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How to update to the latest version of cgminerLCDStats on MinePeon-0.2.3:

To update cgminerLCDStats to the latest version, use the following commands from the terminal window or VIA ssh

systemctl stop cgminerLCDStats

cd /opt/minepeon/modules/ sudo rm -r cgminerLCDStats git clone

systemctl start cgminerLCDStats

That's it. You should now be running the latest version of the cgminerLCDStats code. I hopw it's useful to you, and please consider a donation if you use it regularly. Thanks.

NOTE: This Guide Is Deprecated. As of version 0.2.3a MinePeon has built in support for cgminerLCDStats. This Installation guide is still useful for versions of MinePeon PRIOR to MinePeon 0.2.3a:

This guide does still apply for those using versions earlier than MinePeon-0.2.3a.

This is a quick guide to installing the script on MinePeon. Note that I'm new to MinePeon as well as Arch linux for ARM. I welcome any input on this guide.

I started with a fresh install of the current version of MinePeon, v0.2.2. I took the usual steps to verify cgminer was working correctly, and that my Pi would come up on the same internal I.P. address each time.

To begin the installation, I logged in to the Pi via ssh from my main machine. I find it way easier to interact with the Pi command line over ssh, rather than logging into the Pi itself. When entering the following commands, it's easiest to copy and paste them into the terminal window. Wait for each step to complete and watch for errors. Some of the updates require user interaction, so say yes if prompted.

Ok, let's get started. Log on to your Pi with this command:
ssh minepeon@YOURIP - example: ssh [email protected]

Make sure the OS is up to date (Optional step - skip this is you want too, or are already on a recent version):
sudo pacman -Syu

Get the "git" utility for downloading packages:
sudo pacman -S git

Make sure we have all the latest MinePeon packages (Optional step - skip this is you want too, or are already on a recent version):
cd /opt/minepeon/
git pull
cd /opt/minepeon/http/
git pull

Optional: Verify Python2 is already installed (it should be) - current version is Python 2.7.5:
python2 -V

Install pyUSB library:
cd ~
git clone
cd pyusb
sudo python2 install

Install the script and required modules:
cd ~
git clone
cd cgminerLCDStats

Ok, that's it. We should be ready to go. Make sure the LCD display is connected, and let's start the script. You can start it with the default options using the following command:
sudo python2

If everything went well, you should now see your cgminer stats displayed on the USB screen. Enjoy!

Note: By default, the display refreshes every 30 seconds. You can change this, and other behavior using the following command line options:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --simple Show simple display layout instead of default
-d REFRESHDELAY, --refresh-delay=REFRESHDELAY where REFRESHDELAY = Time delay between screen/API refresh
-i HOST, --host=HOST I.P. Address of cgminer API host
-p PORT, --port=PORT Port of cgminer API
-c TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT, --clock=TIMEDISPLAYFORMAT Options 12 or 24 - Clock Display 12hr / 24hr
--mtgoxDisplayOff If specified, MtGox ticker will not be displayed
--mtgoxToggleRate=MTGOXTOGGLERATE Rate to toggle display between WU: and MtGox in seconds
--mtgoxTimeout=MTGOXTIMEOUT MtGox API socket timeout in seconds -
default 3 seconds, increase if logging exsessivetime-outs