4x4 city map Dice on it Didn't go anywhere. roling 16 dice making a square of them and distributing them to the city was fun.
Decided to go back to the superhero game. Make the game work with just thugs. Try to simplify it.
How about two types of thugs. Roaming thugs that occupy a single space but roam and steal. Territorial thugs that stay in an area. Expand to surrounding spaces and get some kind of regular income.
It turned into an aread control game (which I'm a little worried about) as players commit thugs to the various gangs. Black cubes represent neutral players.
Make the buildings three types: good town (yellow), bad town (orange) and government (black/gray). good town produces more money than bad town. Goverment buildings are either impassable or hurt gangs. Need to reduce count of government from 4 to 2.
As soon as area control is introduced it introduces the question of how to move/expand the gangs. It doesn't seem right that an arbitrary player can make that decision with an action. A different solution is to allow players to play an influence tile on one of the four edges of the board. Gang decisions are then calculated based on these plus the number of each player's thugs in the group.
I need to come up with both a mechanism to cull existing gangs as well as spawn new gangs.
- cull: for now just do it on size? Or income generated? The latter is fairer. Do we elimante the entire gang or do we just reduce it? Complete elimination makes the game more dynamic and is simpler so maybe start with that.
- spawn: whenever there are less than four gangs spawn one.
The above rules are pretty simple. Start with that. Later we can introduce a superhero mechanic for culling.
Culling would be a good way for players to earn infamy points. Alternatively players could gain new powers each turn like indonesia.
I can use each side of a sticky quarter to indicate roaming vs territorial gangs.
Start with territorial gangs growing and not shrinking. Max 4.
Start with simple player actions. Just add a thug to any gang.
If roaming gang hits government thugs are reduced by half. Same if territorial game expands into government.
Roaming gangs: when roam happens; every thug earns a coin. infamy of gang increases by same amount. Rules should be written such that gang moves every round. Territorial gang earns the sum of all city spots divided by two rounded down. Earns same as roaming for size 1 or 2. Earns more for size 3 4. Not sure if this matters since corruption track kills gangs based on income. Maybe make District Attorney vs. Police Chief. One attacks roamers one attacks territorials. Why am I adding more complexity?
Quick rules:
Two gangs: R on 1, T on 16. Black thug on each. Both DA and Police on space 15 of a crime track. MAybe use the outer edges of the board as a track of size 16. (0 is left side lowest, 15 is bottom side leftmost, increases in clockwise order. This is good because the actual number is less important than the relative position. Can add corners to add four more values for 20 total. new gang token on "roving gang/ low"
Player turns: Each player places their influence token (colored meeple) off one of the four board edges. each player places a thug on a gang.
End of turn. In order of thugs with lowest number For R: influence cubes of each player votes for a direction. Same directions are cumulative. If multiple directions are tied then move to the lowest number. For each thug on the gang move the thug up on the crime track. Each player takes 1 coin per their thug if moving into bad two, two per thug if moving into good town. For T: if the number of thugs in the gang is greater than the number of spots times the number of players (e.g. exceeds 8 if the gang occupies 2 spots) then expand if the number of spots is less than 4.
All right, times up. Here's the picture of what I have