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This package is for implementing straggler-resilient distributed algorithms and methods, e.g., stochastic gradient descent, in systems composed of a coordinator process and multiple worker processes. Stragglers are workers that experience bursts of high latency, e.g., due to network congestion. These workers may, e.g., significantly reduce the rate of convergence of distributed optimization methods, unless the implementation is resilient against stragglers.

To initiate communication, one creates an MPIAsyncPool at the coordinator, which handles connecting to the workers via MPI.Irecv! and MPI.Isend. For example:

pool = MPIAsyncPool([1, 2, 4]) # pool consisting of nodes with MPI ranks 1, 2, 4
pool = MPIAsyncPool(4)         # pool consisting of nodes with MPI ranks 1, 2, 3, 4

Next, the asyncmap! function is used to broadcast data, e.g., an iterate (in the case of gradient descent), to the workers and to collect responses. asyncmap! returns once results have been received from the nwait fastest workers. Alternatively, one can define a custom condition, e.g., to always wait for worker 1.

The workers communicate using regular MPI.Irecv! and MPI.Isend; see the MPI.jl documentation, and the examples directory for a complete example of how to use asyncmap!.

The docstring of asyncmap! is:

asyncmap!(pool::MPIAsyncPool, sendbuf::AbstractArray, recvbuf::AbstractArray, isendbuf::AbstractArray, irecvbuf::AbstractArray, comm::MPI.Comm; nwait::Union{<:Integer,Function}=pool.nwait, epoch::Integer=pool.epoch+1, tag::Integer=0)

Send the data in sendbuf asynchronously (via MPI.Isend) to all workers and wait for some of them to respond (via a corresponding MPI.Isend). If nwait is an integer, this function returns when at least nwait workers have responded. On the other hand, if nwait is a function, this function returns once nwait(epoch, repochs) evaluates to true. The second argument repochs is a vector of length equal to the number of workers in the pool, where the i-th element is the epoch that transmission to the corresponding worker was initiated at.

Returns the repochs vector. Similarly to the MPI.Gather! function, the elements of recvbuf are partitioned into a number of chunks equal to the number of workers (hence, the length of recvbuf must be divisible by the number of workers) and the data recieved from the j-th worker is stored in the j-th partition.

The buffers isendbuf and irecvbuf are for internal use by this function only and should never be changed or accessed outside of it. The length of isendbuf must be equal to the length of sendbuf multiplied by the number of workers, and irecvbuf must have length equal to that of recvbuf.