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-- TODO: Should find a way to fill in the module name in this
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |Module : Fhw.Pass.RemoveRecursion.CombineMutual Description : Combine the mutually recursive functions into single recursivefunction-}moduleFhw.Pass.RemoveRecursion.CombineMutualwhereimportFhw.Core.CoreimportFhw.Pass.RemoveRecursion.UtilsimportControl.ExceptionimportData.GraphimportData.ListimportData.MaybeimportData.TypeableimportData.Char (isUpper)
--import Debug.Trace dataExceptional=CombineErrStringderiving (Show, Typeable)
instanceExceptionExceptional--| Given a list of vdefs, find and combine the mutually dependent vdefs.combineMutualVdefs:: [Vdef] -> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
combineMutualVdefs vdefs = (concat tdefss_out, concat vdefss_out)
wherevdefss:: [[Vdef]]
vdefss =map (map f) $ getSccNames vdefs
f name = fromJust $ find (\(Vdef (_, v) _ _) -> v == name) vdefs
combinedFunNames =map (\n ->"cfn__"++show (n ::Int)) [1..]
zipped:: [([Vdef], Var)]
zipped =zip vdefss combinedFunNames
trans:: ([Vdef], Var) -> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
trans =uncurry combineOneGroup
(tdefss_out, vdefss_out) =unzip$map trans zipped
--| Combine one group of mutually recursive functions.combineOneGroup:: [Vdef] --^ One scc group.->Var--^ Combined function name.-> ([Tdef], [Vdef]) --^ Combined vdefs with sum type.
combineOneGroup vdefs cfname =iflength deps >1then (tdefs3, vdefs3)
else ([], vdefs)
deps =map (\(Vdef (_, vn) _ _) -> vn) vdefs
touchedVdefs = vdefs
-- If there are different return types, the group need to be combined.
needCombineRt =let rts =map (\(Vdef _ ty _) ->last$ uncurryTapp ty) touchedVdefs
in (length. nub) rts >1-- Now the mutually recursive functions are the wrappers. There should be-- exactly one group of mutually recursive functions.
mut_groups' =filter (\vs ->length vs >1) $ getSccNames vdefs2
deps' = assert (length mut_groups' ==1) (head mut_groups')
(_, tdefs1, vdefs1) =if needCombineRt
then combineReturn1 deps ([], [], vdefs)
else ([], [], vdefs)
(tdefs2, vdefs2) =if needCombineRt
then inlineUnwrappersOld tdefs1 vdefs1
else (tdefs1, vdefs1)
(tdefs3, vdefs3) =if needCombineRt
then combineInput1WithName cfname deps' (tdefs2, vdefs2)
else combineInput1WithName cfname deps (tdefs2, vdefs2)
-- After combining input, should inline f_p, g_p in f and g, so that f_p-- and g_p won't appear in the final output.--| Combine the return type of mutually recursive functions.---- The input includes SCC which contains the dependencies between nodes.-- After this function, all mutually recursive functions return same type.combineReturn:: [Tdef] --^ Type definition list.-> [Vdef] --^ Variable definition list.-> [[String]] --^ The SCC.-> ([Var], [Tdef], [Vdef]) --^ Result after combining return-- types.
combineReturn tdefs vdefs =foldr combineReturn1 ([], tdefs,vdefs)
--| Combine the return type of vdefs in one strongly connected component.combineReturn1:: [String] --^ One SCC group.-> ([Var], [Tdef], [Vdef])
-> ([Var], [Tdef], [Vdef]) --^ New lists after combining the SCC node.
combineReturn1 deps (_, tdefs, vdefs) =case deps of
[_] -> ([], tdefs, vdefs)
_ -> (wrapper_fun_names, tdefs', vdefs')
wrapper_fun_names =[]-- TODO(kuangya)-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute tdefs'-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new tdefs is the original tdefs adding a new SumType.
tdefs' = sumTypeTdef : tdefs
sumTypeTdef =Data qtycon [] cdefs
sumType =Tcon (Nothing,sumTconName)
-- The module name for the top-level vdefs and tdefs.-- mname = getMname vdefs
mname =Nothing
qtycon = (mname, sumTconName)
sumTconName = combineOutputPrefix ++ intercalate "_" deps
cdefs =map varToCdef deps
varToCdef var =Constr (mname, combineOutputPrefix ++ var) [] [varType var vdefs]
-- Get the return type of a variable from the list of the global-- vdefs.varType::Var-> [Vdef] ->Ty
varType var1 vdefs1 =case find (f var1) vdefs1 ofJust (Vdef _ ty _) -> lastType ty
Nothing-> throw $CombineErr$"Can't find "++ var1 ++" in vdefs (1)"f::Var->Vdef->Bool
f var1 (Vdef (_, var2) _ _) = var1 == var2
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compute vdefs'-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add new functions that return the SumType.-- Change the original function definitions to unwrapper functions.-- The functions to be handled are stored in deps :: [String].-- New vdefs include:-- > [f_p] ++ [f] ++ [untouched functions]
vdefs' = mapMaybe f2fp deps ++
unwrappers ++filter (\(Vdef (_, var) _ _) -> var `notElem` deps) vdefs
where-- i.e., f and g.unwrappers:: [Vdef]
unwrappers =map varToVdef deps
varToVdef var = unwrapVdef vdef
where-- The original function (Vdef) to be changed.
vdef = fromJust $ find (\(Vdef (_, var1) _ _) -> var == var1)
unwrapVdef (Vdef (omn, var1) ty expr) =Vdef (omn, var1) ty (unwrapExp expr)
unwrapExp expr1 =case expr1 ofLam binds _ ->Lam binds (tExp binds)
_ -> throw $CombineErr"Only Lam binding is allowed"-- Call the newly added function, unwrap the result and return.tExp:: [Bind] ->Exp
tExp binds =Case expr'' vbind rtType alts
expr'' =foldl appBind (Var (Nothing, var ++ wrapperPostfix) varTy) binds
appBind ae (Vb (v, t)) =App ae $Var (Nothing, v) t
appBind _ (Tb _) =error"shouldn't be a type bind here"
varTy = curryTapp $init (uncurryTapp ty) ++ [sumType]
-- This is the return type of the case alternatives.
rtType =last$ uncurryTapp ty
vbind = ("dummyVbind", rtType)
alts =
[Acon (Nothing, combineOutputPrefix ++ var) [] [localVbind]
localVar ="r"
localVbind = (localVar, rtType)
localVarExp =Var (Nothing, localVar) rtType
-- f to f_p transformation.f2fp::Var->MaybeVdef
f2fp = changeFunction . originalFunction
where-- Find the Vdef with the name of Var.originalFunction::Var->MaybeVdef
originalFunction var = find (\(Vdef (_, var1) _ _) -> var == var1) vdefs
-- Change the function name (var) to a new one, change the return type to-- the SumType, wrap the return type into the SumType in exp.changeFunction::MaybeVdef->MaybeVdef
changeFunction Nothing=Nothing
changeFunction (Just (Vdef (_, var) fty expr)) =Just (Vdef (Nothing, var') ty' expr')
var' = var ++ wrapperPostfix
-- Change the return type to the SumType.ty'::Ty
ty' = changeReturnType fty
where-- TODO: Need to check whether this works for all.-- TODO: This is not correct!changeReturnType::Ty->Ty
changeReturnType ty0 =case ty0 of
(Tapp (Tapp (Tcon tc) ty1) ty2) | tc == tcArrow ->
tArrow ty1 $ changeReturnType ty2
_ ->Tcon qtycon
-- DconTy: OrigOutType -> NewOutType
dconTy = tArrow (lastType fty) (lastType ty')
-- Wrap the return type into the SumType.expr'::Exp
expr' =Lam obinds (mapReturn f oimpl)
whereLam obinds oimpl = expr
f =App (Dcon (Nothing, combineOutputPrefix ++ var) dconTy)
--| With the combined function name given at the calling site instead generate-- one by adding prefix.combineInput1WithName::Var--^ The given combined function name.-> [Var] --^ The names of the vdefs to be combined.-> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
-> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
combineInput1WithName combineFunctionName deps (tdefs, vdefs) =iflength deps ==1then (tdefs, vdefs)
else (tdefs', vdefs')
vdefs' = newVdefs ++ oVdefs ++ untouchedVdefs ++ [combinedFunctionVdef]
untouchedVdefs =filter (\(Vdef (_, v) _ _) -> v `notElem` (deps ++ oVars)) vdefs
touchedVdefs =filter (\(Vdef (_, var1) _ _) -> var1 `elem` deps) vdefs
oVars =map (\(Vdef (_, v) _ _) -> v) oVdefs
oVdefs:: [Vdef]
oVdefs = mapMaybe find_original touchedVdefs
find_original (Vdef (_, var_p) _ _) =
find (\(Vdef (_, var) _ _) -> var_p == var ++ wrapperPostfix) vdefs
--| The module name of the reported top level vdefs.
mname = getMname vdefs
newVdefs =map transVdef touchedVdefs
commonReturnTy = getCommonOutputTy touchedVdefs
sumTy =Tcon (Nothing,sumTypeName)
-- The input is the sum type for all the inputs.-- The output is the common output of all functions.-- (Tapp (Tapp (Tcon ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.->) a) b)
combineFunctionTy = tArrow sumTy commonReturnTy
-- NOTE(kuangya): Changed from Var to Dcon.
combinedFunctionVar =Var (mname, combineFunctionName) combineFunctionTy
-- Call the combined function at each original function.-- i.e., f x1 ... xn = fg (F x1 ... xn)transVdef::Vdef->Vdef
transVdef (Vdef (omn, var) ty expr) =case expr ofLam binds _ ->Vdef (omn, var) ty (Lam binds expr')
expr' =App combinedFunctionVar (constructAppExp dcon binds)
_ ->Vdef (omn, var) ty
(App combinedFunctionVar (constructAppExp dcon []))
-- _ -> throw $ CombineErr $ "Should be a Lam expression. Actual: " ++-- show exprwhere
dcon =Dcon (Nothing, combineInputPrefix var) dconTy
-- dconTy :: InputType -> sumTy-- dconTy = tArrow (initType ty) sumTy
dconTy = curryTapp $ (init. uncurryTapp) ty ++ [sumTy]
-- Construct an App expression from a list of variable bindings.constructAppExp::Exp-> [Bind] ->Exp
constructAppExp =foldl f
f e1 (Vb (var, ty)) =App e1 (Var (Nothing, var) ty)
f _ _ = throw $CombineErr"Shoule be vbinds only"
combinedFunctionVdef =Vdef (mname, combineFunctionName) combineFunctionTy expr
expr =Lam [Vb ("arg", sumTy)]
$Case (Var (Nothing, "arg") sumTy)
("dummyVbind", sumTy)
alts =map vdefToAlt touchedVdefs
-- Convert each original function into an alt branch in the new combined-- function.-- XXX(kuangya): the toplevel vdef can be something other than function-- with parameters.
vdefToAlt (Vdef (_, var) _ e') =case e' ofLam binds1 e'' ->Acon (Nothing, combineInputPrefix var)
(map bindToVbind binds1)
(mapExpr wrapFG e'')
_ ->Acon (Nothing, combineInputPrefix var)
(mapExpr wrapFG e')
-- _ -> throw $ CombineErr $ "The first expr shoule be Lam. Actual: " ++-- show e'wherebindToVbind::Bind->Vbind
bindToVbind bind =case bind ofVb (var1, ty) -> (var1, ty)
Tb _ -> throw $CombineErr"Should be Vbind only"wrapFG::Exp->Exp
wrapFG e0 =case e0 ofApp _ _ ->if (numargs ==length as) && isJust evar
thenApp combinedFunctionVar newapp
else e0
(e, as, ts) = collectArgs e0
evar =case e ofVar (_, var1) _ | var1 `elem` deps ->Just var1
_ ->Nothing
ety = getExprType e
numargs = assert (null ts) $ (length. uncurryTapp) ety -1
newapp =foldlApp (Dcon (Nothing, combineInputPrefix (fromJust evar)) ty1) as
ty1 = curryTapp $map getExprType as ++ [sumTy]
_ -> e0
tdefs' = sumTypeTdef : tdefs
-- The sum type wrapping all the input types.sumTypeTdef::Tdef-- sumTypeTdef = Data (mname, sumTypeName) [] cdefs
sumTypeTdef =Data (Nothing, sumTypeName) [] cdefs
sumTypeName = combineInputPrefix $ifnot (null deps) && isUpper (head (head deps))
thentail$dropWhile (/='_') $head deps
else intercalate "_" deps
cdefs:: [Cdef]
cdefs =map varToCdef deps
varToCdef var =Constr (Nothing, combineInputPrefix var) []$init$ getInputTys var
getInputTys::Var-> [Ty]
getInputTys var =
(uncurryTapp . (\(Vdef _ ty _) -> ty) . fromJust)
$ find (\(Vdef (_, var1) _ _) -> var1 == var) vdefs
-- TODO: This is not working properly for the following cases:-- {MutualRecurse.hs, InterDesending.hs}-- TODO: Should eventually use this function in combination pass.inlineUnwrappers:: [Tdef] -> [Vdef] -> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
inlineUnwrappers tdefs vdefs = (tdefs, unwrappers ++ inlined)
(unwrappers, rests) = partition isUnwrapper vdefs
isUnwrapper (Vdef (_, var) _ _) =any (\(Vdef (_, var1) _ _) -> var1 == var ++ wrapperPostfix) vdefs
inlined =map (inlineFunInFun unwrappers) rests
inlineFunInFun:: [Vdef] ->Vdef->Vdef
inlineFunInFun functions (Vdef (omn, var) ty expr) =Vdef (omn, var) ty expr'
expr' = inlineFunctionAccum functions expr
--| Inline the unwrapper functions at their calling sites.inlineUnwrappersOld:: [Tdef] -> [Vdef] -> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
inlineUnwrappersOld tdefs vdefs = (tdefs, vdefs')
vdefs' =map inlineVdef vdefs
-- All the unwrappers to be inlined.unwrappers:: [Vdef]
unwrappers = mapMaybe beforeWrapping vdefs
-- Given a vdef, find whether it's generated by the previous unwrapping. If-- so, return 'Just' its original form before unwrapping, other wise, return-- 'Nothing'.beforeWrapping::Vdef->MaybeVdef
beforeWrapping (Vdef (_, var) _ _)
=case stripPostfix wrapperPostfix var ofNothing->NothingJust restOfString ->
find (\(Vdef (_, var1) _ _) -> var1 == restOfString) vdefs
inlineVdef (Vdef (omn, var) ty expr) =Vdef (omn, var) ty (inlineExpr expr)
-- If this var is one unwrapper, return `Just` that unwrapper, otherwise-- return `Nothing`.findUnwrapper::Var->MaybeVdef
findUnwrapper var =
find (\(Vdef (_, var0) _ _) -> var0 == var) unwrappers
-- Inline in 'expr' for all the unwrappers appeared.inlineExpr::Exp->Exp
inlineExpr expr =case expr ofVar (_, var1) _ ->case findUnwrapper var1 ofJust (Vdef (_, _) _ expr0) -> expr0
Nothing-> expr
{- App expr1 expr2 -> case expr1 of -- TODO(kuangya): This is not correct! Var (_, var1) _ -> case findUnwrapper var1 of Just (Vdef (_, _) _ expr0) -> substituteParams expr0 $ inlineExpr expr2 Nothing -> expr _ -> App (inlineExpr expr1) (inlineExpr expr2)-}App expr1 expr2 -> newExpr
appList = linearizeAppChain expr
tailList =map inlineExpr $tail appList
newExpr =casehead appList ofVar (_, varHead) _ ->case findUnwrapper varHead ofJust (Vdef (_, _) _ expr0) -> substituteMultiple expr0 tailList
Nothing->App (inlineExpr expr1) (inlineExpr expr2)
_ ->App (inlineExpr expr1) (inlineExpr expr2)
{--}Appt expr1 ty ->case expr1 ofVar (_, var1) _ ->case findUnwrapper var1 ofJust (Vdef (_, _) _ _) -> throw $CombineErr"Uncaught"Nothing-> expr
_ ->Appt (inlineExpr expr1) ty
Lam binds expr1 ->Lam binds (inlineExpr expr1)
Let vdefs1 expr1 ->Let (map inlineVdef vdefs1) (inlineExpr expr1)
Case expr1 vbind ty alts ->Case (inlineExpr expr1) vbind ty (map inlineAlt alts)
_ -> expr
inlineAlt (Acon (omn, dcon) tbinds vbinds expr) =Acon (omn, dcon) tbinds vbinds (inlineExpr expr)
inlineAlt (Alit lit expr) =Alit lit (inlineExpr expr)
inlineAlt (Adefault expr) =Adefault (inlineExpr expr)
substituteMultiple::Exp-> [Exp] ->Exp
substituteMultiple expr1 es =case expr1 ofLam vbs expr3 ->case expr3 ofCase expr4 vbind ty alts ->let res =Case (foldl f expr4 zipped) vbind ty alts
in res
_ ->error"I didn't write this."where
zipped = assert (length vbs ==length es) $zip vbs es
f::Exp-> (Bind, Exp) ->Exp
f e (Vb (v, _), e') = replace e v e'
f _ (Tb _, _) =error"Only Vbindings in Lam."
_ ->error"Only substituteMultiple on a function."--| Replace in expr1, all the occurance of var with expr2.replace::Exp->Var->Exp->Exp
replace expr1 var expr2 =case expr1 ofVar (_, var1) _ | var1 == var -> expr2
App expr3 expr4 ->App (replace expr3 var expr2) (replace expr4 var expr2)
Appt expr3 ty ->Appt (replace expr3 var expr2) ty
Lam binds expr3 ->Lam binds (replace expr3 var expr2)
Let vdefs expr3 ->Let vdefs (replace expr3 var expr2)
Case expr3 vbind ty alts ->Case (replace expr3 var expr2) vbind ty alts
_ -> expr1
--| Give a list of vdefs, which are supposed to have the same return type,-- return the common return type of them all.getCommonOutputTy:: [Vdef] ->Ty
getCommonOutputTy vdefs =iflength tyList ==1thenhead tyList
else throw $CombineErr$"Should have a same output type"++", actual: "++show tyList
tyList = nub (map getReturnType vdefs)
getReturnType (Vdef (_, _) ty _) = lastType ty
--| Given a list of varible definitions, return the common module name of them.-- If they don't share a same module, an error happens.getMname:: [Vdef] ->MaybeMname
getMname vdefs =iflength nameList ==1thenhead nameList
elseNothing-- TODO: Should find a way to fill in the module name in this-- case.-- else throw $ CombineErr $ "Vdefs in a module have different module names"-- ++ show nameListwhere
nameList = nub .filter belongsToMainModule $map extractMname vdefs
belongsToMainModule (Just (M (P pname, _, _))) = pname =="main"
belongsToMainModule Nothing=FalseextractMname::Vdef->MaybeMname
extractMname (Vdef (mname1, _) _ _) = mname1
combineOutputPrefix ="COTP_"wrapperPostfix::String
wrapperPostfix ="_p"--| Only add a prefix if neededcombineInputPrefix::Var->String
combineInputPrefix []="Action_"
combineInputPrefix v@(c:_) =if isUpper c then v else"Action_"++ v
combineFunctionPrefix ="cf_"--| This 'stripPostfix' function drops the given postfix from a list.-- It returns 'Nothing' if the list did not end with the postfix given, or-- 'Just' the list before the postfix, if it does.stripPostfix::Eqa=> [a] -> [a] ->Maybe [a]
stripPostfix [] ys =Just ys
stripPostfix xs ys
|last xs ==last ys = stripPostfix (init xs) (init ys)
stripPostfix _ _ =Nothing--| Get the depdendency graph given the list of variable definitions.getSccNames:: [Vdef] --^ A list of variable definitions.-> [[String]] --^ Each [String] represents a scc.
getSccNames vdefs = sccNames
where-- Get all the global variables and remove duplicates.getGlobalVars:: [Var]
getGlobalVars = nub $map (\(Vdef (_, var) _ _) -> var) vdefs
-- Get the dependencies list of a Vdef.getVdefDeps::Vdef-> [String]
getVdefDeps (Vdef _ _ e) =filter (`elem` getGlobalVars) (getExpDeps e)
-- Get the name of the dependencies of an expression.getExpDeps::Exp-> [String]
getExpDeps (Var (_mname, var) _) = [var]
getExpDeps (Dcon (_mname, dcon) _) = [dcon]
getExpDeps (Lit _lit) =[]
getExpDeps (App exp1 exp2) = getExpDeps exp1 ++ getExpDeps exp2
getExpDeps (Appt e _ty) = getExpDeps e
getExpDeps (Lam _binds e) = getExpDeps e
getExpDeps (Let vdefs1 e) =concatMap getVdefDeps vdefs1 ++ getExpDeps e
getExpDeps (Case e _vbind _ty alts) =
getExpDeps e ++concatMap getAltDeps alts
getAltDeps::Alt-> [String]
getAltDeps (Acon _qdcon _tbinds _vbinds e) = getExpDeps e
getAltDeps (Alit _lit e) = getExpDeps e
getAltDeps (Adefault e) = getExpDeps e
-- Get the dependant Vdefs of a Vdef.key_and_deps:: (Vdef-> [String]) ->Vdef-> (Vdef, String, [String])
key_and_deps getDeps vdef = (vdef, vdefName vdef, getDeps vdef)
-- The dependency graph of Vdefs in the format of [(node, key, [key])]-- The first element is the node definition, which is Vdef.-- The second element is the key of this node, which is the name of the-- Vdef.-- The third element is the keys of nodes this node has edge to.vdefDeps:: [(Vdef, String, [String])]
vdefDeps =map (key_and_deps getVdefDeps) vdefs
-- The strongly connected component graph.sccGraph:: [SCCVdef]
sccGraph = stronglyConnComp vdefDeps
-- All the name of the Vdefs in the SCC graph.sccNames:: [[String]]
sccNames =map (\c ->case c ofAcyclicSCC vdef -> [vdefName vdef]
CyclicSCC vdefs1 ->map vdefName vdefs1
) sccGraph
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following are old code to be removed later.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------combineMutual::Module->Module
combineMutual (Module anmname tdefs vdefs) =uncurry (Module anmname) res
wherenameGroups:: [[String]]
nameGroups = getSccNames vdefs
vdefss:: [[Vdef]]
vdefss =map (map f) nameGroups
f name = fromJustMsg "[0]"$ find (\(Vdef (_, v) _ _) -> v == name) vdefs
combinedFunNames =map (\n ->"ff__"++show (n ::Int)) [1..]
zipped:: [([Vdef], Var)]
zipped =zip vdefss combinedFunNames
(tdefss_out, vdefss_out) =unzip$map trans zipped
trans:: ([Vdef], Var) -> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
trans =uncurry combineOneGroup
res = (concat tdefss_out ++ tdefs, concat vdefss_out)
--| Wrap the input of mutually recursive functions.---- The input of this vdefs should have been processed by 'combineReturn', so-- that all functions return the same type. After this function, all functions-- have the same input type.combineInput:: [Tdef] --^ Type definition list.-> [Vdef] --^ Variable definition list.-> [[String]] --^ The SCC.-> ([Tdef], [Vdef]) --^ Result after combining return types.
combineInput tdefs0 vdefs0 =foldr wrapperf (tdefs0, vdefs0)
wherewrapperf:: [Var] -> ([Tdef], [Vdef]) -> ([Tdef], [Vdef])
wrapperf deps = combineInput1WithName combineFunctionName deps
combineFunctionName = combineFunctionPrefix ++ intercalate "_" deps
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Should find a way to fill in the module name in this
else throw $ CombineErr $ "Vdefs in a module have different module names"
++ show nameList
It returns 'Nothing' if the list did not end with the postfix given, or
'Just' the list before the postfix, if it does.
The first element is the node definition, which is Vdef.
The second element is the key of this node, which is the name of the
The third element is the keys of nodes this node has edge to.
The following are old code to be removed later.
that all functions return the same type. After this function, all functions
have the same input type.
Line 522 in 41cb871
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: