Property-based testing for Elixir (QuickCheck style). It uses Erlang's triq library for underlying checking engine, and ExCheck's modules provide wrapper macros for ExUnit tests.
First add ExCheck and triq to your project's dependencies in mix.exs.
defp deps do
{:excheck, "~> 0.3", only: :test},
{:triq, github: "krestenkrab/triq", only: :test}
You need to have erlang-eunit installed in order to build triq.
and add the following to test_helper.exs:
# ... other helper functions
You can also specify the amount of tests that you want to run for each property by adding the following to your config.exs:
use Mix.Config
# import "#{Mix.env}.exs" # If you want to specify different amount for each environment
# And then in this file (or different amount in each config file):
config :excheck, :number_iterations, 200
Note: This setting is not effective for ExCheck.check(module_name)
at the moment (refer to #13).
The following is an testing example. ExCheck.SampleTest
is the testing code for ExCheck.Sample
defmodule ExCheck.SampleTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: false
use ExCheck
alias ExCheck.Sample
property :square do
for_all x in int, do: x * x >= 0
property :implies do
for_all x in int do
#implies skip samples that does not satisfy the predicate. Also, it prints x when skip a sample
implies x >= 0 do
x >= 0
property :such_that do
for_all {x, y} in such_that({xx, yy} in {int, int} when xx < yy) do
x < y
property :concat_list do
for_all {xs, ys} in {list(int), list(int)} do
Enum.count(Sample.concat(xs, ys)) == Enum.count(xs) + Enum.count(ys)
property :push_list do
for_all {x, y} in {int, list(int)} do
result = Sample.push(x, y), 0) == x and Enum.count(result) == Enum.count(y) + 1
# specify iteration count for running test
@tag iterations: 30
property :square_with_iteration_count do
for_all x in int, do: x * x >= 0
defmodule ExCheck.Sample do
@moduledoc """
Sample logic to be tested by ExCheck (refer to sample_test.exs for tests)
@doc "concatinate the list"
def concat(x, y) do
x ++ y
@doc "push element in the list"
def push(x, y) do
mix test test/sample_test.exs
Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.1s on load, 0.08s on tests)
948 tests, 0 failures
You can also add the optional flag --trace to get additional output
mix test test/sample_test.exs --trace
* * implies_property (14.7ms)
* square_property........................................................................................................................................................................................ * square_property (4.1ms)
* push_list_property..................................................................................................................................................................................... * push_list_property (14.7ms)
* square_with_iteration_count_property (0.7ms)......................
* such_that_property..................................................................................................................................................................................... * such_that_property (4.8ms)
* concat_list_property................................................................................................................................................................................... * concat_list_property (25.4ms)
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load, 0.06s on tests)
942 tests, 0 failures
There are some more examples at test directory.
The following generators defined in :triq are imported through "use ExCheck" statement.
- list/1, tuple/1, int/0, int/1, int/2, byte/0, real/0, sized/1, elements/1, any/0, atom/0, atom/1, choose/2, oneof/1, frequency/1, bool/0, char/0, return/1, vector/2, binary/1, binary/0, non_empty/1, resize/2, non_neg_integer/0, pos_integer/0,
- unicode_char/0, unicode_string/0, unicode_string/1, unicode_binary/0, unicode_binary/1, unicode_binary/2, unicode_characters/0, unicode_characters/1,
- bind/2, bindshrink/2, suchthat/2, pick/2, shrink/2, sample/1, sampleshrink/1, seal/1, open/1, peek/1, domain/3, shrink_without_duplicates/1
- It's a trial implementation, and has limited functionalities yet.
- Files in test folder contains some more property examples.