Parallax mainly focuses on automatic parallelization of deep learning model graphs for a single device(CPU or GPU) with data parallelism. For automatic parallelization, Parallax requires some basic elements; resource information of the distributed environment, a single device graph, a data partitioning logic for data parallelism, a training method (asynchronous/synchronous), and a run
function to invoke the computation of the distributed version of the graph.
We assume a homogeneous environment where the number of GPUs per worker are equal. Parallax receives resource information as a file with the IP address and GPU ids(optional), as shown below. If the GPU ids are not served, Parallax detects all the GPUs in the host. Parallax runs ps
tasks(for HYBRID and Parameter Server architectures) in all the hosts in the resource information file.
Note that AR architecture creates a worker for each GPU device, so the number of workers are the same as the number of GPUs even if workers are set with multiple GPUs. Parallax assumes that all hosts must be accessible by ssh without password 0,1,2,3,4,5 1,3,4
Parallax receives any complete TensorFlow graph that can run on a single device.
Below code is an example of a Parallax(TensorFlow) graph for a simple linear regression.
import tensorflow as tf
single_device_graph = tf.Graph()
with single_device_graph.as_default():
x_data = [1, 2, 3]
y_data = [1, 2, 3]
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1], -1.0, 1.0))
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1], -1.0, 1.0))
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="X")
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="Y")
hypothesis = W * X + b
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(hypothesis - Y))
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(cost)
Parallax supports data parallelism, meaning that a disjoint subset of input data has to be assigned to each worker. The way of data processing is different according to the application. The way of data processing is different according to the application. The data processing could be defined as dataset API, a python function, and operations in the graph. As a result, Parallax provides data partitioning for dataset API which is the simplest one, and utilizing other methods is possible as an additional option.
TensorFlow introduces the dataset API for comfortable input preprocessing. The dataset is defined as a function library instead of operators in the TensorFlow graph, so Parallax uses a different approach compared to the examples above.
For the dataset, call ds = shard.shard(ds)
. ds
is a dataset defined by TensorFlow and shard
is a Parallax library. Then, Parallax updates the function library definition related to the shard when the single graph is transformed. Note that Parallax does not support nested shard call, which means you cannot call shard.shard(ds)
inside a map function of a dataset.
This is the input preprocessing code of TensorFlow CNN Benchmark.
ds =
ds = shard.shard(ds)
ds = ds.apply(
interleave_ops.parallel_interleave(, cycle_length=10))
Some of the applications define input data as a placeholder, and feed them through TensorFlow session. In this case, you can utilize num_workers
, worker_id
, num_replicas_per_worker
from the parallax.parallel_run
function. This code snippet comes from LM-1B example.
The value of feed dictionary must be a list as long as num_replicas_per_worker
. Each element in the list is fed into a replica tensor in the distributed graph.
def run(sess, num_workers, worker_id, num_replicas_per_worker):
data_iterator = dataset.iterate_forever(FLAGS.batch_size * num_replicas_per_worker,
FLAGS.num_steps, num_workers, worker_id)
for local_step in range(FLAGS.max_steps):
x, y, w = next(data_iterator)
feeds = {}
feeds[model.x] = np.split(x, num_replicas_per_worker)
feeds[model.y] = np.split(y, num_replicas_per_worker)
feeds[model.w] = np.split(w, num_replicas_per_worker)
fetched =, feeds)
Construct a single device graph with the num_shards
and shard_id
tensors from shard.create_num_shards_and_shard_id()
. shard
is a library from Parallax. Then, Parallax internally changes the tensor values while transforming the single graph into a distributed version. Below code comes from Skip-Thoughts Vectors.
num_files = len(data_files)
num_shards, shard_id = shard.create_num_shards_and_shard_id()
shard_size = num_files / num_shards
shard_size = tf.cast(shard_size, dtype=tf.int64)
remainder = num_files % num_shards
slice_begin = tf.cond(tf.less(shard_id, remainder + 1),
lambda: (shard_size + 1) * shard_id,
lambda: shard_size * shard_id + remainder)
slice_size = tf.cond(tf.less(shard_id, remainder), lambda: shard_size + 1,
lambda: shard_size)
data_files = tf.slice(data_files, [slice_begin], [slice_size])
Parallax finds a near-optimal number of partitions to maximize parallelism while maintaining low computation and communication overhead. We support tf.fixed_size_partitioner
with the number of partitions that Parallax finds using an internal cost model that predicts iteration time as a function of the number of partitions.
If some of the variables are assumed large enough to be partitioned, construct partitioner using parallax.get_partitioner
with the minimum number of partitions possible without memory exceptions as an argument. By assigning search_partitions
as True or False in ParallaxConfig, partitioning can be turned on or off. When there is a Parallax partitioner with search_partitions=False
, the minimum number of partitions are used.
partitioner = parallax.get_partitioner(min_partitions)
with tf.variable_scope(
"emb", partitioner=partitioner) as scope:
emb_v = tf.get_variable(
"emb_mat_var", [num_trainable_tokens, emb_size])
Parallax reads the environment variables below from the machine where an application is launched. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
is set with the information from resource_info
so that the user defined value will be ignored.
- PARALLAX_LOG_LEVEL : The log level of Parallax. Default level is INFO. Refer logging.
We assume users set all other environment variables on each machine. However, SSH command which is used by Parallax for remote execution does not refer to environment variables defined in ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile. To set environment variables properly, you should set ~/.ssh/environment
(it requires PermitUserEnvironment yes
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
, then call /etc/init.d/ssh restart
to apply the modification).
Now, we are ready to run Parallax. Call Parallax parallel_run
API as below. Check here for all the arguments.
from parallax.core.python.common import runner
runner.parallel_run(single_device_graph, run_function, resource_info_file_path, number of iterations)
Then, execute the python file with parallel_run
$ python <python_file_name>
The command assumes that the source codebase is distributed and reachable in the same absolute path in each of the machines.
More examples are here: linear regression, TensorFlow CNN Benchmark, Skip-Thoughts Vectors, LM-1B, NMT