Shell scripts that trims GBS reads to 64bp using Skewer and interleaves the files using in Velvet.
Before running these scripts, assure the following:
- Fastq files have been demultiplexed (Requires: Axe).
- Fastq files have been trimmed for cut-sites using (Requires: Trim Galore!)
- Fastq files have already had chimeras verified using
You need the programmes Skewer and Velvet to run these scripts.
For Skewer, you only need to write: skewer -L 64 -e -q 0 'Location/SampleID_Forward_Read.fastq' 'Location/SampleID_Reverse_Read.fastq' - o 'Location/SampleID_After_Skewer'.
For Velvet, you only need the perl script, which is usually located in /home/velvet/contrib/shuffleSequences_fasta/