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Releases: statsig-io/dotnet-sdk

v1.10.0 - options to configure sync intervals and memory optimization

27 May 01:10
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  • added 2 new options to configure how often the SDK tries to sync with Statsig server for updates:

    • RulesetsSyncInterval for interval to sync experiments' and feature gates' definition changes;
    • IDListsSyncInterval for interval to sync ID lists' changes.
  • some memory usage optimization

v1.9.1 - add error handling for UAParser

23 May 22:42
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v1.9.0 - added support for server SDK to bootstrap initialize response for client SDKs

18 May 20:49
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[Internal usage only]

This version of the SDK added support for the server SDK to be able to compose the response for client SDK's initialize requests.

v1.8.0 - added support for getLayer; ID List rework

19 Apr 00:56
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  • Introduces getLayer API to Statsig, adding the ability to get values via a Layer configuration set on the Statsig Console. See

  • reworked ID list so that it's done in a more efficient way.

v1.7.0 - thread safety improvements

01 Apr 17:54
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  • Added improvements to make the EventLogger and SpecStore thread safe.
  • Fixed a bug where the SDK was blocking the background threads when waiting for the next scheduled task.

Thanks to @kroymann for his contribution on these improvements!

v1.6.1 - bug fixes

15 Mar 19:01
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Fixed a couple bugs:

  1. ID list sync could result in a crash if the network request failed. Added logic to handle that
  2. Fixed the issue that EventLog was missing timestamp, in which case we were using the time when the log arrives at Statsig server instead of when it was actually created.

v1.6.0 - added option to designate local storage location

04 Mar 22:29
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Add a new option in StatsigOptions, PersistentStorageFolder, that you can use to choose a folder for the SDK to use to store values to be used across sessions and when the user is offline.

v1.5.0 - added support for customID, ID Lists, and new conditions

11 Feb 21:16
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  • The SDK now supports providing and evaluating using customIDs instead of userID
  • now supports evaluating feature gates that rely on ID Lists
  • now supports evaluating conditions with operators "is null" and "is not null"

Improvements to experiment exposure logging

22 Sep 06:24
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  1. We have been calculating/logging secondary exposures (exposures on dependent feature gates) in Statsig backend. With this release we are moving the logic to SDK evaluator so that it's more accurate and efficient.
  2. Changed ruleID from "default" to "disabled" when evaluating a disabled feature so we can differentiate when gates are returning the default value as the result of evaluation or because the gate is disabled.

Align evaluation behavior for string based operators

11 Sep 00:24
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We are aligning the behavior for all string based operators in this release so that we try to convert accidentally provided incorrect types to strings and evaluate instead of returning false by default.