> <column type>
    Array pattern. Will create array of fixed sized based on the given patterns.
    <pattern name>[<group index>], <pattern name>[<group index>], ... => <column name> <element type>[],
    Timestamp pattern. Will create a timestamp. Year, month, day, hour, minute, second. Each part is optional.
    <pattern name>[<group index>], <pattern name>[<group index>], ... => <column name> TIMESTAMP,
    Json pattern. Will access the given attribute.
    { .field1.field2 } => <column name> <column type>,
    { .field1[<array index>] } => <column name> <column type>,

Multiple tables can be defined in the same file.

Supported types

  • TEXT: String type.
  • INT: 64-bits integer type.
  • REAL: 64-bits float type.
  • BOOLEAN: Boolean type. When extracting data, it means the existence of a group.
  • <element type>[]: Array types such as real[].
  • TIMESTAMP: Timestamp type.
  • INTERVAL: Interval type.


Placed after the column type and adds additional constraints/transforms when extracting vale for a column.

  • NOT NULL: The column cannot be NULL. If a not null column gets a null value, the row is skipped.
  • TRIM: Trim string types for whitespaces.
  • CONVERT: Tries to convert a string value into the value type.
  • DEFAULT <value>: Use this as default value instead of NULL.
  • MICROSECONDS: The decimal second part is in microseconds, not milliseconds.