Course Number: CSE 190Z
Course Title: STARS CSE 143 Seminar
Offering: Winter 2017
Class: [90 minutes] Tuesdays 5:00 – 6:30, Room CSE 203
Holidays: None
Credit Hours: 2 (CR/NC)
Prerequisites: None
Description: Students will receive support to ensure success in CSE 143, this will include reinforcing concepts through practice quizzes, practice exams, white-board exercises and homework problem sets. Some students will also be expected to attend a 30-minute check-in meeting each week to evaluate their progress and determine additional supports needed.
Final: No standard final
Susan Evans, Instructor |
Office hours: By appointment |
Office location: CSE 202 |
Mail: [email protected] |
Students will need regular access to a computer with Java and jGRASP installed, both are available to students for free.
Students are expected to check Slack and GitHub daily for announcements, and discussions.
- Building Java Programs by Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp, 2nd or 3rd edition (~$50 online)
General components that will influence your grade:
- Attending and actively participating in the workshop and check-in meetings
- Reaching out if you are struggling with material in CSE143
- Completing all homework assignments
- Preparing and succeeding on in-class practice exams
The grade weighting is as follows:
- 50% Participation: Actively participating in workshop and check-in meeting sessions
- 30% Homework: Completing all assigned homework assignments
- 20% Practice Exam: Preparing for and succeeding on the practice exams (Midterm and Final)
You must earn an 80% or higher to receive credit for this course.
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services: 448 Schmitz, 206-543-8924 (V/TTY). If you have a letter from DSS indicating that you have a disability which requires academic accommodations, please present the letter to me so we can discuss the accommodations you might need in the class.
Academic accommodations due to disability will not be made unless the student has a letter from DSS specifying the type and nature of accommodations needed.