- Fixes sourcemaps.
- Removes "klona", replacing with a utility cloning function for properties.
- Remove nulls from track.products()
- Handle null on context.device for Facade
- Minimize package size
- Always clone raw event
- Add ".rawEvent()" method
- Replace third party library "ndhoule/clone" with lighter "lukeed/klona"
- Remove third party library "is-email"
- Remove third party library "type-component" in favor of native JS functions
- Optimize bundle size
- Upgrade libraries
- Compile modern code with TypeScript
- Add types for Delete and Alias in the declaration file.
- Update ts declaration file to use a namespace. This should improve the experience when using JSdoc.
- add types file
- add support for delete
- identify: add companyName()
- track: fallback to revenue property in .subtotal method
- update .subtotal tests
- pin package.json dependencies
- track: add .shippingMethod, .paymentMethod methods
- create individual helper functions for each object_id
- update .orderId unction to support ecom spec v2
- Update
Order Completed
Regexp in track.prototype.revenue
- Misc cleanup and test harness improvements
- Modernize test/CI harness
- Note: Coverage in Sauce Labs is disabled due to repeated browser timeouts/crashes. Need to investigate this further
- Lint compliance
- Fix tests on IE8, IE7
- remove travis
- circle: add explict test phases
- Makefile: add back lint, node-tests and coverage
- circle,Makefile: build "build.js"
- facade: fix "traverse" require
- add
- package: replace "isodate-traverse" with "@segment/isodate-traverse"
- remove component, add browserify
- updating travis
- add email helper to page/screen events
- Update referrer methods on track and page to use
- update track#email to fallback to context.traits.email
- enable aliasing of page properties
- enable aliasing of page properties
- Facade: take deep clone of object at instantiation time when
options.clone = true
(fixes #77)
- facade: pass options around
- facade: option to skip iso-traverse
- track: add repeat()
- options: support legacy options
- add .region() to address lib
- context.device,timezone: adding tests + implementation
- fix page.track() and screen.track()
- Pass options to each type of facade
- Add clone option
- travis: add token
- make: catch test changes
- add referrer
- Merge pull request #63 from segmentio/add/discount
- adding discount proxy and computation to subtotal
- updating obj-case dep
- track: dont override address()
- address: move to facade base prototype
- identify: add .avatarUrl fallback to .avatar()
- page: add .title(), .path(), .url()
- group: add .name()
- group: add .email() that behaves like identify.email()
- group: add .employees() and .industry()
- address: add address traits to group and identify
- screen: fix .context()
- page: fix .context()
- page: fix .timestamp()
- screen: fix .timestamp()
- add .phones()
- .phone(): fallback to .phones[0]
- add .websites()
- add Facade.one()
- add Facade.multi()
- add .position()
- add .avatar() fallback to .photoUrl
- add .gender(), .birthday() and .age()
- make: bench on make test
- make: add bench target
- make: test target should test all (travis gotchas etc..)
- track#subtotal: fix lookup and add tests
- deps: add type()
- track#products: make sure it always returns an array
- deps: upgrade duo
- tests: add more alias tests
- Marketo is no longer disabled by default
- adding benchmarks, moving traverse
- updating 1-1 mapping for aliased .traits()
- .timestamp(): add .getTime() test
- test-sauce: add tests name
- test-sauce: test only on firefox
- use new-date, to fix incorrect date in firefox
- use duo-test
- component bump
- Merge pull request #44 from segmentio/move/global-traits
- remvoing debugger hahah
- mirroring aliasing and id between track.traits and facade.traits
- moving track.traits to be global
- updating docs
- component bump
- Merge pull request #42 from segmentio/groupId
- adding grouoId to context.groupId to support account level settings
- Update Readme.md
- updating obj-case dep
- duo: adding duo
- bump again
- bump component.json version
- add better revenue intuition for ecommerce
- add fallback from revenue to total
- adding enabled fix for new spec
- add .context() for new spec
- adding .library() method
- adding .type()
- fix: track.email()
- adds date parsing to nested fields
- add screen
- support new spec
- re-add useragent
- support "id" as "orderId"
- add .userId() and .sessionId() to all actions
- bumping version
- updating obj-case
- add country
- add more ecommerce properties
- add defaults to .currency() and .quantity()
- add transactionId
- add ecommerce
- upgrade isodate to 0.3.0
- use obj-case in options()
- add fix for non-string name fields
- update dependencies
- add .travis.yml
- fix obj-case dep
- add identify#description
- identify: adding fixes for
with multiple spaces - track: adding simple identify tests
- adding casting for string timestamps
- adding fix for
- Initial release