Create great webapps without a hassle. Don't bother to learn a new tool. With Rooibos you can write webapps with the tools you already know: HTML/CSS/jQuery.
In addition Rooibos comes with a great CSS Framework so you don't even have to write CSS. Check out the examples right now!
Because Rooibos relies heavily on CSS3, I'm focusing on Webkit and Firefox (which represents almost 50% of the browsers). But it's usable on IE7, IE8 and Opera too.
So it's the perfect tool if you want to create an app with Titanium Desktop or Adobe AIR and it's a very good tool too if your audience is limited.
When I'll get something complete on Webkit and Firefox, I will work more on the other browsers. But feel free to help right now on that if you like the project.
- Choco (Javascript Framework that bundles js-model, jim and sammy)
- Aristo theme is Creative Commons
- Other stuff are MIT