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File metadata and controls

250 lines (234 loc) · 8.58 KB

My .vim configuration

Here be dragons.

I periodically walk my configuration file and fix things that aren't working for me and/or try to better optimize my development environment. As humans, we're generally terrible about it since we're resistant to change. If that doesn't suit you, you've been warned. On the flip, if this does suit you, it means you'll have an amazing dev editing environment.

Quick Setup


curl -L -o - | bash

Note If you already have this installed, the installation script will instead just pull instead of update.


Just pass "UNINSTALL" to the script.


Shortcut Action
jk/kj ESC in insert mode
; :
<TAB> %
<Leader>" Open peekup register window
<Leader>"p Open peekup register window + paste after
<Leader>"P Open peekup register window + paste before
<Leader>B Start a `:Buffers` search using FZF
<Leader>DD Open using word under cursor
<Leader>f Start a `:Rg` search using FZF
<Leader>F Start a `:Files` search using FZF
<Leader>h/l Next/prev in jumplist
<Leader>nt Toggle NvimTree
<Leader>nf Reveal active buffer in NvimTree
<Leader>num Toggle Numbers.vim (relative/absolute)
<Leader>p Ctrl-P
<Leader>(s/S) Open scratch buffer in split window
<Leader>T Toggle terminal (nvim)
<Leader>tag Generate tags
<Leader>tb Toggle Tagbar
<Leader>tn Test nearest (vim-test)
<Leader>tc Test class (vim-test)
<Leader>tf Test file (vim-test)
<Leader>ta Test suite (vim-test)
<Leader>tl Test last (vim-test)
<Leader>tlv Test visit (vim-test)
<Leader>u Toggle Mundo
<Leader>W Start a `:Windows` search using FZF
<Leader>ws Clean whitespace
<Leader>x Show TODOs in its own buffer
<Leader>Y Bring up YankRing history
<Leader>z Toggle zoom of current window
<Leader><Leader> Toggle HopWord
<Leader>_ Toggle HopLineStart
<Ctrl-y>, Enable emmet expansion
<F2> Toggle invisible characters
<F3> Toggle Autoformat


Here are the plugins I use on the daily. They are pretty amazing. :D

Note: Some are only loaded in vim