You can use the DataScript Rate Limit function to add your own custom headers to the Local Response that is sent by a rate limiter. For the script to work you need to set the "custom" rate limiter in the Application Profile.
The script below is written to emulate the VS Performance Rate Limiter. So all requests to a specific VS are rate limited.
resp_headers = {["My-header"]="Header_Data", ["Content-type"]="text/html"}
resp_body = [[
<head><title>429 Too Many Requests</title></head>
<center><h1>429 Too Many Requests</h1></center>
<hr><center>Avi Vantage/</center>
count_exceeded, action = avi.vs.rate_limit(avi.RL_CUSTOM_STRING,, true) -- or avi.vs.ip()
if count_exceeded and action == avi.RL_ACTION_LOCAL_RSP then
avi.http.response(429, resp_headers , resp_body)