AOMP will install to /usr/lib/aomp. The AOMP environment variable will automatically be set to the install location. This may require a new terminal to be launched to see the change.
sudo rpm -i aomp_SLES15_SP4-20.0-0.x86_64.rpm
Confirm AOMP environment variable is set:
echo $AOMP
The ROCm kernel driver is required for AMD GPU support. Also, to control access to the ROCm device, a user group "video" must be created and users need to be added to this group.
Important Note: There is a conflict with the KFD when simultaneously running the GUI on SLES-15-SP4, which leads to unpredicatable behavior when offloading to the GPU. We recommend using SLES-15-SP4 in text mode to avoid running both the KFD and GUI at the same time.
SUSE SLES-15-SP4 comes with kfd support installed. To verify this:
sudo dmesg | grep kfd
sudo dmesg | grep amdgpu
sudo usermod -a -G video $USER
The CUDA installation is optional.
sudo rpm -i cuda-repo-sles15-10-0-local-10.0.130-410.48-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install cuda
If prompted, select the 'always trust key' option. Depending on your system the CUDA install could take a very long time.
Important Note: If using a GUI on SLES-15-SP4, such as gnome, the installation of CUDA may cause the GUI to fail to load. This seems to be caused by a symbolic link pointing to instead of This can be fixed by updating the symbolic link:
sudo rm /etc/alternatives/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/xorg/ /etc/alternatives/