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File metadata and controls

77 lines (52 loc) · 5.79 KB


OoDoc ia a project based on the principle of "docs as code" and is a solution utilising common devops tools such as Ansible, Jinja2 and Netbox as well as methodolgies like object orientated programming or in this case object orientated documentation.

Primarily it is structured to generate a static website for system of systems archictecure but can be tailored to other uses-cases

The primary compontents of the project are:

  • Ansible for control and orchestration
  • GIT for version control
  • MKDOCS for html rendering
  • Jinja2 for templating of configuration and markdown files
  • Markdown for documentation
  • YAML data formating
  • MKDOCS Plugins


  • Control Node: The node where OoDoc resides and where control of the project is executed.
  • Project: The project that is being documented, commonly used term is project repo.
  • Project Repo: The git repository that is used/gerneted by the control node.


A new git repository for version control of the documentation, it must not be initiated as this is completed by the inital deployment.

A NGINX server for site hosting however, you can run this locally but this is not recommended.

Public SSH keys of control node and webserver on the GIT repo.

Key Files

Role Template/var Input File Description Output Files
Control Node var mkdocs_build.yml General vars for the project and project repo NA
Control Node var requirements Requirements for the project **
Control Node var secret.yml Ansible secrets used by the control node such as git un/pw, netbox api etc. NA
Control Node var sos_master.yml System heirarchy structure and supporting folders *system dirs and files*
Control node Template * Templates to render markdown pages for Systems **
Control node Template * Templates to render markdown pages for Requirements **
Control node Template Project index page
Control node Template mkdocs.yml.j2 Project mkdocs configuration file mkdocs.yml
nginx var main.yml Genral vars for the hosting web server including project path to store the project NA
nginx var secret.yml Secrets for nginx node NA
nginx Template nginx.conf.j2 Renders nginx configuration nginx.conf
NA (Inventory) NA Inventory.ini Control and nginx host specification NA

Use this command to build the site xvfb-run -a mkdocs build

Key playbooks

Run main.yml --tags init on initiation, note if the project repo has a remote origin the playbok will fail as it assumes your project is already instatiated and to mitigate any unintended changes will exit.

Run main.yml --tags update_project_template to update templates, this will create a template branch. Template update branch only viewable on control node or on git and will need to be merged into your working branch.

Run main.yml --tags update_project_systems this will go over the sos.yaml and requirements.yaml and generate any new systems or requirements that were added. It wil also update the mkdocs.yml file to include these new files in the rendering.


TAG Action
update_project_mkdocs_template Updates project mkdocs.yml file with the new template
push_project_update Pushes the latest version of the project to git and the web server
update_project_systems Updates directory, files and mkdocs.yml file with any updates to sos_master.yml
update_project_template Automatically render file templates into a temporary branch to be mergded
init Used to initiate the project (Note: Wont work after the first time)

Instructions on