Releases: susy2015/TopTaggerCfg
Add variable to overlapResolution for csv threshold (used in mvaDiscWithb sort mode)
Add variable to overlapResolution for csv threshold (used in mvaDiscWithb sort mode)
First commit of high purity working place (called previously the very tight working point)
This tag includes new options in the TTMOpenCVMVA module to allow rejection of top candidates with more than one b-jet. This drastically reduces the fakerate as a function of Nb, with a small cost to overall efficiency. This release also contains updates to include the mva training variables in the config file for TTMOpenCVMVA. Updates to TTMRemainingSystem config to support new variables associated with including AK8W jets in the Rsys are included. A missing parameter for CSV threshold was added to TTMRemainingSystem. Note that this configuration is intended to be used with TopTagger tag HadStopAnaDevel_v4_Moriond2017_Dec17_2016
This tag includes new options in the TTMOpenCVMVA module to allow rejection of top candidates with more than one b-jet. This drastically reduces the fakerate as a function of Nb, with a small cost to overall efficiency. This release also contains updates to include the mva training variables in the config file for TTMOpenCVMVA. Updates to TTMRemainingSystem config to support new variables associated with including AK8W jets in the Rsys are included. A missing parameter for CSV threshold was added to TTMRemainingSystem. Note that this configuration is intended to be used with TopTagger tag HadStopAnaDevel_v4_Moriond2017_Dec17_2016
Add missing rsys parameter as well as new W options (useless for Legacy tagger)
This tag includes new options in the TTMOpenCVMVA module to allow rejection of top candidates with more than one b-jet. This drastically reduces the fakerate as a function of Nb, with a small cost to overall efficiency. This release also contains updates to include the mva training variables in the config file for TTMOpenCVMVA. Updates to TTMRemainingSystem config to support new variables associated with including AK8W jets in the Rsys are included. A missing parameter for CSV threshold was added to TTMRemainingSystem. Note that this configuration is intended to be used with TopTagger tag HadStopAnaDevel_v4_Moriond2017_Dec17_2016
Update legacy configuration to have 1.5 cone requirement on Rsys pair
Update dRMax for Rsys to 1.5 (had no cut before)
Update resolved jet pt thereshold from 30 to 20 GeV