To enable jmx_exporter include role task: jmx_exporter
The jmx_exporter is different from most exporters in that it isn't a daemon, it is a library that is included with your java instances.
The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'jmx_exporter.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:
elasticsearch: "{{ lookup('file', '../../files/prometheus/jmx.elasticsearch.yml') | from_yaml }}"
puppet: "{{ lookup('file', '../../files/prometheus/jmx.puppet.yml') | from_yaml }}"
The version of jmx_exporter to install. The default version can be found in the jmx_exporter variables file and the default version can be overridden using the following variable:
prometheus_jmx_exporter_version: "1.0.0"
Allow the use of prerelease versions (beta, test, development, etc versions), defaults to 'false':
prometheus_jmx_exporter_use_prerelease: true