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{: #sitemap}
Find what you are looking for in the compilation of topics that are available in this documentation set. {: shortdesc}
{: #sitemap_getting_started}
Getting started with {{}} {{}}
Step 3: Using the key management service and cloud hardware security module
(Optional) Step 4: Create a {{}} VPE gateway for VPC
{: #sitemap_understanding_hyper_protect_crypto_services}
{: #sitemap_about_service_instance_initialization}
Initializing your service instance
Introducing service instance initialization approaches
Initializing service instances by using smart cards and the Management Utilities
Initializing service instances by using recovery crypto units
{: #sitemap_about_key_management_service}
Bringing your encryption keys to the cloud
Protecting your data with envelope encryption
Monitoring the lifecycle of encryption keys
{: #sitemap_about_cloud_hardware_security_module}
{: #sitemap_about_key_rotation}
{: #sitemap_integrating__services_with_{{sitedatakeywordhscrypto}}}
Integrating {{}} services with {{}}
{: #sitemap_release_notes}
{: #sitemap_tutorials_on_key_management_service}
Tutorial: Creating and importing encryption keys
Tutorial: Configuring KMIP in {{}} for key management and distribution
Configure KMIP for VMWare with {{}} instance
Configure a trusted connection between the vCenter Server and KMIP adapter
{: #sitemap_tutorials_on_cloud_hardware_security_module}
Tutorial: Using {{}} PKCS #11 for Oracle Transparent Database Encryption
Tutorial: Using {{}} PKCS #11 for IBM Db2 native encryption
{: #sitemap_provisioning_service_instances}
Provisioning service instances
{: #sitemap_initializing_service_instances}
{: #sitemap_initializing_service_instances_using_smart_cards_and_the_management_utilities}
Setting up smart cards and the Management Utilities
Initializing service instances with smart cards and the Management Utilities
Initializing service instances using recovery crypto units
Initializing service instances using key part files
Using a signing service to manage signature keys for instance initialization
{: #sitemap_managing_instance_policies}
Managing the network access policy
Updating the network access policy for your {{}} instance with the console
Updating the network access policy for your {{}} instance with the CLI
Managing dual authorization of your service instance
Enabling dual authorization for your service instance with the console
Enabling dual authorization for your service instance with the API
Disabling dual authorization for your service instance with the console
Disabling dual authorization for your service instance with the key management API
Managing the key create and import access policy
Enabling and updating the key create and import access policy for your service instance with the API
{: #sitemap_retrieving_an_access_token}
{: #sitemap_retrieving_your_instance_id}
{: #sitemap_setting_up_api_calls}
Managing your keys with the key management API
Performing cryptographic operations with the PKCS #11 API
Performing cryptographic operations with the GREP11 API
Enabling the second layer of authentication for EP11 connections
Security and availability best practices for enabling mutual TLS authentication
Step 3: Establish mutual TLS connections for EP11 applications
{: #sitemap_performing_key_management_operations_with_the_cli}
Performing key management operations with the CLI
{: #sitemap_setting_up_terraform_for_}
Setting up Terraform for {{}}
{: #sitemap_managing_master_keys}
Rotating master keys by using smart cards and the Management Utilities
Rotating master keys by using recovery crypto units
Rotating master keys by using key part files
Recovering a master key from a recovery crypto unit
{: #sitemap_managing_key_management_service_keys}
{: #sitemap_creating_keys}
{: #sitemap_importing_keys}
{: #sitemap_viewing_keys}
Viewing a list of root keys or standard keys
Viewing details about a root key or a standard key
Retrieving a root key or a standard key
{: #sitemap_protecting_keys}
Wrapping data encryption keys with root keys
Unwrapping data encryption keys with root keys
Rewrapping data encryption keys with root keys
{: #sitemap_rotating_keys}
Rotating root keys based on the rotation policy
{: #sitemap_deleting_keys}
Deleting keys by using a single authorization
Deleting keys by using dual authorization
Setting dual authorization policies for keys
{: #sitemap_managing_protected_resources_associated_with_root_keys}
Viewing associations between root keys and encrypted {{}} resources
Synchronizing associated resources
{: #sitemap_managing_enterprise_pkcs_11_keystores_and_keys}
Managing EP11 keystores with the {{}} console
Managing EP11 keys with the {{}} console
{: #sitemap_enabling_crypto_mechanisms}
{: #sitemap_adding_or_removing_crypto_units}
Adding or removing crypto units
{: #sitemap_enabling_or_adding_failover_crypto_units_after_you_provision_a_service_instance}
Enabling or adding failover crypto units after you provision a service instance
{: #sitemap_deleting_service_instances}
{: #sitemap_restoring_your_data_from_another_region}
Restoring your data from another region
{: #sitemap_enhancing_security}
{: #sitemap_granting_users_access_to_manage_ep11_keystores_and_keys}
Granting users access to manage EP11 keystores and keys through UI
Setting up PKCS #11 API user types
{: #sitemap_privately_connecting_to_hyper_protect_crypto_services}
Using virtual private endpoints for VPC to privately connect to {{}}
Using service endpoints to privately connect to {{}}
Step 1: Configure the private network of {{}} on your virtual server
Step 2: Provision a service instance and select the network access
Step 3: Target the {{}} private endpoint for the TKE CLI plug-in
Step 5: Target the {{}} private endpoint for key management service
Auditing events for {{}}
Managing security and compliance with {{}}
{: #sitemap_api_reference}
{: #sitemap_key_management_api}
{{}} key management API change log
Cryptographic operations: PKCS #11 API
Cryptographic operations: GREP11 API
{: #sitemap_cli_reference}
{{}} CLI change log
{{}} {{}} CLI
{{}} Trusted Key Entry CLI plug-in
{{}} certificate manager CLI plug-in
{: #sitemap_terraform_reference}
Provisioning and initializing service instances with Terraform{: external}
Managing key management service keys with Terraform{: external}
{: #sitemap_regions_and_locations}
{: #sitemap__cloud_tke_procedures}
{{}} cloud TKE procedures
{: #sitemap_smart_card_security_considerations}
Smart card security considerations
Understanding your responsibilities when using {{}} {{}}
{: #sitemap_understanding_your_responsibilities_when_using__{{sitedatakeywordhscrypto}}}
{: #sitemap_high_availability_and_disaster_recovery}
High availability and disaster recovery
{: #sitemap_open-source_licenses}
{: #sitemap_faqs}
What's {{}} {{}}?
How does {{}} provide a single-tenant cloud service?
How is this service different from {{}} HSM?
What can I do with {{}} {{}}?
How do I know whether {{}} is right for my company?
Which IBM regions are {{}} available in?
FAQs: Provisioning and operations
Are there any prerequisites for using {{}}?
How to initialize {{}} service instances?
How many crypto units shall I set up in my service instance?
Can I use {{}} along with other {{}} services?
How does my application connect to a {{}} service instance?
Can I generate master key on-premises and store the master key parts in the smart cards?
FAQs: Performance and capacity
How many keys can be stored in a {{}} service instance?
Can I add or remove crypto units after I provision a service instance?
Is there a Service Level Agreement (SLA) specifically for {{}}?
How can I manage user access to my service instances? Does IBM have access to my instances?
How does IBM offer a unique and secure process for service initialization (key ceremony)?
What is a 140-2 FIPS Level 4 Certification and how can I validate it?
What is the difference between FIPS 140-2 Level 1, 2, 3, and Level 4?
How to understand the key hierarchy for {{}} KYOK?
What compliance standards does {{}} meet?
FAQs: High availability and disaster recovery
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_key_management_api_or_cli}
Why am I not authorized to make key management API request?
Why can't I view or list keys?
Why can't I view or list specific keys?
error when I use CLI or API?
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_ibm_cloud_console}
Why can't I create or import keys?
Why can't I delete an initialized service instance?
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_trusted_key_entry}
Why am I not authorized when running TKE CLI plug-in commands?
Why can't I list crypto units?
Why can't I change signature thresholds?
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_smart_cards_and_the_management_utilities}
Why am I not authorized when I start the Trusted Key Entry application?
Why am I receiving a blocked PIN on EP11 smart card error?
Why am I receiving a no smart card readers found error when I use the Management Utilities?
{: #sitemap_troubleshooting_master_key_rotation}
Why do I fail to load the new master key during the master key rotation process?
Why can't I rotate master keys by using key part files?
Why can't I rotate master keys by using smart cards?
Why can't I rotate master keys by using recovery crypto units?
{: #sitemap_getting_help_and_support}