title: Programming as analogy. Rubymeditation author: name: Джон, просто Джон github: sudodoki twitter: sudodoki theme: sudodoki/reveal-cleaver-theme output: index.html -- Programming as analogy Part II -- Это всего лишь аналогия. А любая аналогия условна. -- Software development = music -- Backend = rhythm section -- Frontend = melody & other stuff -- If thought this way, then, some common things… -- BaaS Look ma, no Backend -- Enterprise-y team -- Hip team working on enterprise -- Full-stack developer -- Bad team that has great PR & pushing product -- Autotune = linters -- Backender doing Frontend -- Scaffolded/generated backend -- Backend not keeping up with the spec -- Burnout aka too much work -- Creating fancy frontend demo for customer -- Orchestration -- Whenever there are breaking changes in backend -- Different languages = different instruments 🎹🎷🎺🎸🎻 -- Different music styles = different type of projects -- Computer Science = Music theory ♩♪♫♬♭♮♯ -- Patterns = scales, chords, … -- Go on and create nice music! 🎹🎤🎧🎼🎷🎺🎸🎻 -- The Passionate Programmer