This changelog consists of the bug & security fixes and new features included in the releases listed below.
[Fixed] - #94 Getting exception in Attribute API
[Fixed] - #97 Unable to Install the Headless GraphQL API
[Fixed] - #98 If we give an input value [which does not exist] then we get an internal server error but need to get the proper message data not found on the console
[Fixed] - #99 Getting exception in Inventory Source API
[Fixed] - #100 Getting exception in Tax Rate API
[Fixed] - #101 Getting exception in TaxCategory API
[Fixed] - #102 Getting exception in Channel API
[Fixed] - #103 Getting exception in the Theme API
[Fixed] - #104 Please change API method to GET
[Fixed] - #105 Getting exception in Simple Product API
[Fixed] - #106 Getting exception on Config Product API
[Fixed] - #107 Getting exception in Update Group Product
[Fixed] - #108 Getting exception in Downloadable Product API
[Fixed] - #109 Getting exception in Categories API
[Fixed] - #111 Getting issue in Get and Post CMS Page API
[Fixed] - #112 In Email Template API Status is not updated
[Fixed] - #113 Unable to remove the customer account.
[Fixed] - #114 Getting issue while Hitting Apply Coupon and Shipping method API
[Fixed] - #115 Getting issue on Compare Products API
[Fixed] - #116 Getting issue in Shop -> Products API
[Fixed] - #117 Getting an exception while opening the Channel
[Fixed] - #119 Unable to add the video to the product
[Fixed] - #120 Category is created but image not updated on category.
[Fixed] - #136 Getting issue with getFilterAttribute API.
[Fixed] - #138 Method 'getCategoriesTree' does not exist on class
[Fixed] - #139 Getting issue after run composer command on terminal while installing the bagisto headless.
[Fixed] - #140 Admin is not able to login with valid credentials.
[Fixed] - #144 Customer is able to update account detail without email address.
[Fixed] - #146 Able to update gender wrong text in update account detail.
[Fixed] - #147 Able to update account detail without phone number.
[Fixed] - #150 Improve success message when review is deleted.
[Fixed] - #155 Customer Wishlists API's not working getting 500 error.
[Fixed] - #156 Compare Products APIs not working getting 500 error.
[Fixed] - #159 Getting error in result but show response 200 in the Cart Item Detail API.
[Fixed] - #160 Payment should be required field.
[Fixed] - #161 Getting "Internal Server Error" if enter unavailable categorySlug.
[Fixed] - #162 Getting wrong max price filter value.
[Fixed] - #163 Getting "internal Server Error" in Get Categories Tree API.
[Fixed] - #176 Sitemap is not deleting.
[Fixed] - #184 Direction parameter should be required to fill.
[Fixed] - #186 Image is not uploaded while create new locale.
[Fixed] - #187 Decimal parameter is not available in the API Request.
[Fixed] - #189 Countries api response is not correct.
[Fixed] - #195 Description parameter is not available for inventory source create and update APIs.
[Fixed] - #201 Inventory sources should be required option.
[Fixed] - #205 Email should be required field while creating user.
[Fixed] - #207 Getting "Internal Server Error" in response if request for create or update user without password and confirm password parameters.
[Fixed] - #216 Getting error in response for the Order's Item api request.
[Fixed] - #219 Getting "Internal Server Error" in response if request with refunds api.
[Fixed] - #220 Getting error in response for the refund's item api.
[Fixed] - #221 Getting "500 Internal Server Error" in response for the products api request.
[Fixed] - #231 Getting error message in response for related products request.
[Fixed] - #232 Able to create or update attributes with invalid "type" parameter.
[Fixed] - #234 Not able to remove the attribute getting warning message.
[Fixed] - #237 Show status "null" when request for create new attributeFamily.
[Fixed] - #242 Able to create or update address phone number and postcode with alphabetic parameters.
[Enhancement] - Need to implement a Product share option on the Product detail page.
[Enhancement] - Need to add the wishlist share option on wishlist page.
[Enhancement] - Need to implement Remove all item option from the cart.
[Enhancement] - Support to upload the customer's avatar using image path.
[Enhancement] - Need to Add a filter on the Order page.
[Enhancement] - Need to delete all option on the review section.
[Enhancement] - Configurable products configuration is not displayed on the cart.
[Enhancement] - Implemented Order place push notification.
[Fixed] - Billing & shipping address fields validation added at the checkout mutation in case of a guest.
[Fixed] - socialSignUp mutation issue with spead directive.
[Enhancement] - Modified updateAccount mutation for customer's profile image.
[Enhancement] - Added filter attributes API for catalog listing.
[Enhancement] - Added avarageRating and percentageRating for the Product Query.
[Enhancement] - Added slug support(redirection) in advertisement banners.
[Enhancement] - Advertisement API modified, Now can also use for Bagisto default theme.
[Enhancement] - Added removeCoupon Mutation and translations in coupon.graphql schema file.
[Enhancement] - Improvement in query schema for @rename directive lighthouse and modified field data return type.
[Fixed] - Changed translation for product's review create success message.
[Fixed] - now getting only approved reviews for the product.
[Fixed] - swatchValue and category filterableAttribute null issue.
[Fixed] - Advertisement image's URL issue.
[Enhancement] - Currency and Locale converter functionality should be work, (use x-currency and x-locale in request header).
[Fixed] - Getting issue in notifications (
[Enhancement] - Order Cancellation API query added for log-in customer.
[Enhancement] - Social Login sign up created for the TrueCaller.
[Enhancement] - Push Notification List and Send APIs added.
[Enhancement] - Push Notification section added at the Bagisto admin.
[Enhancement] - Added category filters and sorting.
[compatible] - Compatible with v1.4.3.
[Fixed] - Fixed type Hinting initial push for compatibility.
[Enhancement] - APIs support for the VueStoreFront.
[Enhancement] - APIs support for the Next.js Commerce.
[Enhancement] - APIs created for the Shop content (i.e. product by slug, new and featured product, order authentication, etc..).
[Enhancement] - APIs added for the PayPal Standard Payment gateway.
[Enhancement] - CacheImage schema added.
[Enhancement] - Sorting product list and filter options added for the category.
[Enhancement] - Added category filters and sorting.
[Enhancement] - APIs support for the VueStoreFront.
[Enhancement] - APIs support for the Next.js Commerce.
[Enhancement] - APIs created for the Shop content (i.e. product by slug, new and featured product, order authentication, etc..).
[Enhancement] - APIs added for the PayPal Standard Payment gateway.
[Enhancement] - CacheImage schema added.
[Enhancement] - Sorting product list and filter options added for the category.
[Enhancement] - Added category filters and sorting.
[Enhancement] - Product Number Attribute added to Product Schema.
[Enhancement] - Product Videos support added to Product Schema.
[Enhancement] - Email and Gender fields support added to Customer's address Schema.
[Enhancement] - Note field support added to Customer Schema.
[Enhancement] - New Postman APIs sample added to the package.
[Fixed] - #47 Issues with GraphQL API in a fresh bagisto installation.
[Fixed] - #46 RegistrationEmail Missing second parameters.
[Fixed] - #44 Error after updating Bagisto to 1.3.3 (from Product::getTypeInstance()).
[Fixed] - #43 Link to download and install it, must availbale in bagisto doc.
[Fixed] - #42 Replace images files hosted externally in
[Fixed] - #41 Product update mutation not working properly.
[Fixed] - #40 No commands defined in the "bagisto_graphql" namespace.
[Fixed] - #38 composer support.
[Fixed] - #37 Implemented API for adding JS on storefront.
[Feature] Bagisto GraphQL API provides a complete and understandable description of the data.
[Feature] Authentication: Customer Authentication with Login Details.
[Feature] Authentication: Admin Authentication with Login Details.
[Feature] Provide access to performed CRUD operations on Products, Categories, Orders, Customers, Promotions Rule, etc.
[Feature] Provide the option to filter the responses based on attribute fields.
[Feature] The Framework supports the pagination which helps to increase the performance of application.
[Feature] Get many resources in a single request.