- Assignment 1 Submission Link Released: https://forms.gle/KG8dFbtdyYcoAuvz7
- Assingment 1 Assigned
- Synopsis:
- Choose any dataset from the ones mentioned in practice problems of Unit 2,
- Download the dataset, extract the files, upload them to Google Colab (Or)
- Use the Kaggle API to directly download the dataset inside Google Colab
- Utilize numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn to perform data visualization and statistical analysis of the data
- Analyze for missingdata (if any)
- Clearly state your insights in markdown cells after the relevant code cells
- Document your code properly
- Mention your Name, Enrollment Number, Division, Semester on the first cell of the notebook (Use a code cell)
- Share the link to the notebook before deadline in the Google Form
- Due Date: 5th August, 2023 - 17:00 IST
- Submission Mode: Google Form