Internally restructure NilifyBlanks, use modern tooling like ActiveSupport::Concern
Drop support for Rails 3, expand Appraisals to include Rails 6
Change default before callback to :validation (from :save)
Use all columns (not just content_columns)
Allow nullables_only: false option for including columns that don’t allow NULLs
Support citext columns
Fix inconsistency in nilify_blanks RSpec matcher: should filter by type
Drop support for ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 - too many issues with backwards-compatibility
Explicit support for Rails 4.1 and 4.2
Up-to-date Appraisals and dependencies
Implement new mechanism to allow for global usage at ActiveRecord::Base level (or namespaced base model)
Make define_nilify_blanks thread safe
New rspec matchers with: require “nilify_blanks/matchers”
Only consider string and text columns, and allow types option to configure
Fix issues with wrapping define_attribute_methods in jruby on Rails 4 (Thanks, tank157)
Add rbx and JRuby compatibility (Thanks, petergoldstein)
Hook on AR::Base.define_attribute_methods in order to prevent eager load of models [byroot]
Finally updated to be a Gem
Internal refactoring
Converted tests to RSpec
Added support for Rails 3.0