simple todo command line with dart just as fun! :)
just using builed executable todo.exe or if your developer you know how to rebuild
just using builed executable todo.exe in root of project
or if your developer you know how to rebuild! :)
# For linux user add these two line in ~/.zshrc Or ~/.bashrc
export PATH="/home/$USER/bin:$PATH"
alias todo='todo.exe'
# For windows users follow below :
1.In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel)
2.Click the Advanced system settings link.
3.Click Environment Variables. In the section System Variables find the PATH environment variable and select it. Click 4.Edit. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New.
5.In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable.
6. Click OK. Close all remaining windows by clicking OK.
7.Reopen Command prompt window, and run todo.
* PATH --> path of todo.exe
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Copyright (c) 2022 S.Sina Hosseini