- Incorporation of the RAMI Ontology (https://github.com/i40-Tools/RAMIOntology).
- Change of classes and relations. Extended concepts.
- There are 2 case studies: A basic metal separation process (folder
) and a scenario of the x-PPU of AIS TUM (folderxPPU-AI40-CaseStudy
- please see https://github.com/x-PPU and https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/doc/1208973). - The Java applications for both case studies now use Maven for the management of dependencies.
- All the owl files now use the RDF/XML serialization.
- Json ontology files are now available in the folder
to be visualized on a web browser with the WebVOWL tool (http://vowl.visualdataweb.org/webvowl.html). - The folder
Generated Java Code
has the java generated code provided by Protégé of both the Automation I4.0 Ontologies, the full and short versions.
The description and code of the SWRL rules and OWL Expressions are available in the document SWRL Rules and OWL Expressions - Automation I4.0 Ontology.docx
discriminated by ontology.
The Automation-I4.0-Ontology has been updated. Some fixes and new features have been added.
- The Automation-I4.0-Ontology (merged with the STO) is complete, but not tested yet.
- The Automation-I4.0-Ontology (without the STO) is complete, running, and tested in Protégé and the application.
- The example application is already available in the folder
. - Some fixes and changes in the Discrete Dynamics Ontology (
), Core Ontology (Automation-I4.0-Core-Ontology), and Minified Standards Ontology (min-std-o.owl
) were done. - New files added:
Automation-I4.0-Min-Ontology - Application.owl
to run with the Application example (owl file with no instances).Automation-I4.0-Min-Ontology - CodeGeneration.owl
to export the Java code in Protégé (this file has different domains in some properties to accept multiple classes in Java domain properties). - RDF-OWL-(TTL - Original STO) Serializations for consolidated ontologies.
The Automation-I4.0-Ontology is intended to cover a new perspective of the automation systems by means of the use of the Semantic Web Technologies(SWT).
The main ontology Automation-I4.0-Ontology.owl or .rdf
is composed by several modules which contain specific semantic models.
- The Automation-I4.0-Core-Ontology
which contains the core, the body of the complete ontology. - The Discrete-Dynamics-Ontology (DDO)
which contains the semantic representation of discrete dynamics models (Automatas, Petri Nets). - The Minified-Standards-Ontology
which is a little ontology to integrate the partial main ontology (Automation-I4.0-Min-Ontology.owl
) with the Standards Ontology (sto-owl.owl
). - The Standards Ontology
by Grangel et al (https://github.com/i40-Tools/StandardOntology) serialized in owl format.
The integrated Automation-I4.0-Ontology with the STO is not yet stable to use with any reasoner. I recommend to use the Automation-I4.0-Min-Ontology by now; it is the same ontology without the Standards Ontology.
RDF serializations are available for Automation-I4.0-Ontology
and Automation-I4.0-Min-Ontology
The core ontology is composed by several classes and axioms.
It contains many well-defined SWRL rules.
It is the more difficult and low-level ontology. Contains several aspects of discrete dynamics desing for Automatas and Petri Nets.
Unlike to common Automata-PN models, it provides high-level and advanced concepts which enable "cognitive" aspects for automation systems in the Industry 4.0.
As it has many features, some more useful than others, it may lack of other ones (It is a complex task to define such concepts). Feel free to contribute with them.
The DDO is composed by several classes and axioms.
It contains many well-defined SWRL rules.
It is a simple ontology that makes easier the integration of the STO and the Automation-I4.0-Min-Ontology.
It has few classes.
It has some well-defined SWRL rules.
The Standards Ontology is a work done by Irlán Grangel, Steffen Lohman, and Paul Baptista at Fraunhofer IAIS. Please see https://github.com/i40-Tools/StandardOntology , https://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/sto/ for more details.
The RAMI Ontology which bases on the RAMI Model and the Administration Shell concept. Please see https://github.com/i40-Tools/RAMIOntology, https://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/rami/ for more details.
This project was carried out under my master's thesis "A proposal of a formal model to integrate distributed service-based automation systems, semantic models, and automation standards." at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in Medellín, Colombia.
If you use any resources of this project for your research please cite:
- "Semantic Automation Systems, a Suitable Approach for Automation Networks in the Industry 4.0", https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8921156.
- "An Ontological Model to Integrate and Assist Virtualization of Automation Systems for Industry 4.0", https://doi.org/10.1520/SSMS20210010.
Check the folders Automation-I40-Ontology-CaseStudy
and xPPU-AI40-CaseStudy
to see 2 Java maven applications using the Automation I4.0 Ontology.
Automation-I4.0-Ontology is licensed by an Apache License 2.0 (see http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 for more details).
Copyright 2019 Santiago Gil