- build rust CLI to try across platforms in different corpora, evaluate rust for CLI
label issue
more python CI checks, local tools - rm unused imports, for instance (on save, in CI..)
- consider ruff - one shot to rule them all
- pytest --cov=. --cov-report term
- more facilities for static analysis, test coverage, complexity checks
- publish to pypi
- publish containers
- pr-agent only on comments?
async upload, progress bar ... ?
- rust or python? ;9
add full oauth 3 leg to CLI
Start interactive? Could be cool to just say things to do "rewrite foo/bar/baz.py with BazPlex"
- agents ... function calling ... maybe we have a menu of function
,create file
,rewrite file
- Take input. Analyze problem. Choose sequence of agents. Let agents execute in order. Report back to user.
- rust?
- agents ... function calling ... maybe we have a menu of function
corpora workon README.md
- static prompt context + dynamic RAG context
- .corpora/GOALS.md
- .corpora/ISSUES.md
- .corpora/PREFERENCES.md ?
- nearest neighbor vector search endpoint(s)
- compare vector of summary versus vector of splits, create search endpoint(s) test adhoc queries
corpora plan update_issue 17