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Supported GRIB Parameter Codes

Code Description Units Version
03TOT Total ozone kg/m2 GRIB1
4LFTX Best (4 layer) lifted index K GRIB1
5WAVA 5-wave geopotential height anomaly gpm GRIB1/GRIB2
5WAVH 5-wave geopotential height gpm GRIB1/GRIB2
ABSD Absolute divergence /s GRIB1/GRIB2
ABSV Absolute vorticity /s GRIB1/GRIB2
ACPCP Convective precipitation kg/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
AEDPT Analysis error of dew point % GRIB1
AEPRS Analysis error of pressure Pa GRIB1
AESPH Analysis error of specific humidity kg/kg GRIB1
AETMP Analysis error of temperature K GRIB1
AEUWD Analysis error of u-wind m/s GRIB1
AEVWD Analysis error of v-wind m/s GRIB1
AFRWE Amplitude Function for Rossby Wave Envelope for Meridional Wind m s-1 GRIB2
AIHFLX Net air-ice heat flux W/m2 GRIB1
ALBDO Albedo % GRIB1
ALTS Altimeter Setting Pa GRIB2
AMIXL Asymptotic mixing length scale m GRIB1
AOHFLX Net air-ocean heat flux W/m2 GRIB1
AOSGSO Angle of Sub-Grid Scale Orography rad GRIB2
APCP Total precipitation kg/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
APTMP Apparent Temperature K GRIB2
ASGSO Anisotropy of Sub-Grid Scale Orography Numeric GRIB2
ASHFL Assimilative heat flux W/m2 GRIB1
ASSFL Assimilative salt flux mm/day GRIB1
AVDEPTH Ocean depth - mean m GRIB1
BGRUN Baseflow-groundwater runoff kg/m2 GRIB1
BKENG Barotropic Kinetic energy J/kg GRIB1
BLI Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K GRIB1
BLYDP Boundary layer dissipation W/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
BMIXL Blackadar's mixing length scale m GRIB1
BOTLD Bottom layer depth m GRIB1
BRTMP Brightness temperature K GRIB1
BVF2 Brunt-Vaisala frequency (squared) 1/s2 GRIB1
CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy J/kg GRIB1
CD Drag coefficient GRIB1/GRIB2
CDCON Convective cloud cover % GRIB1
CDLYR Amount of non-convective cloud % GRIB1
CDUVB Clear sky UV-B downward solar flux W/m2 GRIB1
CEIL Ceiling m GRIB1
CEMS Cloud Emissivity Fraction 0-1 GRIB1
CFNLF Cloud forcing net long wave flux W/m2 GRIB1
CFNSF Cloud forcing net solar flux W/m2 GRIB1
CFRZR Categorical freezing rain (yes=1; no=0) GRIB1
CH Heat Exchange Coefficient GRIB1
CICE Cloud Ice kg/m2 GRIB1
CICEL Confidence indicator - Ceiling GRIB1
CICEP Categorical ice pellets (yes=1; no=0) GRIB1
CIFLT Confidence indicator - Flight Category GRIB1
CIN Convective inhibition J/kg GRIB1
CIVIS Confidence indicator - Visibility GRIB1
CLWMR Cloud Mixing Ratio kg/kg GRIB1
CNGWDU Convective Gravity wave drag zonal acceleration m s-2 GRIB2
CNGWDV Convective Gravity wave drag meridional acceleration m s-2 GRIB2
CNVDEMF Convective detrainment mass flux kg m-2 s-1 GRIB2
CNVDMF Convective downdraft mass flux kg m-2 s-1 GRIB2
CNVHR Deep convective heating rate K/s GRIB1
CNVMR Deep convective moistening rate kg/kg/s GRIB1
CNVU Convective zonal momentum mixing acceleration m s-2 GRIB2
CNVUMF Convective updraft mass flux kg m-2 s-1 GRIB2
CNVV Convective meridional momentum mixing acceleration m s-2 GRIB2
CNWAT Plant canopy surface water kg/m2 GRIB1
CO2AQ CO2 (aq) Mol/kg GRIB1
CO3 CO3 Mol/kg GRIB1
CONDP Condensation pressure of parcel lifted from indicated surface Pa GRIB1
COPD Cloud Optical Depth GRIB1
COVMZ Covariance between meridional and zonal components of the wind m2/s2 GRIB1/GRIB2
COVTM Covariance between temperature and meridional components of the wind K*m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
COVTW Covariance between temperature and vertical component of the wind K*m/s GRIB1
COVTZ Covariance between temperature and zonal components of the wind K*m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
CPOFP Percent of frozen precipitation % GRIB1
CPOZP Probability of freezing precipitation % GRIB1
CPRAT Convective Precipitation rate kg/m2/s GRIB1
CRAIN Categorical rain (yes=1; no=0) GRIB1
CSDLF Clear Sky downward long wave flux W/m2 GRIB1
CSDSF Clear Sky Downward Solar Flux W/m2 GRIB1
CSNOW Categorical snow (yes=1; no=0) GRIB1
CSULF Clear Sky upward long wave flux W/m2 GRIB1
CSUSF Clear Sky Upward Solar Flux W/m2 GRIB1
CUEFI Convective cloud efficiency GRIB1
CWAT Cloud water kg/m2 GRIB1
CWDI Convective weather detection index GRIB1
CWORK Cloud work function J/kg GRIB1
CWR Probability of Wetting Rain, exceeding 0.10 in a given time period % GRIB1
DBSS Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface m GRIB1
DDRATE Downdraught Detrainment Rate kg m-3 s-1 GRIB2
DEN Density kg/m3 GRIB1/GRIB2
DENALT Density Altitude m GRIB2
DEPR Dew point depression (or deficit) K GRIB1/GRIB2
DEPTH Ocean depth - instantaneous m GRIB1
DICED Direction of ice drift deg true GRIB1
DIFTEN Difference Between 2 States In Total Energy Norm J/kg GRIB1
DIRC Direction of current Degree true GRIB1
DIRPW Primary wave direction Degree true GRIB1
DIRSW Secondary wave direction Degree true GRIB1
DIST Geometric height m GRIB1/GRIB2
DLWRF downward long wave rad. flux W/m2 GRIB1
DMFLX Downdraught Mass Flux kg m-2 s-1 GRIB2
DPT Dew point temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
DSLM Deviation of sea level from mean m GRIB1
DSWRF downward short wave rad. flux W/m2 GRIB1
DTRF Downward total radiation flux W/m2 GRIB1
DUVB UV-B downward solar flux W/m2 GRIB1
DZDT Vertical velocity (geometric) m/s GRIB1
ELEV Ocean surface elevation relative to geoid m GRIB1
ELON east longitude (0-360) deg GRIB1
ELRDI Ellrod Index GRIB1
EMNP Evaporation - precipitation cm/day GRIB1
EPOT Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature (or equivalent potential temperature) K GRIB1/GRIB2
ETACVV Eta Coordinate Vertical Velocity s-1 GRIB2
ETSRG Extra Tropical Storm Surge m GRIB1
ETSS Eastward Turbulent Surface Stress N m-2 s GRIB2
EVBS Direct evaporation from bare soil W/m2 GRIB1
EVCW Canopy water evaporation W/m2 GRIB1
EVP Evaporation kg/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
EWGT Ensemble Weight GRIB1
EWTPARM Eastward Wind Tendency Due to Parameterizations m s-2 GRIB2
EXPRES Exner Pressure Numeric GRIB2
FICE Ice fraction of total condensate GRIB1
FLGHT Flight Category GRIB1
FPRATE Freezing Rain Precipitation Rate kg/m2/s GRIB1
FRAIN Rain fraction of total liquid water GRIB1
FRICV Friction velocity m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
GEOWD Geostrophic Wind Direction degree true GRIB2
GEOWS Geostrophic Wind Speed m s-1 GRIB2
GFLUX Ground Heat Flux W/m2 GRIB1
GP Geopotential m2/s2 GRIB1/GRIB2
GPA Geopotential height anomaly gpm GRIB1/GRIB2
GRAD Global radiation flux W/m2 GRIB1
GRMR Graupel mixing ratio kg/kg GRIB1
GUST Wind speed (gust) m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
GWD Gravity Wave Dissipation W m-2 GRIB2
GWDU Gravity wave drag zonal acceleration m s-2 GRIB2
GWDV Gravity wave drag meridional acceleration m s-2 GRIB2
HAVNI High-level aviation interest GRIB1
HCDC High cloud cover % GRIB1
HCO3 HCO3 Mol/kg GRIB1
HEATX Heat Index K GRIB2
HGT Geopotential height gpm GRIB1/GRIB2
HGTN Geopotential Height (nearest grid point) gpm GRIB2
HGTX x-gradient of height m/m GRIB1/GRIB2
HGTY y-gradient of height m/m GRIB1/GRIB2
HINDEX Haines Index GRIB1
HLCY Storm relative helicity m2/s2 GRIB1
HLPL Height of level from which parcel was lifted m GRIB1
HPBL Planetary boundary layer height m GRIB1/GRIB2
HSTDV Standard deviation of height m GRIB1/GRIB2
HTSGW Significant height of combined wind waves and swell m GRIB1
ICAHT ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height m GRIB1/GRIB2
ICEC Ice cover (ice=1, no ice=0) proportion GRIB1
ICED Ice divergence m/s GRIB1
ICEG Ice growth rate m/s GRIB1
ICETK Ice thickness m GRIB1
ICMR Ice mixing ratio kg/kg GRIB1
ICPRB Icing probability GRIB1
ICSEV Icing severity GRIB1
ICWAT Ice-free water surface % GRIB1
IMGD Image data GRIB1
INTFD Interface depths m GRIB1
INV1 T1 - First invariant of stress tensor GRIB1
INV2 T2 - Second invariant of stress tensor GRIB1
IOHFLX Net ice-ocean heat flux W/m2 GRIB1
IOSFLX Net ice-ocean salt flux kg/s GRIB1
IPRATE Ice Pellets Precipitation Rate kg/m2/s GRIB1
KENG Kinetic energy J/kg GRIB1
KX K index K GRIB1
LAND Land cover (land=1, sea=0) proportion GRIB1
LAPP Latitude of pressure point deg GRIB1/GRIB2
LAPR Lapse rate K/m GRIB1/GRIB2
LAUV Latitude of U wind component of velocity deg GRIB1/GRIB2
LAVNI Low-level aviation interest GRIB1
LAVV Latitude of V wind component of velocity deg GRIB1/GRIB2
LAYTH Layer Thickness m GRIB1/GRIB2
LCDC Low cloud cover % GRIB1
LFTX Surface lifted index K GRIB1
LHTFL Latent heat net flux W/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
LIPMF Integrated column particulate matter (fine) log10(µg/m3) GRIB1
LMH Mass point model surface GRIB1/GRIB2
LMV Velocity point model surface GRIB1/GRIB2
LOPP Longitude of pressure point deg GRIB1/GRIB2
LOUV Longitude of U wind component of velocity deg GRIB1/GRIB2
LOVV Longitude of V wind component of velocity deg GRIB1/GRIB2
LPMTF Particulate matter (fine) log10(µg/m3) GRIB1
LPSX x-gradient of log pressure 1/m GRIB1/GRIB2
LPSY y-gradient of log pressure 1/m GRIB1/GRIB2
LRGHR Large scale condensate heat rate K/s GRIB1
LTNG Lightning GRIB1
LTURB Master length scale (turbulence) m GRIB1
LWAVR Long wave radiation flux W/m2 GRIB1
LWHR Long wave radiative heating rate K/s GRIB1
LWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave number) W/m/sr GRIB1
MAXDVV Hourly Maximum of Downward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPa m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
MAXGUST Maximum Wind Speed * m s-1 GRIB2
MAXREF Hourly Maximum of Simulated Reflectivity at 1 km AGL dbZ GRIB1
MAXRH Maximum Relative Humidity % GRIB1
MAXUVV Hourly Maximum of Upward Vertical Velocity in the lowest 400hPa m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
MAXUW U Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
MAXVIG Hourly Maximum of Column Vertical Integrated Graupel kg/m2 GRIB1
MAXVW V Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
MCDC Medium cloud cover % GRIB1
MCLS Meteorological Correlation Length Scale m GRIB1
MCONV Horizontal moisture divergence kg/kg/s GRIB1
MFLUX Convective cloud mass flux Pa/s GRIB1
MFLX Horizontal Momentum flux N/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
MINDPD Minimum Dew Point Depression* K GRIB2
MINRH Minimum Relative Humidity % GRIB1
MIXHT Mixed layer depth m GRIB1
MIXLY No. of mixed layers next to surface GRIB1
MIXR Humidity mixing ratio kg/kg GRIB1/GRIB2
MLYNO Model layer number (from bottom up) GRIB1
MNEL24 Min ocean surface elevation in last 24 hours m GRIB1
MNTSF Montgomery stream function m2/s2 GRIB1
MSLET Mean Sea Level Pressure (NAM Model Reduction) Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
MSLMA Mean Sea Level Pressure (MAPS System Reduction) Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
MSLSA Mean Sea Level Pressure (Standard Atmosphere Reduction) Pa GRIB1
MSTAV Moisture availability % GRIB1
MTHA Main thermocline anomaly m GRIB1
MTHD Main thermocline depth m GRIB1
MXEL24 Max ocean surface elevation in last 24 hours m GRIB1
MXUPHL Hourly Maximum of Updraft Helicity over layer 2km to 5 km AGL m2/s2 GRIB1
NBDSF Near IR beam downward solar flux W/m2 GRIB1
NCIP Number concentration for ice particles GRIB1
NCPCP Large scale precipitation (non-conv.) kg/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
NDDSF Near IR diffuse downward solar flux W/m2 GRIB1
NLAT latitude (-90 to +90) deg GRIB1
NLGSP Natural log of surface pressure ln(kPa) GRIB1/GRIB2
NLPRES Natural Logarithm of Pressure in Pa Numeric GRIB2
NLWRS Net long wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2 GRIB1
NLWRT Net long wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) W/m2 GRIB1
NO3 NO3 Mol/kg GRIB1
NSWRS Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) W/m2 GRIB1
NSWRT Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atmosphere) W/m2 GRIB1
NTSS Northward Turbulent Surface Stress N m-2 s GRIB2
NUM Number of samples/observations GRIB1
NWIND Normal Wind Component m s-1 GRIB2
NWTPARM Northward Wind Tendency Due to Parameterizations m s-2 GRIB2
O2 Oxygen (O2 (aq)) Mol/kg GRIB1
O3MR Ozone mixing ratio kg/kg GRIB1
ODHA Ocean Dynamic Height Anomaly dynamic m GRIB1
OHC Ocean Heat Content J/m2 GRIB1
OMGALF Omega (Dp/Dt) divide by density K GRIB2
OMLS Ocean mixed layer salinity kg/kg GRIB1
OMLT Ocean mixed layer temperature K GRIB1
OMLU Ocean mixed layer u velocity m/s GRIB1
OMLV Ocean mixed layer v velocity m/s GRIB1
ORASNW Orographic Asymmetry, NW Component GRIB2
ORASS Orographic Asymmetry, S Component GRIB2
ORASSW Orographic Asymmetry, SW Component GRIB2
ORASW Orographic Asymmetry, W Component GRIB2
ORCONV Orographic Convexity GRIB2
ORLSNW Orographic Length Scale, NW Component GRIB2
ORLSS Orographic Length Scale, S Component GRIB2
ORLSSW Orographic Length Scale, SW Component GRIB2
ORLSW Orographic Length Scale, W Component GRIB2
OVHD Ocean Vertical Heat Diffusivity m2s-1 GRIB1
OVMD Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity m2s-1 GRIB1
OVSD Ocean Vertical Salt Diffusivity m2s-1 GRIB1
OZCAT Categorical ozone concentration GRIB1
OZCON Ozone concentration PPB GRIB1
OZMAX1 Ozone Daily Max from 1-hour Average ppbV GRIB1
OZMAX8 Ozone Daily Max from 8-hour Average ppbV GRIB1
P2OMLT Ocean mixed layer potential density (Referenced to 2000m) kg/m3 GRIB1
PAOP Probability anomaly of precipitation % GRIB1
PAOT Probability anomaly of temperature % GRIB1
PBLREG Planetary boundary layer Regime GRIB1
PDMAX1 PM 2.5 Daily Max from 1-hour Average μg/m3 GRIB1
PDMX24 PM 2.5 Daily Max from 24-hour Average μg/m3 GRIB1
PERPW Primary wave mean period s GRIB1
PERSW Secondary wave mean period s GRIB1
PEVAP Potential evaporation kg/m2 GRIB1
PEVPR Potential evaporation rate W/m2 GRIB1
PLI Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) K GRIB1
PLPL Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
PMTC Particulate matter (coarse) µg/m3 GRIB1
PMTF Particulate matter (fine) µg/m3 GRIB1
PO4 PO4 Mol/kg GRIB1
POP Probability of precipitation % GRIB1
POT Potential temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
PPAN Probability of Precipitation being above normal % GRIB1
PPBN Probability of Precipitation being below normal % GRIB1
PPNN Probability of Precipitation being near normal % GRIB1
PRATE Precipitation rate kg/m2/s GRIB1/GRIB2
PREIX Precipitation index(0.0-1.00) fraction GRIB1
PRES Pressure Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
PRESA Pressure anomaly Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
PRESALT Pressure Altitude m GRIB2
PRESN Pressure (nearest grid point) Pa GRIB2
PRMSL Pressure reduced to MSL Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
PROB Probability from ensemble % GRIB1
PROBN Probability from ensemble normalized withrespect to climate expectancy % GRIB1
PSIZ Effective Particle size Microns GRIB1
PSPCP Pseudo-Precipitation kg/m2 GRIB1
PTAN Probability of Temperature being above normal % GRIB1
PTBN Probability of Temperature being below normal % GRIB1
PTEND Pressure tendency Pa/s GRIB1/GRIB2
PTNN Probability of Temperature being near normal % GRIB1
PVMW Potential vorticity (density weighted) 1/s/m GRIB1
PVMWW Potential Vorticity (Mass-Weighted) 1/s/m GRIB2
PVORT Potential vorticity K m2 kg-1 s-1 GRIB1/GRIB2
PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
PWVAGE Physical Wave age GRIB1
RDRIP Rate of water dropping from canopy to ground GRIB1
RDSP1 Radar Spectra (1) - GRIB1
RDSP2 Radar Spectra (2) - GRIB1
RDSP3 Radar Spectra (3) - GRIB1
REFC Maximum/Composite radar reflectivity dbZ GRIB1
REFD Derived radar reflectivity dbZ GRIB1
REFO Observed radar reflectivity dbZ GRIB1
REFZC Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from parameterized convection mm6/m3 GRIB1
REFZI Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from ice mm6/m3 GRIB1
REFZR Derived radar reflectivity backscatter from rain mm6/m3 GRIB1
RELD Relative divergence /s GRIB1/GRIB2
RELV Relative vorticity /s GRIB1/GRIB2
RETOP Radar Echo Top (18.3 DBZ) m GRIB1
REV Relative error variance GRIB1
RH Relative humidity % GRIB1/GRIB2
RHPW Relative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water % GRIB1
RI Richardson number GRIB1
RIME Rime Factor GRIB1
RPRATE Rain Precipitation Rate kg/m2/s GRIB1
RWMR Rain water mixing ratio kg/kg GRIB1
S11 S11 - 1,1 component of ice stress tensor GRIB1
S12 S12 - 1,2 component of ice stress tensor GRIB1
S22 S22 - 2,2 component of ice stress tensor GRIB1
SALIN 3-D Salinity psu GRIB1
SALTY Salinity kg/kg GRIB1
SATD Saturation deficit Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
SBC123 Simulated Brightness Counts for GOES12, Channel 3 Byte GRIB1
SBC124 Simulated Brightness Counts for GOES12, Channel 4 Byte GRIB1
SBT122 Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 2 K GRIB1
SBT123 Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 3 K GRIB1
SBT124 Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 4 K GRIB1
SBT126 Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES12, Channel 6 K GRIB1
SDSGSO Standard Deviation of Sub-Grid Scale Orography m GRIB2
SFCR Surface roughness m GRIB1
SFEXC Exchange coefficient (kg/m3)(m/s) GRIB1
SGCVV Sigma coordinate vertical velocity /s GRIB1/GRIB2
SHAHR Shallow convective heating rate K/s GRIB1
SHAMR Shallow convective moistening rate kg/kg/s GRIB1
SHTFL Sensible heat net flux W/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
SICED Speed of ice drift m/s GRIB1
SIGV Sigma level value GRIB1
SIO4 SiO4 Mol/kg GRIB1
SIPD Supercooled Large Droplet (SLD) Icing Potential Diagnostic GRIB1
SKINT Skin Temperature K GRIB2
SLTFL Salt Flux kg/m2s GRIB1
SNMR Snow mixing ratio kg/kg GRIB1
SNOC Convective snow kg/m2 GRIB1
SNOD Snow depth m GRIB1
SNOHF Snow phase-change heat flux W/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
SNOL Large scale snow kg/m2 GRIB1
SNOM Snow melt kg/m2 GRIB1
SNOT Snow temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
SNOWC Snow cover % GRIB1
SOILM Soil moisture content kg/m2 GRIB1
SOILW Volumetric soil moisture content fraction GRIB1
SOTYP Soil type (as in Zobler) GRIB1
SPC Speed of current m/s GRIB1
SPFH Specific humidity kg/kg GRIB1/GRIB2
SPRATE Snow Precipitation Rate kg/m2/s GRIB1
SRWEQ Snowfall rate water equivalent kg/m2/s GRIB1
SSGSO Slope of Sub-Grid Scale Orography Numeric GRIB2
SSHG Sea Surface Height Relative to Geoid m GRIB1
SSRUN Storm surface runoff kg/m2 GRIB1
SSST Surface salinity trend psu/day GRIB1
SSTT Surface temperature trend deg/day GRIB1
STRM Stream function m2/s GRIB1/GRIB2
SURGE Storm Surge m GRIB1
SWAVR Short wave radiation flux W/m2 GRIB1
SWDIR Direction of swell waves Degree true GRIB1
SWDIRWID Swell direction width GRIB1
SWELL Significant height of swell waves m GRIB1
SWFREWID Swell frequency width GRIB1
SWHR Solar radiative heating rate K/s GRIB1
SWPER Mean period of swell waves s GRIB1
SWRAD Radiance (with respect to wave length) W/m3/sr GRIB1
SX Sweat index K GRIB1
TCDC Total cloud cover % GRIB1
TCHP Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential J/m2K GRIB1
TCICE Total Ice Cloud % GRIB1
TCLSW Total column-integrated supercooled liquid water kg/m2 GRIB1
TCO2 TCO2 Mol/kg GRIB1
TCOLC Total column-integrated condensate kg/m2 GRIB1
TCOLI Total column-integrated cloud ice kg/m2 GRIB1
TCOLM Total column-integrated melting ice kg/m2 GRIB1
TCOLR Total column-integrated rain kg/m2 GRIB1
TCOLS Total column-integrated snow kg/m2 GRIB1
TCOLW Total column-integrated cloud water kg/m2 GRIB1
TCOND Total condensate kg/kg GRIB1
TCSRG20 20% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCSRG30 30% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCSRG40 40% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCSRG50 50% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCSRG60 60% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCSRG70 70% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCSRG80 80% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCSRG90 90% Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Exceedance m GRIB1
TCWAT Total Water Cloud % GRIB1
TDCHT Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient for Heat m2s-1 GRIB2
TDCMOM Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient for Momentum m2 s-1 GRIB2
THFLX Total downward heat flux at surface (downward is positive) W/m2 GRIB1
THICK Thickness m GRIB2
TIPD Total Icing Potential Diagnostic GRIB1
TKE Turbulent Kinetic Energy J/kg GRIB1
TMAX Maximum temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
TMIN Minimum temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
TMP Temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
TMPA Temperature anomaly K GRIB1/GRIB2
TMPADV Temperature Advection K s-1 GRIB2
TOZNE Total ozone Dobson GRIB1
TPFI Turbulence Potential Forecast Index GRIB1
TRANS Transpiration W/m2 GRIB1
TSD1D Std. dev. of IR T over 1x1 deg area K GRIB1
TSEC Seconds prior to initial reference time sec GRIB1
TSECA Seconds after initial reference time sec GRIB1
TSLSA 3-hr pressure tendency Std. Atmos. Reduction Pa/s GRIB1/GRIB2
TSOIL Soil temperature K GRIB1
TSTM Thunderstorm probability % GRIB1
TTCHT Turbulent Transfer Coefficient for Heat Numeric GRIB2
TTDIA Temperature tendency by all physics K/s GRIB1
TTHDP Transient thermocline depth m GRIB1
TTLWR Temperature Tendency due to Long-Wave Radiation K s-1 GRIB2
TTLWRCS Temperature Tendency due to Long-Wave Radiation, Clear Sky K s-1 GRIB2
TTPARM Temperature Tendency due to parameterizations K s-1 GRIB2
TTPHY Temperature tendency by non-radiation physics K/s GRIB1
TTRAD Temperature tendency by all radiation K/s GRIB1
TTSWR Temperature Tendency due to Short-Wave Radiation K s-1 GRIB2
TTSWRCS Temperature Tendency due to Short-Wave Radiation, Clear Sky K s-1 GRIB2
TWIND Tangential Wind Component m s-1 GRIB2
U Zonal Flux of Gravity Wave Stress N m-2 GRIB2
UBARO Barotropic U velocity m/s GRIB1
UCTMP Unbalanced Component of Temperature K GRIB2
UDRATE Updraught Detrainment Rate kg m-3 s-1 GRIB2
UFLX Momentum flux, u component N/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
UGRD u-component of wind m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
UGUST U-Component of Wind (Gust) m s-1 GRIB2
UGWD Zonal flux of gravity wave stress N/m2 GRIB1
UGWIND U-Component of Geostrophic Wind m s-1 GRIB2
UICE u-component of ice drift m/s GRIB1
ULWRF upward long wave rad. flux W/m2 GRIB1
UMFLX Updraught Mass Flux kg m-2 s-1 GRIB2
UNDIV Unbalanced Component of Divergence s-1 GRIB2
UOGRD u-component of current m/s GRIB1
UPHL Updraft Helicity m2/s2 GRIB1
USCT Scatterometer estimated U wind component m/s GRIB1
USTM u-component of storm motion m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
USWRF upward short wave rad. flux W/m2 GRIB1
UTRF Upward total radiation flux W/m2 GRIB1
UVAR U velocity variance m2/s2 GRIB1
UVI Ultra violet index (1 hour integration centered at solar noon) W/m2 GRIB1
UVVCC UV Velocity Cross Correlation m2/s2 GRIB1
V Meridional Flux of Gravity Wave Stress N m-2 GRIB2
VAFTD VAFTAD log10(kg/m3) GRIB1
VAPP Vapor pressure Pa GRIB1/GRIB2
VBARO Barotropic V velocity m/s GRIB1
VBDSF Visible beam downward solar flux W/m2 GRIB1
VDDSF Visible diffuse downward solar flux W/m2 GRIB1
VDFHR Vertical diffusion heating rate K/s GRIB1
VDFMR Vertical diffusion moistening rate kg/kg/s GRIB1
VDFUA Vertical diffusion zonal acceleration m/s2 GRIB1/GRIB2
VDFVA Vertical diffusion meridional acceleration m/s2 GRIB1/GRIB2
VEDH Vertical eddy diffusivity heat exchange (Kh) m2/s GRIB1/GRIB2
VEG Vegetation % GRIB1
VFLX Momentum flux, v component N/m2 GRIB1/GRIB2
VGRD v-component of wind m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
VGTYP Vegitation type (as in SiB) GRIB1
VGUST V-Component of Wind (Gust) m s-1 GRIB2
VGWD Meridional flux of gravity wave stress N/m2 GRIB1
VGWIND V-Component of Geostrophic Wind m s-1 GRIB2
VICE v-component of ice drift m/s GRIB1
VIS Visibility m GRIB1
VOGRD v-component of current m/s GRIB1
VORTADV Vorticity Advection s-2 GRIB2
VPOT Velocity potential m2/s GRIB1/GRIB2
VPTMP Virtual potential temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
VRATE Ventilation Rate m2/s GRIB1/GRIB2
VSCT Scatterometer estimated V wind component m/s GRIB1
VSTM v-component of storm motion m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
VTMP Virtual temperature K GRIB1/GRIB2
VUCSH Vertical u-component shear /s GRIB1/GRIB2
VVAR V velocity variance m2/s2 GRIB1
VVCSH Vertical v-component shear /s GRIB1/GRIB2
VVEL Vertical velocity (pressure) Pa/s GRIB1/GRIB2
VWSH Vertical speed shear 1/s GRIB1/GRIB2
WATR Water runoff kg/m2 GRIB1
WCF Wind Chill Factor K GRIB2
WDIF Wind difference m/s GRIB1
WDIR Wind direction (from which blowing) deg true GRIB1/GRIB2
WEASD Water equiv. of accum. snow depth kg/m2 GRIB1
WETBT Wet Bulb Temperature K GRIB2
WHITE Whitecap coverage WHITE GRIB1
WIND Wind speed m/s GRIB1/GRIB2
WINDF Wind Fetch m GRIB2
WMIXE Wind mixing energy J GRIB1/GRIB2
WSTP Wave Steepness GRIB1
WTEND Tendency of vertical velocity m s-2 GRIB2
WTMP Water Temperature K GRIB1
WTMPC 3-D temperature deg c GRIB1
WVAGE Wave age GRIB1
WVDIR Direction of wind waves (from which) Degree true GRIB1
WVHGT Significant height of wind waves m GRIB1
WVPER Mean period of wind waves s GRIB1
WVRGH Wave roughness GRIB1
WVSP1 Wave Spectra (1) - GRIB1
WVSP2 Wave Spectra (2) - GRIB1
WVSP3 Wave Spectra (3) - GRIB1
WVSTRS Wave stresses GRIB1