BLSPrivateKeyShare - class for private key for each participant. Has methods sign and signWithHelper to sign hashed message.
BLSPrivateKey - class for common private key
BLSPublicKeyShare - class for public key for each participant. Has methods VerifySig and VerifySigWithHelper to Verify a piece of signature.
BLSPublicKey - class for common public key. Has method VerifySig and VerifySigWithHelper for verifying common signature.
BLSSigShare - class for a piece of common signature.
BLSSigShareSet - class for a set of pieces of signature. Has methods Add (to add a piece of signature) and merge ( to get common signature, if enough pieces of signature added)
BLSSignature - class for common signature.
All these classes (except BLSSigShareSet) can be created from shared_ptr to string(or to vector of strings) and converted to shared_ptr to string(or to vector of strings) with the method _toString()_.
Choose total number of participants in your group (n), give an index to each participant and choose a threshold number (t) for your case. (t <= n).
Generate private keys. Create common public key. You may use DKG. For test you can use
<std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BLSPrivateKeyShare>>>, std::shared_ptr<BLSPublicKey>>> keys =
BLSPrivateKeyShare::generateSampleKeys(t, n);
You will get a pair, which first component is shared_ptr to vector of private keys, and second component is shared_ptr to common public key;
- Hash the message you want to sign. Hash should be
std::array<uint8_t, 32>
- Sign the hashed message with each private key(which is an instance of PrivateKeyShare). You will get a piece of signature (shared_ptr to BLSSigShare instance)
If you need to be compatible with Ethereum
std::shared_ptr<BLSSigShare> sigShare_ptr = key.signWithHelper(hash_ptr, signer_index);
where key is an instance of BLSPrivateKeyShare, hash_ptr is shared_ptr to std::array<uint8_t, 32>, signer index is an index of a participant whose key is used to sign
If you are not using Ethereum then for each key call
std::shared_ptr<BLSSigShare> sigShare_ptr = key.sign(hash_ptr, signer_index)
where key is an instance of BLSPrivateKeyShare, hash_ptr is shared_ptr to std::array<uint8_t, 32>, signer index is an index of a participant whose key is used to sign
- Create an instance of BLSSigShareSet.
BLSSigShareSet SigSet(t,n);
Add shared_ptr to pieces of signature ( BLSSigShare instances ) to BLSSigShareSet.
If you have enough pieces you will be able to merge them and to get common signature(shared_ptr to BLSSignature instance)
std::shared_ptr<BLSSignature> signature_ptr = SigSet.merge();
- Verify common signature with common public key
If you need to be compatible with Ethereum
assert( publicKey.VerifySigWithHelper(hash_ptr, signature_ptr, t, n);
If you need not to be compatible with Ethereum
assert( publicKey.VerifySig(hash_ptr, signature_ptr, t, n );
Here is an example of BLS threshold signatures algorithm with t = 3, n = 4.
size_t num_all = 4;
size_t num_signed = 3;
std::vector<size_t> participants(num_all);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_signed; ++i) = i + 1; //set participants indices 1,2,3
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BLSPrivateKeyShare>>> Skeys =
LSPrivateKeyShare::generateSampleKeys(num_signed, num_all)->first;
std::default_random_engine rand_gen((unsigned int) time(0));
std::array<uint8_t, 32> hash_byte_arr;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 32 ; i++){ //generate random hash = rand_gen() % 255;
std::shared_ptr<std::array<uint8_t, 32>> hash_ptr =
std::make_shared< std::array<uint8_t, 32> >(hash_byte_arr);
BLSSigShareSet sigSet(num_signed, num_all);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_signed; ++i) {
std::shared_ptr<BLSPrivateKeyShare> skey = Skeys->at(i);
// sign with private key of each participant
std::shared_ptr<BLSSigShare> sigShare = skey->sign(hash_ptr,;
std::shared_ptr<BLSSignature> common_sig_ptr = sigSet.merge(); //create common signature
//create common private key from private keys of each participant
BLSPrivateKey common_skey
(Skeys, std::make_shared<std::vector<size_t>>(participants), num_signed, num_all);
//create common public key from common private key
BLSPublicKey common_pkey(*(common_skey.getPrivateKey()), num_signed, num_all);
// verify common signature with common public key
assert(common_pkey.VerifySig(hash_ptr, common_sig_ptr, num_signed, num_all));