Neovim is a powerful, modernized fork of Vim that is designed for developers who want a lightweight, yet extensible text editor. Its speed, versatility, and rich plugin ecosystem make it an excellent choice for Python development. In this blog post, we'll walk through the steps to set up Neovim for a seamless Python development experience.
First we need to get the latest stable version of Neovim ( currently 0.10.0 ). We can
also install using the system package manager (apt/yum/zypper) install neovim
we can get it from github.
cd ~/bin
mv nvim.appimage nvim
chmod +x nvim
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin # add ~/bin to your PATH . Add this line to your ~/.bashrc
To add support for many of the Language Server Protocol (LSP)
features i.e., Formatting, Code action, goto documentation we need
few packages which add this functionality. Programming Languages
that I use.
Language | Package | How to Install |
c/c++ | clangd | (apt/yum/dnf/zypper) install clangd |
Lua | lua_ls | |
Bash | bashls | |
Vim Script | vimls | |
Python | pylsp | pip install python-lsp-server[all] |
CMake | cmake | pip install cmake-language-server |
Latex | texlab | |
Text | textls | |
There are thousands of Neovim Plugins available in github. Only use the one that you need. Here are the plugins that I use.
lazy.nvim # Plugin Manager
• Comment.nvim # shortcuts to comment a section of code
• alpha-nvim # Startup screen
• coq_nvim # Autocomplete suggestions
• indent-blankline.nvim # Shows nice indentation levels of code
• lualine.nvim # Status line
• nvim-autopairs # Automatically insert (){}[]
• nvim-lspconfig # This configures LSP
• nvim-treesitter # Faster/Modern Syntax highlight
• nvim-web-devicons # Provides icons
• plenary.nvim # Lua functionality
• rose-pine # Theme That I use
• telescope.nvim # Fuzzy finder for files or LSP objects
clone the repo
cd ~/.config/ git clone
Install Plugins
Launch Neovim and run the following command to install the plugins:
dependencies: This needpython3-venv
package to be installed.:COQdeps
Check Neovim Health.
This will give you current status of the Neovim and report if there is any missing depndencies.