Atomic Butter Bison
[H-3] Incorrect deletion logic in buyOrderFactory::_deleteBuyOrder
function leads to mapping corruption
Note, this issue is present in all the FACTORY contracts. DBOFactory::deleteBorrowOrder
, DLOFactory::deleteOrder
, auctionFactoryDebita::_deleteAuctionOrder
and buyOrderFactory::_deleteBuyOrder
The _deleteBuyOrder
function in the buyOrderFactory
contract contains a bug that results in corruption of the BuyOrderIndex
mapping when deleting the last element in the allActiveBuyOrders
mapping. When the last buy order is deleted, the function incorrectly updates the BuyOrderIndex
mapping by assigning a non-zero index to address(0)
. This corruption makes the state of the buyOrderFactory
unreliable and can lead to DoS, loss of funds, or unexpected behavior.
Step-by-Step Breakdown:
Retrieve the index of the buy order to delete
uint index = BuyOrderIndex[_buyOrder];
Reset the buy order's index in the mapping
BuyOrderIndex[_buyOrder] = 0;
Replace the buy order with the last element in the mapping
allActiveBuyOrders[index] = allActiveBuyOrders[activeOrdersCount - 1];
Remove the last element from the mapping
allActiveBuyOrders[activeOrdersCount - 1] = address(0);
Update the index mapping for the moved buy order
BuyOrderIndex[allActiveBuyOrders[index]] = index;
Decrement the active orders count
The problem arises when the buy order to be deleted is the last element in the mapping.
The issue arises from the way the _deleteBuyOrder
function handles the deletion of buy orders, particularly when deleting the last element in the allActiveBuyOrders
mapping. The function performs a swap and mapping update even when it's unnecessary, causing the mapping to incorrectly associate address(0)
with an index.
Example scenario Initial state
activeOrdersCount = 5
allActiveBuyOrders = [addr0, addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4]
BuyOrderIndex[addr0] = 0
BuyOrderIndex[addr1] = 1
BuyOrderIndex[addr2] = 2
BuyOrderIndex[addr3] = 3
BuyOrderIndex[addr4] = 4
Deleting the Last Element (addr4)
_buyOrder = addr4
index = BuyOrderIndex[addr4] = 4
BuyOrderIndex[addr4] = 0
Swap operation
allActiveBuyOrders[index] = allActiveBuyOrders[activeOrdersCount - 1];
Since index = 4
and activeOrdersCount - 1
= 4, this results in:
allActiveBuyOrders[4] = allActiveBuyOrders[4]; // No change
Nullify the last element
allActiveBuyOrders[4] = address(0); // Sets to zero
Update the index mapping
BuyOrderIndex[allActiveBuyOrders[index]] = index;
At this point, allActiveBuyOrders[index]
is address(0)
, so
BuyOrderIndex[address(0)] = 4;
This corrupts the BuyOrderIndex
mapping by setting an index for address(0)
Furthermore, if a new buyer (Bob) comes in and submits a legitimate buy order, this new order will point out to index 4
as well. The end state is that we will have two different addresses pointing to the same index in the BuyOrderIndex
mapping, and the allActiveBuyOrders
mapping for index 4 will return address(0)
instead of Bob's address
There are multiple issues that stem from this:
now has a value, which is incorrect. This can lead to unexpected behavior.- The contract's data structures
become inconsistent, making the contract's state unreliable. - Functions that rely on
will retrieve incorrect addresses, leading to logic errors. - The next user's order that gets submitted will point out to the same index that was assigned to
. This means that we will have two addresses pointing to the same index. In the case of my example, the index is 4. - The
contract will work with incorrect data coming from the factory contract.
Adjust the BuyOrder.t.sol
file setup as follows
contract BuyOrderTest is Test {
+ // Array to hold buy order addresses for testing
+ address[] public buyOrderAddresses;
function setUp() public {
- deal(AERO, seller, 100e18, false);
- deal(AERO, buyer, 100e18, false);
+ deal(AERO, seller, 1000e18, false);
+ deal(AERO, buyer, 1000e18, false);
- // vm.startPrank(buyer);
- // AEROContract.approve(address(factory), 1000e18);
- // address _buyOrderAddress = factory.createBuyOrder(
- // AERO,
- // address(receiptContract),
- // 100e18,
- // 7e17
- // );
- // buyOrderContract = BuyOrder(_buyOrderAddress);
- // vm.stopPrank();
+ // Create 5 buy orders
+ vm.startPrank(buyer);
+ AEROContract.approve(address(factory), 1000e18);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ address _buyOrderAddress = factory.createBuyOrder(
+ address(receiptContract),
+ 100e18,
+ 7e17
+ );
+ buyOrderAddresses.push(_buyOrderAddress);
+ }
+ vm.stopPrank();
+ }
Now add the following test inside the test file
function testDeleteLastBuyOrder() public {
// Assert initial state
uint activeOrdersCount = factory.activeOrdersCount();
assertEq(activeOrdersCount, 5, "Active orders count should be 5");
// Assert BuyOrderIndex and allActiveBuyOrders before deletion
for (uint i = 0; i < activeOrdersCount; i++) {
address buyOrderAddress = buyOrderAddresses[i];
uint index = factory.BuyOrderIndex(buyOrderAddress);
assertEq(index, i, "BuyOrderIndex should match index");
console.log("BuyOrderIndex before deletion is: ", index);
address orderAtIndex = factory.allActiveBuyOrders(i);
assertEq(orderAtIndex, buyOrderAddress, "Order at index mismatch");
console.log("allActiveBuyOrders before deletion is: ", orderAtIndex);
// Delete the last buy order
address lastBuyOrderAddress = buyOrderAddresses[activeOrdersCount - 1];
// Assert state after deletion
uint newActiveOrdersCount = factory.activeOrdersCount();
assertEq(newActiveOrdersCount, 4, "Active orders count should be 4");
// Check BuyOrderIndex and allActiveBuyOrders after deletion
for (uint i = 0; i < newActiveOrdersCount; i++) {
address buyOrderAddress = buyOrderAddresses[i];
uint index = factory.BuyOrderIndex(buyOrderAddress);
assertEq(index, i, "BuyOrderIndex should match index");
console.log("BuyOrderIndex after deletion is: ", index);
address orderAtIndex = factory.allActiveBuyOrders(i);
assertEq(orderAtIndex, buyOrderAddress, "Order at index mismatch after deletion");
console.log("allActiveBuyOrders after deletion is: ", orderAtIndex);
console.log("----------------- PROVE THE MISMATCH -------------------");
// Check that the last entry in allActiveBuyOrders is zero address
address addressLastOrder = factory.allActiveBuyOrders(newActiveOrdersCount);
assertEq(addressLastOrder, address(0), "Last order should belong to address(0) after deletion");
console.log("Proof that index of last order returns ", addressLastOrder);
// Check BuyOrderIndex for address(0)
uint zeroAddressIndex = factory.BuyOrderIndex(address(0));
// This should be zero, but due to the bug, it will be 4
assertEq(zeroAddressIndex, 4, "BuyOrderIndex[address(0)] should be 0");
console.log("Proof that address(0) is now mapped to buy order at index", zeroAddressIndex);
console.log("----------------- MAPPING CORRUPTED -------------------");
//@audit make a new valid order
AEROContract.approve(address(factory), 1000e18);
address _buyOrderAddress = factory.createBuyOrder(AERO, address(receiptContract), 100e18, 7e17);
uint activeOrdersCountNew = factory.activeOrdersCount();
assertEq(activeOrdersCountNew, 5, "Active orders count should be 5");
// Check BuyOrderIndex and allActiveBuyOrders after new order submitted
for (uint i = 0; i < activeOrdersCountNew; i++) {
address buyOrderAddress = buyOrderAddresses[i];
uint index = factory.BuyOrderIndex(buyOrderAddress);
assertEq(index, i, "BuyOrderIndex should match index");
console.log("BuyOrderIndex after new order is: ", index);
address orderAtIndex = factory.allActiveBuyOrders(i);
assertEq(orderAtIndex, buyOrderAddress, "Order at index mismatch after deletion");
console.log("allActiveBuyOrders after new order is: ", orderAtIndex);
address addrLastOrder = factory.allActiveBuyOrders(activeOrdersCountNew);
address newBuyerAddress = buyOrderAddresses[4];
"After the new order, the last order's address returned by the mappig is still ",
"and it should actually point to the address of the last buyer which is this",
uint zeroAddressIndexAfterNewOrder = factory.BuyOrderIndex(address(0));
console.log("address(0) is now mapped to buy order at index", zeroAddressIndexAfterNewOrder);
uint buyOrderIndexOfNewBuyerAfterDeletion = factory.BuyOrderIndex(newBuyerAddress);
"Last buyer's address is now mapped to buy order at index",
//@audit we have two addresses pointing to BuyOrder at index[4] and the allActiveBuyOrders[4] returns address(0)
//instead of the actual user who submitted the last order. Mappings are corrupted
forge test --mt testDeleteLastBuyOrder --fork-url --fork-block-number 21151256 --no-match-path '**Fantom**' -vvv
Test output
Ran 1 test for test/fork/BuyOrders/BuyOrder.t.sol:BuyOrderTest
[PASS] testDeleteLastBuyOrder() (gas: 605802)
BuyOrderIndex before deletion is: 0
allActiveBuyOrders before deletion is: 0xffD4505B3452Dc22f8473616d50503bA9E1710Ac
BuyOrderIndex before deletion is: 1
allActiveBuyOrders before deletion is: 0x8d2C17FAd02B7bb64139109c6533b7C2b9CADb81
BuyOrderIndex before deletion is: 2
allActiveBuyOrders before deletion is: 0x3C8Ca53ee5661D29d3d3C0732689a4b86947EAF0
BuyOrderIndex before deletion is: 3
allActiveBuyOrders before deletion is: 0x76006C4471fb6aDd17728e9c9c8B67d5AF06cDA0
BuyOrderIndex before deletion is: 4
allActiveBuyOrders before deletion is: 0x6891e60906DEBeA401F670D74d01D117a3bEAD39
BuyOrderIndex after deletion is: 0
allActiveBuyOrders after deletion is: 0xffD4505B3452Dc22f8473616d50503bA9E1710Ac
BuyOrderIndex after deletion is: 1
allActiveBuyOrders after deletion is: 0x8d2C17FAd02B7bb64139109c6533b7C2b9CADb81
BuyOrderIndex after deletion is: 2
allActiveBuyOrders after deletion is: 0x3C8Ca53ee5661D29d3d3C0732689a4b86947EAF0
BuyOrderIndex after deletion is: 3
allActiveBuyOrders after deletion is: 0x76006C4471fb6aDd17728e9c9c8B67d5AF06cDA0
----------------- PROVE THE MISMATCH -------------------
Proof that index of last order returns 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Proof that address(0) is now mapped to buy order at index 4
----------------- MAPPING CORRUPTED -------------------
BuyOrderIndex after new order is: 0
allActiveBuyOrders after new order is: 0xffD4505B3452Dc22f8473616d50503bA9E1710Ac
BuyOrderIndex after new order is: 1
allActiveBuyOrders after new order is: 0x8d2C17FAd02B7bb64139109c6533b7C2b9CADb81
BuyOrderIndex after new order is: 2
allActiveBuyOrders after new order is: 0x3C8Ca53ee5661D29d3d3C0732689a4b86947EAF0
BuyOrderIndex after new order is: 3
allActiveBuyOrders after new order is: 0x76006C4471fb6aDd17728e9c9c8B67d5AF06cDA0
BuyOrderIndex after new order is: 4
allActiveBuyOrders after new order is: 0x1fee48ED5BD602834114e19c1a3355b0d20Ea0Df
After the new order, the last order's address returned by the mappig is still 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and it should actually point to the address of the last buyer which is this 0x1fee48ED5BD602834114e19c1a3355b0d20Ea0Df
address(0) is now mapped to buy order at index 4
Last buyer's address is now mapped to buy order at index 4 too
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 20.70ms (2.08ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 252.19ms (20.70ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
The test clearly shows that the BuyOrderIndex
mapping returns index 4 for both address(0)
and the new buy order, and the allActiveBuyOrders
mapping returns address(0)
for the last buy order instead of the actual buy order address.
Modify the buyOrderFactory::_deleteBuyOrder
function to correctly handle the deletion of the last element without corrupting the BuyOrderIndex
mapping. The function should only perform the swap and mapping update if the element being deleted is not the last one.
Some idea of custom logic that can be added to the function to handle this edge case.
if (index == activeOrdersCount - 1) {
allActiveBuyOrders[activeOrdersCount - 1] = address(0);
BuyOrderIndex[_buyOrder] = 0;