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Login after prolonged inactivity - what am I doing wrong? #1089

Answered by giogina
giogina asked this question in Q&A
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Finally figured it out! As usual, the answer is: because I'm an idiot, that's why :p My code finally ran through without errors, happened upon a cl.logout() call, slept for a couple hours, and tried the login; but since cl.username was still assigned, the client thought I must still be logged in, resulting in the cl.login(username, password) doing nothing. Then when requesting the feed, the server went wtf you're logged out, what do you want. After removing the logout(), everything runs smoothly. It remains to be seen if it still works once the session expires.
Leaving the post up for now in case it helps another lost soul, but feel free to remove if it's clogging up the discussions.

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