title | platform |
About the azure_generic_resources Resource |
azure |
Use the azure_generic_resources
Inspec audit resource to test any valid Azure resources.
This resource is available in the InSpec Azure resource pack.
For an example inspec.yml
file and how to set up your Azure credentials, refer to resource pack README.
This resource will interrogate all resource in your subscription available through Azure Resource Manager when initiated without a parameter.
describe azure_generic_resources do
it { should exist }
The following parameters can be passed for targeting Azure resources. All of them are optional.
Name | Description | Example |
resource_group | Azure resource group that the targeted resources have been created in. | MyResourceGroup |
substring_of_resource_group | Substring of an Azure resource group name that the targeted resources have been created in. | My |
name | Name of the Azure resources to test. | MyVM |
substring_of_name | Substring of a name of the Azure resources to test. | My |
resource_provider | Azure resource provider of the resources to be tested. | Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines |
tag_name* | Tag name defined on the Azure resources. | name |
tag_value | Tag value of the tag defined with the tag_name . |
external_linux |
resource_uri | Azure REST API URI of the resources to be tested. This parameter should be used when resources do not reside in resource groups. It requires add_subscription_id parameter to be provided together. |
/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/ |
add_subscription_id | Indicates whether the resource_uri contains the subscription id. |
true or false |
filter_free_text | Filter expression for the endpoints supporting $filter parameter, eg. Azure role assignments. This can only be used with the resource_uri parameter. |
"atScope()" |
* When resources are filtered by a tag name and value, the tags for each resource are not returned in the results.
Either one of the parameter sets can be provided for a valid query:
Different parameter combinations can be tried. If it is not supported either the InSpec resource or the Azure Rest API will raise an error.
It is advised to use these parameter sets to narrow down the targeted resources at the server side, Azure Rest API, for a more computing resource efficient test.
Property | Description | Filter Criteria* |
ids | A list of the unique resource ids. | id |
names | A list of the resource names that are unique within a resource group. | name |
tags | A list of tag:value pairs defined on the resources. |
tags |
types | A list of resource types. | type |
locations | A list of locations where resources are created in. | location |
created_times** | A list of created times of the resources. | created_time |
changed_times** | A list of changed times of the resources. | changed_time |
provisioning_states** | A list of provisioning states of the resources. | provisioning_state |
* For information on how to use filter criteria on plural resources refer to FilterTable usage.
** These properties are not available when resource_uri
is used.
describe azure_generic_resources(resource_provider: 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines') do
it { should exist }
its('count') { should eq 43 }
Test All Resources Regardless of Their Type and Resource Group with a Common String in Their Names (Server Side Filtering)
azure_generic_resources(substring_of_name: 'project_a').ids.each do |id|
describe azure_generic_resource(resource_id: id) do
it { should exist }
its('location') { should eq 'eastus' }
Test All Resources Regardless of Their Type and Resource Group with a Common Tag name:value
Pair (Server Side Filtering)
azure_generic_resources(tag_name: 'demo', tag_value: 'shutdown_at_10_pm').ids.each do |id|
describe azure_generic_resource(resource_id: id) do
it { should exist }
its('location') { should eq 'eastus' }
describe azure_generic_resources.where(location: 'eastus') do
it { should exist }
describe azure_generic_resources.where{ created_time > Time.now - 86400 } do
it { should exist }
describe azure_generic_resources(add_subscription_id: true, resource_uri: 'providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions') do
it { should exist }
describe azure_generic_resources(add_subscription_id: true, resource_uri: "providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments", filter_free_text: "atScope()+and+assignedTo('{abcd1234-abcd-1234}')") do
it { should exist }
Please see here for more information on how to leverage FilterTable capabilities on plural resources.
For more examples, please see the integration tests.
This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our Universal Matchers page.
# Should not exist if there is no resource with a given resource group
describe azure_generic_resources(resource_group: 'fake_group') do
it { should_not exist }
# Should exist if there is at least one resource
describe azure_generic_resources(resource_group: 'MyResourceGroup') do
it { should exist }
Your Service Principal must be setup with a contributor
role on the subscription you wish to test.