The Sugar Cube Client allows you to send and recieve data from Gitea's RESTful API using object-oriented PHP.
Under the hood, Sugar Cube uses the Guzzle Library to make and send requests to Gitea's RESTful API routes. It then converts the returned JSON response data into PHP objects which you can use to easily query the data.
To see how Sugar Cube can be used in a real world application please refer to Acapella's code base (e.g. line 39 of GiteaRepositoryManager.php).
- Add Example code to the README
- Create PHPUnit tests for each API requester
- Create more API requesters for Gitea's API routes
- Submit the Sugar Cube composer package to Packagist
- First thank you goes out to the folks over on the Gitea.php project. Your Model and Push Event objects provided the foundation of this project.
- Next thank you goes to those who worked on CompoLab. It was during the process of porting your great project to Gitea that we made this client.
- And last but not least, a big shout out to everyone who has contributed to Gitea. Without your project there wouldn't be any API to make the client for ;)