- Changed 'add' to 'create' and 'add_or_update' to 'create_or_update' (WARNING: Not backwards compatible!)
- Code cleanup
- Updated contract docstrings to explicitly support 'six.text_type' instead of 'str'
- Now supporting 'preserve_host' and 'strip_request_path' options
- Updated library again to be compatible with Kong 0.5.x (WARNING: Not backwards compatible!)
- Updated library to be compatible with Kong 0.5.x (WARNING: Not backwards compatible!)
- Added some error checks
- Small bugfix
- Implemented retrieve api for APIPluginConfigurationAdminContract
- Implemented close method for KongAdminContract
- Implemented Basic Auth credentials API's
- Implemented Key authentication API's
- Implemented OAuth2 API's
- Improved error handling in client
- Bugfixes
- Implemented APIAdminContract.add_or_update API
- Implemented APIPluginConfigurationAdminContract.create_or_update API
- Implemented ConsumerAdminContract.create_or_update API
- Updated KongAdminSimulator constructor to accept api_url
- Added CollectionMixin to contract (abstract base classes)
- Bugfix related to checking for API conflicts
- Added more tests and 'CollectionMixin' that exposes an 'iterate' api
- Implemented 'plugin configuration' update API
- Package structure updated
- First release on PyPI.