June 2021 LeetCoding Challenge Day Question Links Solutions 1. Max Area of Island cpp 2. Interleaving String cpp 3. Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts cpp 4. Open the Lock cpp 5. Maximum Performance of a Team cpp 6. Longest Consecutive Sequence cpp 7. Min Cost Climbing Stairs cpp 8. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal cpp 9. Jump Game VI cpp 10. My Calendar I cpp 11. Stone Game VII cpp 12. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops cpp 13. Palindrome Pairs cpp 14. Maximum Units on a Truck cpp 15. Matchsticks to Square cpp 16. Generate Parentheses cpp 17. Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum cpp 18. Range Sum Query - Mutable cpp 19. K Inverse Pairs Array cpp 20. Swim in Rising Water cpp 21. Pascal's Triangle cpp 22. Number of Matching Subsequences cpp 23. Reverse Linked List II cpp 24. Out of Boundary Paths cpp 25. Redundant Connection cpp 26. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self cpp 27. Candy cpp 28. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String cpp 29. Max Consecutive Ones III cpp 30. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree cpp