PokeTyper is a Pokemon fan-made website where you can explore the different types and type combinations of Pokemon. You find the website at https://slanger.github.io/poketyper/
There are three pages in this website:
- Types - Tells you the resistances and weaknesses of any Pokemon type or type combination.
- Coverage - Tells you which types are "covered by", or weak to, a particular Pokemon move set.
- Pokemon - Look up the resistances and weaknesses for Pokemon.
The code is written in C# and uses Blazor WebAssembly to run the code directly in the browser. The code is broken up into three projects:
PokeTyperWeb - The code for the web app.
PokeTyperConsole - The code for the console (terminal/command prompt) app. This app is used for quick testing of the shared code.
PokeTyper - The code shared between the above projects. This code contains most of the logic of working with Pokemon types.
There are two ways to build and run PokeTyper locally: 1) with
Visual Studio, and 2) with the dotnet
interface (CLI) that comes with .NET Core.
To build the code and run PokeTyper locally with Visual Studio, first download and install Visual Studio 2019 from here (the Community version is free). Make sure to select the "ASP.NET and web development" workload during the install so that .NET Core and Blazor WebAssembly are installed. Then, open up the Visual Studio solution file and click the run button on the project you want to run (either the web app or the console app).
To build the code and run PokeTyper locally with the dotnet
command-line interface (CLI), first
download and install the latest version of .NET Core 3.1 from
here. Make sure to install the SDK ("build
apps") and not just the runtime ("run apps"). Then open up the command prompt/terminal and navigate
to one of the project directories (either src/PokeTyperWeb
for the web app or
for the console app) and run dotnet run
to run the project. For the web
app, after running dotnet run
, open up a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 to
view the web app in the browser.