Our recommendations for creating and maintaining reliable scientific software in Julia.
Version control: GitHub
- de facto standard for open source software
- provides all necessary tools for developing software in a team
- includes Continuous Integration pipelines for continuous testing
Continuous integration: GitHub actions
- comes integrated into GitHub already
- large template library from which your workflow can be put together
Testing framework: Test.jl
- standard library option for unit tests, rough analogon to Python's UnitTest library
Documentation: Documenter.jl
- Markdown based
- includes doctests for code examples
- can be seen as an analogon to Sphinx
- Part of the Julia standard library.
- Can be used to profile allocations and CPU - time
- various visualizations available via separate packages (ProfileView.jl, FlameGraphs.jl, ProfileVega.jl)
BenchmarkTools.jl: For more high-level, statistical information about execution time.
Julia is a relatively young language with a smaller community than, say, Python, C++ or Matlab. As such, the selection of tools is a bit more limited. Some suggestions:
IDE/Code Editor:
- Visual Studio Code: Free. The de-facto standard in the community. Provides support for linting, test discovery, formatting and more. Recommended way to go.
- Juno: Free. Build on top of Atom. Atom is no longer supported by Microsoft/GitHub, and Juno is only maintained and wont receive new features. Only consider this if you already have an Atom-based workflow and are unwilling to switch.
- Sublime Text: Free, but will ocassionally ask you to buy it. Syntax highlighing for Julia is available, but support for other functions is less developed than in the other two.
Code Formatting:
- automatic formatting is available via VSCode's Julia plugin or through Juno.
- linting is available via VSCode's Julia plugin or through Juno.
Arrays and vectors (numpy analogon):
- standard library core contains classes for dense, n-dimensional arrays analogous to numpy-arrays.
- SparseArrays.jl: Part of the standard library. Supports sparse vectors and matrices.
- Tensors.jl and TensorOperations.jl: For higher-order-Tensor math.
Linear Algebra:
- LinearAlgebra.jl: Standard library module for linear algebra operations like matric traces, in verse, multiplication and so on.
Data analysis and data transformation:
- DataFrames.jl and DataFramesMeta.jl for tabular data. Julia's analog to Pandas known from Python. Use this for higher performance.
- Query.jl Apply common data-analysis workflows like split-apply-combine, filter etc to almost any iterable Julia datastructure. Useful when working with data that's available in various different formats.
Data input/output and storage:
- Plots.jl: Julia Frontend with a homogeneous interface for various well known plotting packages like matplotlib, plotly or GR.
- Makie.jl: Feature-complete plotting package in pure Julia.
- AlgebraOfGraphics.jl Provides support for the grammar-of-graphics paradigm based on Makie.jl .
- VegaLite.jl: Provides access to VegaLite from Julia, particularly useful for making interactive graphics.
Machine Learning/Deep Learning:
- SciKitLearn.jl for having access to the python based scikit-learn library in Julia.
- Flux.jl for deep learning applications.
Have a look at the JuliaHub package database to find other packages for your use case.
Much has already been written about how to write good Julia code which needs not be repeated here. Here are some starting points: