TEPrivateKey - class for common private key
TEPublicKey - class for common public key. Has method encrypt to encrypt the message. (Message length should be 64) .
TEPrivateKeyShare - class for private key for each participant. Has method decrypt to decrypt CipherText and to get a part of decrypted message.
TEPublicKeyShare - class for public key for each participant. Has methods Verify to verify if given CipherText matches given decrypted piece of message.
TEDecryptSet - class for set of decrypted pieces of message. Has methods addDecrypt (to add a piece of decrypted message) and merge to get a decrypted message ( if enough pieces are added).
All these classes (except TEDecryptSet) can be created from shared_ptr to string(or to vector of strings) and converted to shared_ptr to string(or to vector of strings) with the method _toString()_.
Choose total number of participants in your group (n), give index to each participant and choose a threshold number (t) for your case. (t <= n).
Generate private key for each participant. Create common public key. You may use DKG. For test you can use
<std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TEPrivateKeyShare>>>, std::shared_ptr<TEPublicKey>> keys =
TEPrivateKeyShare::generateSampleKeys(t, n);
You will get a pair, which first component is shared_ptr to a vector of private keys, and second component is shared_ptr to common public key;
- Create public key from private key for each participant.
TEPrivateKeyShare privateKeyShare = *keys.first->at(i);
TEPublicKeyShare publicKeyShare ( privateKeyShare, t, n);
where i is an index of a participant.
- Decrypt message with common public key. Message length should be 64.
TEPublic publicKey = *keys.second;
libBLS::Ciphertext cipher = publicKey.encrypt(message_ptr);
Where message_ptr is shared_ptr to string, cipher is encrypted message.
- Get pieces of decrypted message with private key of each participant and cipher got in step 4. Verify every piece with public key of corresponding participant.
libff::alt_bn128_G2 piece = privateKey.decrypt(cipher);
assert ( publicKeyShare.Verify(cipher, piece) ) ;
- Create DecryptSet and add to it each piece of decrypted message.
TEDecryptSet decrSet(t, n);
decrSet.addDecrypt(signerIndex, piece_ptr);
where piece_ptr is shared_ptr to piece, signerIndex is an index of a participant, which created this piece.
- If you have enough pieces you will be able to merge them and to get decrypted message.
std::string message = decrSet.merge();