git clone [email protected]:solven-eu/cleanthat.git
mvn install -Pfast -T 8
The -Pfast
profile may be necessary to circumvent cleanthat depenending on itself to apply spotless
on itself.
Once done (or re-done after a release), you can simply:
mvn install
Mutators are subject to many edge-cases, due to the complexity of syntaxes (including Java).
One can check a given code is not impacted with @UnmodifiedMethod
over a nested-class. The nest-class represents a unit-case:
public static class CaseCollection {
public Object pre(Collection<?> input) {
return input.size() == 0;
On can check some code is modified as expected with CompareMethods
over a nested-class. The nest-class represents a unit-case:
public static class CaseStringEqualsIgnoreCaseEmpty {
public Object pre(String input) {
return input.equalsIgnoreCase("");
public Object post(String input) {
return input.isEmpty();
You may consider rules with advanced edge-case, requiring specific code which would not compile in test
module classpath. It happens when testing code with a java language-level different from Cleanthat own language-level (e.g. a rule processing JDK21
while cleanthat is compiled as JDK11
One can rely on @CompareCompilationUnitsAsResources
pre = "/source/do_not_format_me/UnnecessaryModifier/",
post = "/source/do_not_format_me/UnnecessaryModifier/")
public static class Issue807 {
A given rule can be tested against a large set of codebases with See its README for more details.
git push origin master:deploy-prd
mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform
The release process may fail for various reasons:
- Sonatype timed-out
They, one would typically need to revert its local head, and force push master before the release. And delete the falsy tags:
git tag -d v2.XX.RELEASE
git push --delete origin v2.XX.RELEASE
gpg --list-keys
gpg --gen-key --default-new-key-algo=rsa4096/cert,sign+rsa4096/encr
gpg --keyserver --send-key 90A8________________________________AAB7
BEWARE is down:
If it fails, upload manually:
gpg \-\-armor \-\-export 90A8________________________________AAB7
See ITProcessLocallyDynamoDbEvent_CheckConfig
Issue with Javadoc. For instance:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.4.1:jar -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=false -PSonatype