diff --git a/.changeset/large-games-impress.md b/.changeset/large-games-impress.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4544d6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/large-games-impress.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+'@supabase/auth-ui-react': minor
+Themes now need to be imported and used as a prop in the `` component
diff --git a/packages/react/common/theming/defaultThemes.ts b/packages/react/common/theming/defaultThemes.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9ef3786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/common/theming/defaultThemes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * Create default theme
+ *
+ * createStitches()
+ * https://stitches.dev/docs/api#theme
+ *
+ * to add a new theme use createTheme({})
+ * https://stitches.dev/docs/api#theme
+ */
+import { Theme } from './../../src/types'
+// brand: 'hsl(252 62% 55%)',
+// brandAccent: 'hsl(252 62% 45%)',
+export const Supa: Theme = {
+ default: {
+ colors: {
+ brand: 'hsl(153 60.0% 53.0%)',
+ brandAccent: 'hsl(154 54.8% 45.1%)',
+ brandButtonText: 'white',
+ defaultButtonBackground: 'white',
+ defaultButtonBackgroundHover: '#eaeaea',
+ defaultButtonBorder: 'lightgray',
+ defaultButtonText: 'gray',
+ dividerBackground: '#eaeaea',
+ inputBackground: 'transparent',
+ inputBorder: 'lightgray',
+ inputBorderHover: 'gray',
+ inputBorderFocus: 'gray',
+ inputText: 'black',
+ inputLabelText: 'gray',
+ inputPlaceholder: 'darkgray',
+ messageText: 'gray',
+ messageTextDanger: 'red',
+ anchorTextColor: 'gray',
+ anchorTextHoverColor: 'darkgray',
+ },
+ space: {
+ spaceSmall: '4px',
+ spaceMedium: '8px',
+ spaceLarge: '16px',
+ labelBottomMargin: '8px',
+ anchorBottomMargin: '4px',
+ emailInputSpacing: '4px',
+ socialAuthSpacing: '4px',
+ buttonPadding: '10px 15px',
+ inputPadding: '10px 15px',
+ },
+ fontSizes: {
+ baseBodySize: '13px',
+ baseInputSize: '14px',
+ baseLabelSize: '14px',
+ baseButtonSize: '14px',
+ },
+ fonts: {
+ bodyFontFamily: `ui-sans-serif, sans-serif`,
+ buttonFontFamily: `ui-sans-serif, sans-serif`,
+ inputFontFamily: `ui-sans-serif, sans-serif`,
+ labelFontFamily: `ui-sans-serif, sans-serif`,
+ },
+ // fontWeights: {},
+ // lineHeights: {},
+ // letterSpacings: {},
+ // sizes: {},
+ borderWidths: {
+ buttonBorderWidth: '1px',
+ inputBorderWidth: '1px',
+ },
+ // borderStyles: {},
+ radii: {
+ borderRadiusButton: '4px',
+ buttonBorderRadius: '4px',
+ inputBorderRadius: '4px',
+ },
+ // shadows: {},
+ // zIndices: {},
+ // transitions: {},
+ },
+ dark: {
+ colors: {
+ brandButtonText: 'white',
+ defaultButtonBackground: '#2e2e2e',
+ defaultButtonBackgroundHover: '#3e3e3e',
+ defaultButtonBorder: '#3e3e3e',
+ defaultButtonText: 'white',
+ dividerBackground: '#2e2e2e',
+ inputBackground: '#1e1e1e',
+ inputBorder: '#3e3e3e',
+ inputBorderHover: 'gray',
+ inputBorderFocus: 'gray',
+ inputText: 'white',
+ inputPlaceholder: 'darkgray',
+ },
+ },
+export const Minimal: Theme = {
+ default: {
+ colors: {
+ brand: 'black',
+ brandAccent: '#333333',
+ brandButtonText: 'white',
+ defaultButtonBackground: 'white',
+ defaultButtonBorder: 'lightgray',
+ defaultButtonText: 'gray',
+ dividerBackground: '#eaeaea',
+ inputBackground: 'transparent',
+ inputBorder: 'lightgray',
+ inputText: 'black',
+ inputPlaceholder: 'darkgray',
+ },
+ space: {
+ spaceSmall: '4px',
+ spaceMedium: '8px',
+ spaceLarge: '16px',
+ },
+ fontSizes: {
+ baseInputSize: '14px',
+ baseLabelSize: '12px',
+ },
+ fonts: {
+ bodyFontFamily: '',
+ inputFontFamily: '',
+ buttonFontFamily: '',
+ labelFontFamily: '',
+ // linkFontFamily: '',
+ },
+ // fontWeights: {},
+ // lineHeights: {},
+ // letterSpacings: {},
+ // sizes: {},
+ borderWidths: {},
+ // borderStyles: {},
+ radii: {},
+ // shadows: {},
+ // zIndices: {},
+ // transitions: {},
+ },
+ dark: {
+ colors: {
+ brand: 'white',
+ brandAccent: '#afafaf',
+ brandButtonText: 'black',
+ defaultButtonBackground: '#080808',
+ defaultButtonBorder: 'black',
+ defaultButtonText: 'white',
+ dividerBackground: 'black',
+ inputBackground: 'transparent',
+ inputBorder: 'gray',
+ inputText: 'black',
+ inputPlaceholder: 'darkgray',
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components/Auth/Appearance.stories.tsx b/packages/react/src/components/Auth/Appearance.stories.tsx
index 3a98558e..7534581b 100644
--- a/packages/react/src/components/Auth/Appearance.stories.tsx
+++ b/packages/react/src/components/Auth/Appearance.stories.tsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import { useDarkMode } from 'storybook-dark-mode'
import { Auth } from '.'
import { Button, Message } from '../UI'
+import { Supa } from './../../../common/theming/defaultThemes'
const supabase = createClient(
@@ -35,14 +36,14 @@ export const Default = (args: any) => {
+ // // return
+ // })
+ const [authView, setAuthView] = useState(view)
+ const [defaultEmail, setDefaultEmail] = useState('')
+ const [defaultPassword, setDefaultPassword] = useState('')
+ /**
+ * Simple boolean to detect if authView 'sign_in' or 'sign_up' is used
+ *
+ * @returns boolean
+ */
+ const SignView = authView === 'sign_in' || authView === 'sign_up'
* Create default theme
@@ -82,32 +95,11 @@ function Auth({
theme: merge(
- themes[appearance.theme ?? 'supabase'],
- appearance.variables?.light ?? {}
+ appearance?.theme?.default,
+ appearance?.variables?.default ?? {}
- /**
- * merge theme variables with for dark theme
- */
- const darkTheme = createTheme(
- merge(
- themes.darkThemes[appearance.theme ?? 'supabase'],
- appearance.variables?.dark ?? {}
- )
- )
- const [authView, setAuthView] = useState(view)
- const [defaultEmail, setDefaultEmail] = useState('')
- const [defaultPassword, setDefaultPassword] = useState('')
- /**
- * Simple boolean to detect if authView 'sign_in' or 'sign_up' is used
- *
- * @returns boolean
- */
- const SignView = authView === 'sign_in' || authView === 'sign_up'
* Wraps around all auth components
* renders the social auth providers if SignView is true
@@ -118,7 +110,19 @@ function Auth({
* @returns React.ReactNode
const Container = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => (