See FT_genename_V3id.txt
for gene name from Dong et al 2012 to B73V3 or GenBank accession ID
# replace AA with 0/0(absent) and TT with 1/1(present) and NN with ./.(missing)
sed -e 's+AA+0/0+g' -e 's+TT+1/1+g' -e 's+NN+./.+g' NAM_founders_SVs.sniffles-bionano.hmp.txt > Nam_replaced.txt
# get SV_IDs
cut -f 1 Nam_replaced.txt > SV_id.txt
# get SV_genotypes
cut -f 12- Nam_replaced.txt > Nam_genotypes.txt
# combine two files
paste SV_id.txt Nam_genotypes.txt > combined.txt
# add id number to the beginning of the first field
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print NR-1 $0}' combined.txt > combined_wIDs.txt
# makeGenome SV files for each genome
bash combined_wIDs.txt
# get rid of second column
for i in *combined_wIDs.txt; do cut -f 1 ${i} > tmp_${i} ; done
# get rid of header
for i in tmp*; do tail -n +2 ${i} > tmp2_${i} ; done
# replace . with tab for SV_IDs
for i in tmp2*; do sed 's/\./ /g' ${i} > ${i#tmp2_tmp_}.bed; done
# changes the ending of the file names to .bed
for i in *txt.bed ; do mv ${i} ${i%.txt.bed}.bed ;done
#remove the temporary files that you don't want and the AB10 files
rm tmp* B73_Ab10*
#Make individual files for each genome and SV type
for i in *wIDs.bed; do grep ins ${i} > INS_${i} ; done``
mkdir INS
mv INS_* INS/.
for i in *wIDs.bed; do grep del ${i} > DEL_${i} ; done
mkdir DEL
mv DEL_* DEL/.
for i in *wIDs.bed; do grep dup ${i} > DUP_${i} ; done
mkdir DUP
mv DUP_* DUP/.
for i in *wIDs.bed; do grep inv ${i} > INV_${i} ; done
mkdir INV
mv INV_* INV/.
#make them in bed file format (change order of columns)
for j in DEL DUP INV INS ; do cd $j ;
for i in *wIDs.bed ; do awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $2,$3,$4,$1}' $i > truebed_${i} ; done;
cd .. ; done #get in the correct bed file format
#clean up directory
for j in DEL DUP INV INS ; do cd $j ; mkdir temp ; mv truebed* temp/. ; rm *wIDs.bed ; mv temp/* . ; rmdir temp ; for i in truebed_* ; do mv $i ${i#truebed_} ; done ; cd .. ; done
#have to sort before bedtools merge
for j in DEL DUP INV INS ; do cd $j ; for i in *wIDs.bed ; do sort -k1,1 -k2,2n ${i} > sorted_${i} ; done ; cd .. ; done
#merging and printing the IDs
module load bedtools2; for j in DEL DUP INV INS ; do cd $j ; for i in sorted*.bed ; do bedtools merge -c 4 -o distinct -i ${i} > merged_${i} ; done ; cd .. ; done
#to get all the regions of interest into 1 bed file
cat extra_genes.bed promo_regions.bed gene_regions.bed | cut -f 1-4 > allregions.bed
#doing the intersection
for j in DEL DUP INV INS ; do cd $j ; for i in merged_sorted_* ; do bedtools intersect -a allregions.bed -b ${i} -wa -wb > intersect_allregions_${i} ; done ; cd .. ; done
#to make track files for intersected regions
for i in intersect_allregions_merged_sorted_*INS*.bed ; do awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $5,$6,$7,$8,".",".",$6,$7,"0,0,255"}' ${i} > track_${i} ; done
for i in intersect_allregions_merged_sorted_*DEL*.bed ; do awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $5,$6,$7,$8,".",".",$6,$7,"255,0,0"}' ${i} > track_${i} ; done
for i in intersect_allregions_merged_sorted_*DUP*.bed ; do awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $5,$6,$7,$8,".",".",$6,$7,"0,255,0"}' ${i} > track_${i} ; done
for i in intersect_allregions_merged_sorted_*INV*.bed ; do awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $5,$6,$7,$8,".",".",$6,$7,"255,255,0"}' ${i} > track_${i} ; done
for j in DEL DUP INV INS ; do for i in B97 CML103 CML228 CML247 CML277 CML322 CML333 CML52 CML69 HP301 IL14H Ki11 Ki3 Ky21 M162W M37W Mo18W MS71 NC350 NC358 Oh43 Oh7b P39 Tx303 Tzi8 ; do cat ${j}/track_intersect_allregions_merged_sorted_${j}_${i}_combined_wIDs.bed >> track_intersect_allregions_${i}.bed ; done ; done
The resulting track_intersect_allreagions_merged_sorted*
files are used in IGV to manually score which SVs occur within the candidate regions of each NAM founder line. This information is kept in a 1/0 format where a genome either has (1) or doesn't have (0) a given indel. The raw data is kept in Indel_Haplotypes.csv
Data: flowering time is from the BLUP scores in the Buckler et al 2009 Days to Anthesis Supplemental Table. Indel haplotypes come from above (Indel_Haplotypes.csv
Run FT_Indel_Analysis.Rmd
- get all gene fastas into the same file
Many of the transcript fastas are only reading as 1 line despite being 2 lines in vim Must manually go in and add a return; dos2unix won't work
cat *.fasta >> FT_candgenes.fasta
- blast the B73 sequences against the NAM genomes To make all the commands to run the blast jobs concurrently
for i in ref_genomes/*.fasta ; do
if [[ ${i} != *B73* ]] ;
echo bash ${i} transcript_fastas/FT_candgenes.fasta >> commands.txt ;
Get 25 commands (1 for each genome of blasting) Make all the slurm scripts with
python scripts/ 1 commands.txt
Got multiple hits back, modifying blastn to have a -max_hsps 1
cut -f 1 out_B97.pseudomolecules-v1_FT_candgenes | uniq > transcript_name_ref.txt
#Trying to get just the top hit
awk 'FNR == NR { name[$1] = 0; }
FNR != NR { for (i in name) if ($0 ~ i && name[i]++ == 0) { print $0; break; } }' \
reference.txt file.txt
for i in out*candgenes ; do bash transcript_name_ref.txt ${i} ;done
- get the NAM coordinates for those sequences Need them in bed file format for bedtools intersect
#chr start stop ID
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $2,$7,$8,$1}' tophitsfile >> bedfile
Strandedness is giving me problems because it's not recorded.
awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($2 > $3) print $1,$3,$2,$4 ; else print $0}' tophitbedfile
for i in *tophit_out_*_coords.bed ; do
awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($2 > $3) print $1,$3,$2,$4 ; else print $0}' ${i} > ${i%coords.bed}nostrd.bed ;
GFF Files are in /ptmp/LAS/arnstrm/tpm-final/GFF-PASA
on Condo (released versions)
#create soft links
for i in /ptmp/LAS/arnstrm/tpm-final/GFF-PASA/*.gff ; do ln -s ${i} ${i#/ptmp/LAS/arnstrm/tpm-final/GFF-PASA/} ; done
GFF=$(ls *.gff | grep ${genome})
module load bedtools2
bedtools intersect -wa -wb -header -a ${GFF} -b ${tophit}
bash tophit_out_B97_nostrd.bed
grep "ID=gene" intersect_B97.out |cut -f 10-13 | sort -k1,1 | uniq -c
grep "ID=gene" ${input} | cut -f 9 | cut -f 1 -d \; | cut -f 2 -d : > namgeneid.txt
grep "ID=gene" ${input} | cut -f 13 > B73geneid.txt
paste B73geneid.txt namgeneid.txt > ${input%.out}_geneid.txt
bash intersect_B97.out
B73_geneID NAM1 NAM2 NAM3...
sort -k1,1 intersect_HP301_geneid.txt > test_HP301.txt
sort -k1,1 intersect_P39_geneid.txt > test_P39.txt
#trying Awk
echo B73 HP301 > temp.txt
awk '
{ key = $1 } #values it's looking for
!seen[key]++ { keys[++total] = key }
{ values[key] = ( key in values ? values[key] FS $2 : $2 ) }
for (cnt=1; cnt<=total; cnt++)
print keys[cnt], values[keys[cnt]] }' test_HP301.txt > temp.txt
cut -f 1 -d " " temp.txt > temp1.txt
cut -d " " -f 2- temp.txt | awk -v OFS=":" '{i=$(NF); print $1,$2,$3}' > temp2.txt
paste temp1.txt temp2.txt > collapsed.txt
#joining awked collapsed files
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA collapsed_CML228.txt collapsed_B97.txt
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA collapsed_B97.txt collapsed_CML103.txt > temp.txt
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA temp.txt collapsed_CML228.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML247.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML277.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML322.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML333.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML52.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML69.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_HP301.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Il14H.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ki11.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ki3.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ky21.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_M162W.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_M37W.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Mo18W.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ms71.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_NC350.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_NC358.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Oh43.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Oh7B.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_P39.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Tx303.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Tzi8.txt > allgeneids.txt
Need bam files of the Tassel, Anther, Ear, and V11 leaf tissues
module load subread
featureCounts -a GFF-FILE -o OUTPUT-counts.txt -T 16 -O -g Parent bamfile1 bamfile2 bamfile3....
This was written out in
Then use calculate-tpm-rpkm-from-feature-counts.R
to create the TPM files
ml r-devtools r-dplyr r-tidyr
./calculate-tpm-rpkm-from-feature-counts.R RNAseq_bam_files/B97-counts.txt
to create the TPM files with only the candidate genes
Then run
to turn the TPMs into long format (detailed below)
for n in {1..12} ;
do let z=19-$n ;
awk -v OFS='\t' -v tis=$(head -n 1 B97_candTPM.txt | cut -f $z) -v tpm=$(echo ${n})
'{print $1,$2,$3,$4,tis,$(NF - tpm)}' B97_candTPM.txt > temp.txt; tail -n +2 temp.txt >> finaltest.txt ; done
a=$(awk '{print NF}' $input | head -n 1) #number of columns
head -n 1 $input | cut -f 1-4 > header ;
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $0,"Tissue_ID","TPM"}' header > formatted_${input} ;
for n in $(eval echo "{0..$a}") ; do
let z=a-n ;
if (( ${z} > 6 )) ; then
awk -v OFS='\t' -v tis=$(head -n 1 ${input} | cut -f ${z}) -v tpm=$(echo ${n}) '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,tis,$(NF-tpm)}' $input > temp2.txt ;
tail -n +2 temp2.txt >> formatted_${input} ;
fi ;
rm header temp2.txt
Then concatenate those long format files into allTPM.txt
need to rm headers so not repeated
head -n 1 formatted_B73_candTPM.txt > allTPM.txt
for i in formatted_*; do tail -n +2 $i >> allTPM.txt ; done
Add columns for Genome, Tissue, and Replicate by dividing the 5th field, Tissue_ID
echo Genome > genome.txt
echo Tissue > tissue.txt
echo Replicate > replicate.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 5 | cut -f 1 -d _ >> genome.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 5 | cut -f 2,3 -d _ >> tissue.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 5 | cut -f 4 -d _ >> replicate.txt
paste allTPM.txt genome.txt tissue.txt replicate.txt >> allTPM_splitdescriptions.txt
Run expression_analysis.R
to get figures and results using the input files created from the above.
Downloaded the legacy snp data from
#getting the fasta sequences out of `context_full.fasta` for each QTL marker
while read -r line; do grep -A1 -w "${line}" context_full.fasta >> d2s_QTL.fasta ; done < days2silk_QTLmarkerIDs.txt
## to see which marker didn't have a position
while read -r line; do echo ${line} ; grep -c ${line} SNPpos_agpv3.bed ; done < days2silk_QTLmarkerIDs.txt
##to get snp positions +/- 50 bp on v3 coordinates
awk -v s=50 -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2-s,$3+s,$4,$6}' asi_QTL.bed
##to get the fasta from the v3 reference using the bed tools
module load bedtools
bedtools getfasta -name -fi B73_RefGen_v3.fa -bed asi_QTLv3.bed > asi_QTLv3.fasta
bedtools getfasta -name -fi B73_RefGen_v3.fa -bed d2s_QTLv3.bed > d2s_QTLv3.fasta
data: NAM.EDTA1.8.0.MTEC02052020.TElib.clean.fa
- pull out the coordinates (B73v5) for the significant deletions
for i in track_intersect_allregions_*; do grep -f sig_DELs $i | cut -f 1-4 |sort | uniq >>sig_DELs_coords.bed; done
sort -k1,1 sig_DELs_coords.bed | uniq > uniq_sig_DELs.bed
since the merging of indels left some coords exactly the same while differing labels, I manually removed duplicate coordinates - Use the coordinates to pull out sequence from the B73v5 assembly
module load bedtools2
bedtools getfasta -name -fi ref_genomes/B73.PLATINUM.pseudomolecules-v1.fasta -bed uniq_sig_DELs.bed > sig_DELs.fasta
module load blast-plus/2.7.1-py2-vvbzyor
blastn -max_hsps 1 -subject sig_DELs.fasta -query NAM.EDTA1.8.0.MTEC02052020.TElib.clean.fa -out out_sig_DELs_TELibrary_withlengths -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident qstart qend length sstart send qcovs qlen slen"
bash scripts/ out_sig_DELs_TELibrary_withlengths
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1,$2,$6/$10, $6/$11}' out_filtered_out_sig_DELs_TELibrary_withlengths | sort -k 2,2> besthits_percov_sigDELs_TEs.txt
#manually add in a header
GL15 V3 ID is actually: GRMZM2G160730
and V5 ID is Zm00001eb387280
pan-gene id is Pan_gene_19318
grep GRMZM2G160730 Li2016_candidates/B73v3_B73v5_liftover_genemodel_CDS_xref_shortened.txt
#in R from the Li2016_Candidate_Analysis.R
> grep("Zm00001eb387280", geneIDkey$B73_AltID2)
[1] 92361
geneIDkey[92361,] %>% t()
geneIDkey[92361,] %>% write_csv("../../gl15_nam_IDs.csv")
tail -n 1 gl15_nam_IDs.csv | tr ',' '\n' | sort | uniq >> grep_ID.txt
On Nova to get the actual coordinates for each NAM
cd /work/LAS/mhufford-lab/arnstrm/newNAM/analyses/t-pangene-matrix/counts-matrix/counts-padded
for i in *.txt ; do awk -v OFS='\t' '$1 ~/Pan_gene_19318/ {print $0}' $i ; done
#The above is saved in GL15NAMcoordinates.txt
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $5,$6,$7,$3"_"$1"_"$2,$8}' GL15NAMcoordinates.txt > GL15NAMcoordinates.bed
Use nova coordinates to get the fasta for GL15 by each NAM Need to make each genome's coordinates a different file
while read -r line ; do
n=$(echo $line | cut -f 4 | cut -f 3 -d _)
echo $line > ${n}_GL15.bed
done < GL15NAMcoordinates.bed
for i in *GL15.bed ; do sed -i "s/ /\t/g" $i ; done
module load bedtools2
for i in GL15_additional_work/*GL15.bed ; do
n=$(echo ${i#GL15_additional_work/} | cut -f 1 -d _ )
bedtools getfasta -name -fi ref_genomes/${n}.pseudomolecules*.fasta -bed $i > GL15_additional_work/${n}_GL15.fasta
cat *GL15.fasta > GL15_NAMseq.fasta
Run muscle alignment on all the GL15 fastas
#muscle/3.8.1551 is the module used
module load muscle
muscle -in GL15_NAMseq.fasta -fastaout GL15_alignment.fasta -htmlout GL15_alignment.html -log GL15_NAMseq_aln.log
- Look for the insertion sequence * Find the coordinates for the insertion sequence on P39, blast against TE library Looking at the B73 coordinates for the insertions and gene, I estimate the insertions of interest are between 3000 and 500 bp upstream of the gene coordinates
for i in *_GL15.bed ; do
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1, $2-3000, $2-500, $4, $5}' $i > ${i%.bed}_promoter.bed
for i in GL15_additional_work/*GL15_promoter.bed ; do
n=$(echo ${i#GL15_additional_work/} | cut -f 1 -d _ )
bedtools getfasta -name -fi ref_genomes/${n}.pseudomolecules*.fasta -bed $i > GL15_additional_work/${n}_GL15_promoter.fasta
cat *GL15_promoter.fasta > GL15_promoter_NAMseq.fasta
muscle -in GL15_promoter_NAMseq.fasta -fastaout GL15_promoter_alignment.fasta -htmlout GL15_promoter_alignment.html -log GL15_promoter_NAMseq_aln.log
Maggie is using COGE to find the exact coordinates of the insertion
#On CML228's coordinate system: chr9 105190700-105191100
bedtools getfasta -name -fi ref_genomes/CML228.pseudomolecules*.fasta -bed GL15ins_coords_CML228.bed > CML228_GL15ins.fasta
module load blast-plus/2.7.1-py2-vvbzyor
blastn -subject CML228_GL15ins.fasta -query NAM.EDTA1.8.0.MTEC02052020.TElib.clean.fa -out out_CML228GL15ins_withlengths -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident qstart qend length sstart send qcovs qlen slen"
blastn -subject CML228_GL15ins.fasta -query ref_genomes/B73.PLATINUM.pseudomolecules-v1.fasta -out out_CML228GL15ins_B73assembly.txt -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident qstart qend length sstart send qcovs qlen slen"
- convert Li Candidate names to V5, filter to only those found in US-NAM (+any combination)
grep -f Li2016-v3ids.txt B73v3_B73v5_liftover_genemodel_CDS_xref_shortened.txt >Li2016-v5ids.txt
- Get GWAS results
T2 Days_To_Silk
T30 Days_To_Anthesis
Look for the overlap of Li candidates and GWAS hits from NAM GWAS. Use the same window as before, gene + 5kb promoter region Permutation test: do we see more GWAS hit overlap with these candidates compared to whole genome
Got the coordinates from grepping the V3 ID's of candidate lists against the gene5KB_coords.bed
on condo plus significant SNP bed files from the R markdown
Also need input.fofn
which is a File Of File Names to run as an array job submission
grep "^coordinates_" *.out | datamash -s crosstab 1,2 sum 5 > col5 #median SNP hits per gene
grep "^coordinates_" *.out | datamash -s crosstab 1,2 sum 4 > col4 #number of genes with at least 1 SNP hit
grep "^coordinates_" *.out | datamash -s crosstab 1,2 sum 3 > col3 #total genes sampled
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"} FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2 FS $3 FS $4;next}{ print $0, a[$1]}' col4 col3 > temp1 #join cross tabbed files
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="\t"} FNR==NR{a[$1]=$2 FS $3 FS $4;next}{ print $0, a[$1]}' col5 temp1 > permutation_stats.txt #final join
- Calculate the coefficient of variation for each gene's expression across all lines
- How variable is expression of genes across all lines?
- Do we see greater variation in expression of Li candidate genes vs random sample of genes?
Coefficient of Variation is calculated as the std. dev. / mean
We need the mean and standard deviation of a gene's expression across tissue and genomes.
Current TPM files have the following headers
head -n 1 B97_joined_cnts_wLengths_tpm.txt
Length samples cnts_B97_R1_anther_MN03081.txt cnts_B97_R1_anther_MN03082.txt cnts_B97_V11_base_MN03031.txt cnts_B97_V11_base_MN03032.txt cnts_B97_V11_middle_MN03041.txt cnts_B97_V11_middle_MN03042.txt cnts_B97_V11_tip_MN03051.txt cnts_B97_V11_tip_MN03052.txt cnts_B97_V11_tip_MN03053.txt cnts_B97_V18_ear_MN03071.txt cnts_B97_V18_ear_MN03072.txcnts_B97_V18_tassel_MN03061.txt cnts_B97_V18_tassel_MN03062.txt
So for a given row (gene): grab the TPM values across the columns (tissues and reps for a single genome) for each tpm file (all genomes) find the mean and standard deviation of those values and report gene + mean + standard deviation (could use awk)
awk '{ A=0 ; V=0; for(N=1; N<=NF ; N++) A+=$N ; A/=NF ;
for (N=1; N<=NF; N++) V+=(($N-A)*($N-A))/(NF-1); print sqrt(V), A/=NF }' file
Test file
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
1 2 3 4 5
2 4 6 8 10
3 6 9 12 15
Then if there is a strong trend, that would be good follow up to structural variants.
- Group lines by tropical and temperate lines (remove mixed lines)
- Is there a significant difference in expression between these line groups for candidate genes?
- If there is, are we more likely to find SVs around these candidates than genes in general? (Permutation test)
Using the full genome tracks created up in the Arun's method section, SV_v8
== Dof21
== Zm00001eb005380_T001
From the 5KB+gene window bed file gene5KB_coords.bed
1 14950395 14957579 GRMZM2G162749
Looked at log2 fold change to find other candidates: ZCN10, ZCN8, ZMCCT10