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Configure UPS NUT |
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Have your RaspiBolt safely shutdown when a connected UPS reaches a critical power level.
Difficulty: Easy’ish {: .label .label-yellow }
Status: Tested v3 {: .label .label-green }
Table of contents {: .text-delta }
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This is to use Network UPS Tools (NUT; ) in order to safely shutdown your node in the event of a power outage. This is confirmed to work on Raspberry Pi using Rasperry Pi Lite OS, but should work for those using other systems as well. Special attention may be needed to ensure the shutdown command is appropriate for your OS.
NUT is nice in that it allows for a single device to communicate to other devices to safely shut them down (client-server relationship). For this scenario, ensure your UPS data port is plugged into the Raspberry Pi.
Verify you can view the UPS device
$ lsusb
Install NUT.
$ sudo apt-get install nut
Go the NUT site and find the driver for your UPS. If you cannot find your device, try usbhid-ups
as it appears to be a default driver that may or may not work for you.
It’s time to configure the UPS. The UPS-Name
is whatever you want to call it. Port should be set to auto. Desc is whatever you want to describe it, though probably unnecessary unless you work with multiple UPS.
NOTE: Depending on the driver/hardware of your system, you may need to comment out maxretry. If you receive a fatal error during the process that 'maxretry' is not a valid variable name, you'll want to comment it out while performing the below step. You can also consult the NUT user manual online at
$ sudo nano /etc/nut/ups.conf
driver = usbhid-ups
port = auto
desc = “UPS Make Model or whatever”
Configure the daemon to know what all it needs to run (ie. Server, client, etc). The assumption for this scenario is you’re running a single device directly connected to the data port of the UPS and do not care about any other devices connected to the UPS (in terms of shutting them down).
$ sudo nano /etc/nut/nut.conf`
Start the service. If successful, you should get a list of drivers used.
$ sudo upsdrvctl start
Check status to verify service is active.
$ sudo service nut-server restart
$ sudo service nut-server status
Use the upsc
command to view additional status. Replace UPS-Name
with whatever you used in ups.conf
. You should see the configuration of the UPS.
$ upsc UPS-Name
Configure the monitor that will alert watch, alert, and shutdown the device if needed. Define two users. The admin basically gets the rights to rwx while the monitor is more like r only. You can name them whatever you wish, but leave the configuration of upsmon master
alone. This is identifying this device as being directly connected to the USB data port.
$ sudo nano /etc/nut/upsd.users
password = secretpassword
actions = SET
instcmds = ALL
password = secretpassword1
upsmon master
Modify upsmon.conf
with what it should do as events occur. Pretty large config file, but the primary item to find is the MONITOR area (capital letters are necessary). You’re telling it to monitor your UPS that is locally connected. The 1 is the power value and shouldn’t be changed unless you’re connected to multiple UPS (not typical). You then use the upsmon
username and password you configured in upsd.users
and the master indicates that it’ll shut down this computer last (which is fine since this is a single node application)
sudo nano /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
MONITOR UPS-Name@localhost 1 upsmon secretpassword1 master
Other items of interest in upsmon.conf
NOTIFYFLAG section. I like to uncomment ONLINE and ONBATT so that we see state changes in the UPS
Review SHUTDOWNCMD and ensure it works based on your OS. I believe it determine best command during install
NUT creates user/group nut in install, so we’re going to limit access to nut and root to view UPS user permissions and configuration.
$ sudo chown nut:nut /etc/nut/*
$ sudo chmod 640 /etc/nut/upsd.users /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
Restart daemons
$ sudo service nut-server restart
$ sudo service nut-client restart
View available commands of UPS. Might come in handy to silence the alarm. Replace UPS-Name
with the name you used in ups.conf
$ upscmd –l UPS-Name
Unplug the UPS from the wall and you should get a system alert on your console or terminal window (assuming you are logged in to your Raspibolt) that the system is now running on battery power. If you plug it back in, you should get notified that it’s back “on line power”. For the real test, unplug the UPS and let it drain. To speed the process up, plug in a laptop, lamp, etc. Check for status of the battery by running the below.
$ upsc UPS-NAME
Most models will have a field that is called battery.charge
that you can monitor progress on.
You may also want to recall you can disable the alarm on many models. Find the variable on your system with upscmd –l UPS-Name
. You can then mute it using the applicable command. Common example below. You’ll be prompted for a username and password. Use the admin and password you defined in upsd.users
upscmd UPS-Name beeper.mute
Note: If you see an option for beeper.disable
, that will permanently turn off the audible alert. To re-enable, use beeper.enable
or whatever applicable variable you see.
Whichever system has the UPS data port plugged into it is the server/master and the device(s) plugged into the UPS, but not with a data connection to the UPS are the client/slave.
Reconfigure the server. Change the mode from standalone
to netserver
$ sudo nano /etc/nut/nut.conf
Add a new user for upsmon on the client to use to access the server status. Append it to the end after upsmon
(or whatever you named your previous monitoring user). Note that we tag it as slave so it knows it’s has to get its status from the master (server).
$ sudo nano /etc/nut/upsd.users
password = secretpassword2
upsmon slave
Modify upsd.conf
to tell the server to listen for connections. The loopback is for ‘localhost’ connections. Change to be whatever address you have assigned to the server. If you get settings dynamically from DHCP, you’ll need to configure a means to set a static address. Or modify /etc/hosts on multiple systems. 3493 is the default port that NUT uses. It seems silly to have to use both addresses, but it’s been the only way I’ve had success in a server/client configuration.
$ sudo nano /etc/nut/upsd.conf
Modify the firewall to allow for 3493 to come into your system.
$ sudo ufw allow 3493/tcp comment 'all UPS NUT Client'
$ sudo ufw status
Reload the server daemons to have it read the new configuration.
$ sudo service nut-server restart
$ sudo service nut-client restart
In another window, open a terminal to the client system.
client$ sudo apt-get install nut
Modify nut.conf
to be the netclient.
client$ sudo nano /etc/nut/nut.conf
Modify upsmon.conf
to get updates from the server. Modify
to match the IP of the server (that you added the LISTEN statement to upsd.conf
on server). Note the slave designation. This will have NUT issue the shutdown command to the slave first and the master last.
client$ sudo nano /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
MONITOR [email protected] 1 upsmon-remote secretpassword2 slave
Now permissions cleanup. No passwords in upsd.users
, so no change of permissions for that file.
client$ sudo chown nut:nut /etc/nut/*
client$ sudo chmod 640 /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
Restart daemon
client$ sudo service nut-client restart
Check connectivity with NUT master
client$ sudo upsc [email protected]
You should now see the configuration of the UPS.
Proceed to test the system with the disconnect/reconnect power or do the full outage testing. Be sure to keep terminal windows open to master and slave to watch as it happens. If configured properly, the client will shutdown first, followed by the server, when the UPS battery is approaching empty. The server will shutdown 5 seconds later (configurable on server’s /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
field if you want to run other scripts on the server prior to shutdown.
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