diff --git a/docs/assets/flow_metrics.png b/docs/assets/flow_metrics.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd7a6b4b9
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/flow_metrics.png differ
diff --git a/docs/mesh-generation/meshing-for-compound-floods/extract-thalweg.md b/docs/mesh-generation/meshing-for-compound-floods/extract-thalweg.md
index 8ce580df2..1e3699f37 100644
--- a/docs/mesh-generation/meshing-for-compound-floods/extract-thalweg.md
+++ b/docs/mesh-generation/meshing-for-compound-floods/extract-thalweg.md
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Flow accumulation threshold is a parameter that identifies grids with flow accum
## Scripts
-Scripts are available from this [Git Repo]().
+can be downloaded from the [RiverMeshTools repository](https://github.com/schism-dev/rivermeshtools).
### Dependencies
@@ -97,19 +98,89 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
del pool
-2. Extract channel network
-Fill depression:
-Algorithm "Priority-Flood+Epsilon" ([Barnes et al., 2014](#barnes2014a)) is used here to fill depressions in the DEM. This algorithm increases every cell in a depression to the level of that depression's output, plus an additional increment which can direct flow to the periphery of the DEM.
+2. Extract channel networks
- Flow direction:
+ Extracting channel networks consists of three steps:
- Compute watershed (Flow accumulation and channel links):
+ * Fill or breach depressions
- Extract rivers:
+ Algorithm "Priority-Flood + $\epsilon$" ([Barnes et al., 2014](#barnes2014a)) is used to fill depressions.
+* Calculate flow directions based on the given flow coordinate system. In pyDEM, flow directions use a D8 flow coordinate system that appears as follow:
+* Calculate flow accumulation
+ Flow accumulation is the total number of cells passing through each (raster) cell. With flow accumulations, we can apply a presccribed
+threshold to determine which cells should be included in the final digital stream network.
+ The details of the algorithm can be found in [Ye et al. (2023)](#ye2023).
+## Sample applications
+Two example applications can be found under subdirectories from [pyDEM_Samples.tar](https://ccrm.vims.edu/yinglong/feiye/Public/pyDEM_Samples.tar).
+The subdirectory "Serial" contains a Python script `run_serial.py` and an input file `tiff/Savannah_river.tif`. This can be used for a small domain.
+The script reads:
+import glob
+import time
+from pylib import *
+from pyDEM.dem import *
+import numpy as np
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #input tiff files
+ files = glob.glob('tiff/Savannah_river.tif')
+ files.sort()
+ acc_limit = 1e7
+ t0 = time.time()
+ for fname in files:
+ names = [fname]
+ #output filename
+ sname = f"./{fname.split('.')[0].split('/')[-1]}_{acc_limit}"
+ print(sname)
+ #declare a dem object
+ S=dem()
+ #read data
+ if not os.path.exists('{}.npz'.format(sname)):
+ S.proc_demfile(names,sname=sname,depth_limit=[-100,1000],subdomain_size=2e10)
+ S.read_data('{}.npz'.format(sname))
+ #compuate watershed information
+ S.compute_watershed()
+ #extract river network (area_limit: catchment area)
+ S.compute_river(acc_limit=acc_limit)
+ #write shapefile for river network
+ gdf = S.write_shapefile(npt_smooth=None)
+ gdf.to_file(f'{sname}.shp')
+ print(f'It took {(time.time() - t0)/60} mins!')
+For a large domain, a parallel dirver is preferred to speed up the process. A sample script is under Parallel/, named `run_mpi_vortex.py`,
+which can run with multiple nodes/cpus with `mpi4py`.
C. Barnes, R., Lehman, C., Mulla (2014). Priority-flood: An optimal depression-filling and watershed-labeling algorithm for digital elevation models. Computers & Geosciences 62, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2013.04.024.
-Barnes, Richard. 2016. RichDEM: Terrain Analysis Software. http://github.com/r-barnes/richdem.
\ No newline at end of file
+Barnes, Richard. 2016. RichDEM: Terrain Analysis Software. http://github.com/r-barnes/richdem.
+ Ye, F., Cui, L., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Moghimi, S., Myers, E., Seroka, G., Zundel, A., Mani, S., Kelley, J.G.W.
+A parallel Python-based tool for meshing watershed rivers at continental scale, Environmental Modelling & Software, 166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2023.105731.