diff --git a/0.18-src/Css.elm b/0.18-src/Css.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 64f1a1b2..00000000
--- a/0.18-src/Css.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8370 +0,0 @@
-module Css
- exposing
- ( AlignItems
- , All
- , Angle
- , AngleOrDirection
- , BackgroundAttachment
- , BackgroundBlendMode
- , BackgroundClip
- , BackgroundImage
- , BackgroundOrigin
- , BackgroundRepeat
- , BackgroundRepeatShorthand
- , BasicProperty
- , BorderCollapse
- , BorderStyle
- , BoxSizing
- , Calc
- , CalcExpression
- , Ch
- , Cm
- , Color
- , ColorStop
- , ColorValue
- , Compatible
- , Cursor
- , Display
- , Em
- , Ex
- , ExplicitLength
- , FeatureTagValue
- , FlexBasis
- , FlexDirection
- , FlexDirectionOrWrap
- , FlexWrap
- , FontFamily
- , FontSize
- , FontStyle
- , FontStyleOrFeatureTagValue
- , FontVariant
- , FontVariantCaps
- , FontVariantLigatures
- , FontVariantNumeric
- , FontWeight
- , ImportType
- , In
- , IncompatibleUnits
- , IntOrAuto
- , JustifyContent
- , Length
- , LengthOrAuto
- , LengthOrAutoOrCoverOrContain
- , LengthOrMinMaxDimension
- , LengthOrNone
- , LengthOrNoneOrMinMaxDimension
- , LengthOrNumber
- , LengthOrNumberOrAutoOrNoneOrContent
- , ListStyle
- , ListStylePosition
- , ListStyleType
- , MinMaxDimension
- , Mm
- , NonMixable
- , None
- , Number
- , Outline
- , Overflow
- , Pc
- , Pct
- , Position
- , Pt
- , Px
- , Rem
- , Resize
- , Style
- , TableLayout
- , TextDecorationLine
- , TextDecorationStyle
- , TextIndent
- , TextOrientation
- , TextOverflow
- , TextRendering
- , TextTransform
- , TouchAction
- , Transform
- , TransformBox
- , TransformStyle
- , Value
- , VerticalAlign
- , Vh
- , Visibility
- , Vmax
- , Vmin
- , Vw
- , WhiteSpace
- , Wrap
- , absolute
- , active
- , after
- , alignItems
- , alignSelf
- , all
- , allPetiteCaps
- , allScroll
- , allSmallCaps
- , animationName
- , any
- , arabicIndic
- , armenian
- , auto
- , backgroundAttachment
- , backgroundBlendMode
- , backgroundClip
- , backgroundColor
- , backgroundImage
- , backgroundOrigin
- , backgroundPosition
- , backgroundPosition2
- , backgroundRepeat
- , backgroundRepeat2
- , backgroundSize
- , backgroundSize2
- , baseline
- , batch
- , before
- , bengali
- , blink
- , block
- , bold
- , bolder
- , border
- , border2
- , border3
- , borderBottom
- , borderBottom2
- , borderBottom3
- , borderBottomColor
- , borderBottomLeftRadius
- , borderBottomLeftRadius2
- , borderBottomRightRadius
- , borderBottomRightRadius2
- , borderBottomStyle
- , borderBottomWidth
- , borderBox
- , borderCollapse
- , borderColor
- , borderColor2
- , borderColor3
- , borderColor4
- , borderImageOutset
- , borderImageOutset2
- , borderImageOutset3
- , borderImageOutset4
- , borderImageWidth
- , borderImageWidth2
- , borderImageWidth3
- , borderImageWidth4
- , borderLeft
- , borderLeft2
- , borderLeft3
- , borderLeftColor
- , borderLeftStyle
- , borderLeftWidth
- , borderRadius
- , borderRadius2
- , borderRadius3
- , borderRadius4
- , borderRight
- , borderRight2
- , borderRight3
- , borderRightColor
- , borderRightStyle
- , borderRightWidth
- , borderSpacing
- , borderSpacing2
- , borderStyle
- , borderTop
- , borderTop2
- , borderTop3
- , borderTopColor
- , borderTopLeftRadius
- , borderTopLeftRadius2
- , borderTopRightRadius
- , borderTopRightRadius2
- , borderTopStyle
- , borderTopWidth
- , borderWidth
- , borderWidth2
- , borderWidth3
- , borderWidth4
- , both
- , bottom
- , boxShadow
- , boxShadow2
- , boxShadow3
- , boxShadow4
- , boxShadow5
- , boxShadow6
- , boxSizing
- , breakWord
- , calc
- , capitalize
- , cell
- , center
- , ch
- , checked
- , circle
- , cjkEarthlyBranch
- , cjkHeavenlyStem
- , clip
- , cm
- , colResize
- , collapse
- , color
- , colorBurn
- , colorDodge
- , column
- , columnReverse
- , commonLigatures
- , contain
- , content
- , contentBox
- , contextMenu
- , contextual
- , copy
- , cover
- , crosshair
- , currentColor
- , cursive
- , cursor
- , cursorAlias
- , darken
- , dashed
- , decimal
- , decimalLeadingZero
- , default
- , deg
- , devanagari
- , diagonalFractions
- , difference
- , disabled
- , disc
- , discretionaryLigatures
- , display
- , displayFlex
- , dotted
- , double
- , eResize
- , eachLine
- , ellipsis
- , em
- , empty
- , enabled
- , end
- , ewResize
- , ex
- , exclusion
- , fantasy
- , featureOff
- , featureOn
- , featureTag
- , featureTag2
- , fill
- , fillAvailable
- , fillBox
- , first
- , firstChild
- , firstLetter
- , firstLine
- , firstOfType
- , fitContent
- , fixed
- , flat
- , flex
- , flex2
- , flex3
- , flexBasis
- , flexDirection
- , flexEnd
- , flexFlow1
- , flexFlow2
- , flexGrow
- , flexShrink
- , flexStart
- , flexWrap
- , float
- , focus
- , fontFace
- , fontFamilies
- , fontFamily
- , fontFeatureSettings
- , fontFeatureSettingsList
- , fontSize
- , fontStyle
- , fontVariant
- , fontVariant2
- , fontVariant3
- , fontVariantCaps
- , fontVariantLigatures
- , fontVariantNumeric
- , fontVariantNumeric2
- , fontVariantNumeric3
- , fontVariantNumerics
- , fontWeight
- , fullWidth
- , fullscreen
- , geometricPrecision
- , georgian
- , grab
- , grabbing
- , grad
- , groove
- , gujarati
- , gurmukhi
- , hanging
- , hardLight
- , height
- , help
- , hex
- , hidden
- , historicalLigatures
- , horizontal
- , hover
- , hsl
- , hsla
- , hue
- , important
- , inches
- , indeterminate
- , inherit
- , initial
- , inline
- , inlineBlock
- , inlineFlex
- , inlineListItem
- , inlineTable
- , inset
- , inside
- , int
- , invalid
- , italic
- , justify
- , justifyAll
- , justifyContent
- , kannada
- , khmer
- , lang
- , lao
- , large
- , larger
- , lastChild
- , lastOfType
- , left
- , letterSpacing
- , lighten
- , lighter
- , lineHeight
- , lineThrough
- , linearGradient
- , linearGradient2
- , liningNums
- , link
- , listItem
- , listStyle
- , listStyle2
- , listStyle3
- , listStylePosition
- , listStyleType
- , local
- , lowerAlpha
- , lowerGreek
- , lowerLatin
- , lowerRoman
- , lowercase
- , luminosity
- , malayalam
- , manipulation
- , margin
- , margin2
- , margin3
- , margin4
- , marginBlockEnd
- , marginBlockStart
- , marginBottom
- , marginInlineEnd
- , marginInlineStart
- , marginLeft
- , marginRight
- , marginTop
- , matchParent
- , matrix
- , matrix3d
- , maxContent
- , maxHeight
- , maxWidth
- , medium
- , middle
- , minContent
- , minHeight
- , minWidth
- , minus
- , mm
- , monospace
- , move
- , multiply
- , myanmar
- , nResize
- , neResize
- , neswResize
- , noCommonLigatures
- , noContextual
- , noDiscretionaryLigatures
- , noDrop
- , noHistoricalLigatures
- , noRepeat
- , noWrap
- , none
- , normal
- , notAllowed
- , nsResize
- , nthChild
- , nthLastChild
- , nthLastOfType
- , nthOfType
- , num
- , nwResize
- , nwseResize
- , oblique
- , oldstyleNums
- , onlyChild
- , onlyOfType
- , opacity
- , optimizeLegibility
- , optimizeSpeed
- , optional
- , order
- , ordinal
- , oriya
- , outOfRange
- , outline
- , outline3
- , outlineColor
- , outlineOffset
- , outlineStyle
- , outlineWidth
- , outset
- , outside
- , overflow
- , overflowWrap
- , overflowX
- , overflowY
- , overlay
- , overline
- , padding
- , padding2
- , padding3
- , padding4
- , paddingBottom
- , paddingBox
- , paddingLeft
- , paddingRight
- , paddingTop
- , painted
- , panDown
- , panLeft
- , panRight
- , panUp
- , panX
- , panY
- , pc
- , pct
- , perspective
- , petiteCaps
- , pinchZoom
- , plus
- , pointer
- , pointerEvents
- , pointerEventsAll
- , pointerEventsFill
- , position
- , pre
- , preLine
- , preWrap
- , preserve3d
- , progress
- , property
- , proportionalNums
- , pseudoClass
- , pseudoElement
- , pt
- , px
- , qt
- , rad
- , readWrite
- , relative
- , rem
- , repeat
- , repeatX
- , repeatY
- , required
- , resize
- , rgb
- , rgba
- , ridge
- , right
- , root
- , rotate
- , rotate3d
- , rotateX
- , rotateY
- , rotateZ
- , round
- , row
- , rowResize
- , rowReverse
- , sResize
- , sansSerif
- , saturation
- , scale
- , scale2
- , scale3d
- , scaleX
- , scaleY
- , scope
- , screenBlendMode
- , scroll
- , seResize
- , selection
- , separate
- , serif
- , skew
- , skew2
- , skewX
- , skewY
- , slashedZero
- , small
- , smallCaps
- , smaller
- , softLight
- , solid
- , space
- , spaceAround
- , spaceBetween
- , square
- , src_
- , stackedFractions
- , start
- , static
- , sticky
- , stop
- , stop2
- , stretch
- , stroke
- , sub
- , super
- , swResize
- , table
- , tableCaption
- , tableCell
- , tableColumn
- , tableColumnGroup
- , tableFooterGroup
- , tableHeaderGroup
- , tableLayout
- , tableRow
- , tableRowGroup
- , tabularNums
- , target
- , telugu
- , textAlign
- , textAlignLast
- , textBottom
- , textDecoration
- , textDecoration2
- , textDecoration3
- , textDecorationLine
- , textDecorationLines
- , textDecorationStyle
- , textDecorations
- , textDecorations2
- , textDecorations3
- , textEmphasisColor
- , textIndent
- , textIndent2
- , textIndent3
- , textOrientation
- , textOverflow
- , textRendering
- , textShadow
- , textShadow2
- , textShadow3
- , textShadow4
- , textTop
- , textTransform
- , text_
- , thai
- , thick
- , thin
- , titlingCaps
- , toBottom
- , toBottomLeft
- , toBottomRight
- , toLeft
- , toRight
- , toTop
- , toTopLeft
- , toTopRight
- , top
- , touchAction
- , transform
- , transformBox
- , transformStyle
- , transforms
- , translate
- , translate2
- , translate3d
- , translateX
- , translateY
- , translateZ
- , transparent
- , true
- , turn
- , underline
- , unicase
- , unset
- , upperAlpha
- , upperLatin
- , upperRoman
- , uppercase
- , url
- , valid
- , vertical
- , verticalAlign
- , verticalText
- , vh
- , viewBox
- , visibility
- , visible
- , visibleFill
- , visiblePainted
- , visibleStroke
- , visited
- , vmax
- , vmin
- , vw
- , wResize
- , wait
- , wavy
- , whiteSpace
- , width
- , wrap
- , wrapReverse
- , xLarge
- , xSmall
- , xxLarge
- , xxSmall
- , zIndex
- , zero
- , zoomIn
- , zoomOut
- )
-{-| Define CSS styles in Elm.
- import Css exposing (..)
- import Html
- import Html.Styled exposing (..)
- import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href, src)
- import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick)
- {-| A logo image, with inline styles that change on hover.
- -}
- logo : Html msg
- logo =
- img
- [ src "logo.png"
- , css
- [ display inlineBlock
- , padding (px 20)
- , border3 (px 5) solid (rgb 120 120 120)
- , hover
- [ borderColor theme.primary
- , borderRadius (px 10)
- ]
- ]
- ]
- []
- {-| A plain old record holding a couple of theme colors.
- -}
- theme : { secondary : Color, primary : Color }
- theme =
- { primary = hex "55af6a"
- , secondary = rgb 250 240 230
- }
- {-| A reusable button which has some styles pre-applied to it.
- -}
- btn : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html msg) -> Html msg
- btn =
- styled button
- [ margin (px 12)
- , color (rgb 250 250 250)
- , hover
- [ backgroundColor theme.primary
- , textDecoration underline
- ]
- ]
- {-| A reusable style. Css.batch combines multiple styles into one, much
- like mixins in CSS preprocessors.
- -}
- paragraphFont : Style
- paragraphFont =
- Css.batch
- [ fontFamilies [ "Palatino Linotype", "Georgia", "serif" ]
- , fontSize (px 16)
- , fontWeight normal
- ]
- {-| Css.property lets you define custom properties, using strings as their values.
- -}
- legacyBorderRadius : String -> Style
- legacyBorderRadius amount =
- Css.batch
- [ property "-moz-border-radius" amount
- , property "-webkit-border-top-left-radius" amount
- , property "-webkit-border-top-right-radius" amount
- , property "-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius" amount
- , property "-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius" amount
- , property "border-radius" amount
- ]
- view : Model -> Html Msg
- view model =
- nav []
- [ img [ src "assets/backdrop.jpg", css [ width (pct 100) ] ] []
- , btn [ onClick DoSomething ] [ text "Click me!" ]
- ]
- main : Program Never Model Msg
- main =
- Html.beginnerProgram
- { view = view >> toUnstyled
- , update = update
- , model = initialModel
- }
-_See [`examples/readme/`](https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-css/blob/master/examples/readme) to play around with this example._
-The [`css`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-css/latest/Html-Styled-Attributes#css)
-function accepts a list of [`Style`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-css/latest/Html-Styled-Attributes#css)
-values which roughly correspond to [CSS properties](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Reference).
- css
- [ display inlineBlock
- , padding (px 20)
- , border3 (px 5) solid (rgb 120 120 120)
- , hover
- [ borderColor theme.primary
- , borderRadius (px 10)
- ]
- ]
-Let's take a look at some of these declarations.
- display inlineBlock
-This compiles to the CSS declaration `display: inline-block;` -
-[_Kebab-case_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_case#Special_case_styles) CSS names become [_camelCase_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case) names in elm-css.
-The [`Css.display`](#display) function only accepts values that are compatible
-with the CSS `display` property, such as [`inlineBlock`](#inlineBlock), [`flex`](#flex), [`none`](#none), [`inherit`](#inherit), etc.
-If you try to pass `display` an invalid value such as [`pointer`](#pointer), it will not compile!
- padding (px 20)
-This compiles to the CSS declaration `padding: 20px;`
-Values with units such as [`px`](#px), [`em`](#em), and [`rem`](#rem) are implemented as functions.
-The [`num`](#num) function compiles to unitless numbers; for example, `flexGrow (num 1)` compiles to `flex-grow: 1;`.
-[`zero`](#zero) is compatible with declarations that either do or do not expect units, so you can write
-`padding zero` instead of something like `padding (px 0)`. (`padding zero` compiles to `padding: 0;`.)
- border3 (px 5) solid (rgb 120 120 120)
-The [`border3`](#border3) function shows a convention in elm-css: when a CSS property supports a variable number of arguments, as is the case with `border`, elm-css commonly provides multiple functions to support those alternatives. For example, [`border`](#border), [`border2`](#border2), and [`border3`](#border3).
- hover
- [ borderColor theme.primary
- , borderRadius (px 10)
- ]
-CSS pseudo-classes like `:hover` are implemented as functions that take a list of declarations.
-The above compiles to something like this:
- ._c7f8ba:hover {
- border-color: #55af6a;
- border-raidus: 10px;
- }
-Where does that funky classname of `_c7f8ba` come from?
-elm-css automatically generates this classname based on the declarations used, and
-uses it to generate a `
-To sum up what's happening here:
-1. When you define values using the `css` attribute, elm-css generates a classname and some style information.
-2. That classname gets added to the element receiving the attiibute, and the style information gets stored in the `Html.Styled` value which wraps that element.
-3. Calling `toUnstyled` converts this `Html.Styled` value to a normal `Html` value which represents both the requested element as well as a `
-With the exception of [`Lazy`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-css/latest/Html-Styled-Lazy),
-you can expect `toUnstyled` to create one `
-pseudoClass : String -> List Style -> Style
-pseudoClass class =
- Preprocess.ExtendSelector (Structure.PseudoClassSelector class)
-{-| An [`:active`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aactive)
-active : List Style -> Style
-active =
- pseudoClass "active"
-{-| An [`:any`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aany)
-any : String -> List Style -> Style
-any str =
- pseudoClass ("any(" ++ str ++ ")")
-{-| A [`:checked`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Achecked)
-checked : List Style -> Style
-checked =
- pseudoClass "checked"
-{-| A [`:disabled`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Adisabled)
-disabled : List Style -> Style
-disabled =
- pseudoClass "disabled"
-{-| An [`:empty`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aempty)
-empty : List Style -> Style
-empty =
- pseudoClass "empty"
-{-| An [`:enabled`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aenabled)
-enabled : List Style -> Style
-enabled =
- pseudoClass "enabled"
-{-| A [`:first`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Afirst)
-first : List Style -> Style
-first =
- pseudoClass "first"
-{-| A [`:first-child`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Afirst-child)
-firstChild : List Style -> Style
-firstChild =
- pseudoClass "first-child"
-{-| A [`:first-of-type`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Afirst-of-type)
-firstOfType : List Style -> Style
-firstOfType =
- pseudoClass "first-of-type"
-{-| A [`:fullscreen`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Afullscreen)
-fullscreen : List Style -> Style
-fullscreen =
- pseudoClass "fullscreen"
-{-| A [`:focus`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Afocus)
-focus : List Style -> Style
-focus =
- pseudoClass "focus"
-{-| An [`:hover`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Ahover)
-hover : List Style -> Style
-hover =
- pseudoClass "hover"
-{-| An [`:visited`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Avisited)
-visited : List Style -> Style
-visited =
- pseudoClass "visited"
-{-| An [`:indeterminate`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aindeterminate)
-indeterminate : List Style -> Style
-indeterminate =
- pseudoClass "indeterminate"
-{-| An [`:invalid`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Ainvalid)
-invalid : List Style -> Style
-invalid =
- pseudoClass "invalid"
-{-| A [`:lang`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Alang)
-lang : String -> List Style -> Style
-lang str =
- pseudoClass ("lang(" ++ str ++ ")")
-{-| A [`:last-child`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Alast-child)
-lastChild : List Style -> Style
-lastChild =
- pseudoClass "last-child"
-{-| A [`:last-of-type`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Alast-of-type)
-lastOfType : List Style -> Style
-lastOfType =
- pseudoClass "last-of-type"
-{-| A [`:link`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Alink)
-link : List Style -> Style
-link =
- pseudoClass "link"
-{-| An [`:nth-child`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Anth-child)
-nthChild : String -> List Style -> Style
-nthChild str =
- pseudoClass ("nth-child(" ++ str ++ ")")
-{-| An [`:nth-last-child`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Anth-last-child)
-nthLastChild : String -> List Style -> Style
-nthLastChild str =
- pseudoClass ("nth-last-child(" ++ str ++ ")")
-{-| An [`:nth-last-of-type`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Anth-last-of-type)
-nthLastOfType : String -> List Style -> Style
-nthLastOfType str =
- pseudoClass ("nth-last-of-type(" ++ str ++ ")")
-{-| An [`:nth`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Anth-of-type)
-nthOfType : String -> List Style -> Style
-nthOfType str =
- pseudoClass ("nth-of-type(" ++ str ++ ")")
-{-| An [`:only-child`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aonly-child)
-onlyChild : List Style -> Style
-onlyChild =
- pseudoClass "only-child"
-{-| An [`:only-of-type`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aonly-of-type)
-onlyOfType : List Style -> Style
-onlyOfType =
- pseudoClass "only-of-type"
-{-| An [`:optional`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aoptional)
-optional : List Style -> Style
-optional =
- pseudoClass "optional"
-{-| An [`:out-of-range`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aout-of-range)
-outOfRange : List Style -> Style
-outOfRange =
- pseudoClass "out-of-range"
-{-| A [`:read-write`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aread-write)
-readWrite : List Style -> Style
-readWrite =
- pseudoClass "read-write"
-{-| A [`:required`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Arequired)
-required : List Style -> Style
-required =
- pseudoClass "required"
-{-| A [`:root`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Aroot)
-root : List Style -> Style
-root =
- pseudoClass "root"
-{-| A [`:scope`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Ascope)
-scope : List Style -> Style
-scope =
- pseudoClass "scope"
-{-| A [`:target`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Atarget)
-target : List Style -> Style
-target =
- pseudoClass "target"
-{-| A [`:valid`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3Avalid)
-valid : List Style -> Style
-valid =
- pseudoClass "valid"
--- Pseudo-Elements --
-{-| Define a custom pseudo-element.
- textarea
- [ css [ pseudoElement "-webkit-scrollbar" [ display none ] ] ]
- []
-pseudoElement : String -> List Style -> Style
-pseudoElement element =
- Preprocess.WithPseudoElement (Structure.PseudoElement element)
-{-| An [`::after`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3A%3Aafter)
-after : List Style -> Style
-after =
- pseudoElement "after"
-{-| A [`::before`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3A%3Abefore)
-before : List Style -> Style
-before =
- pseudoElement "before"
-{-| A [`::first-letter`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3A%3Afirst-letter)
-firstLetter : List Style -> Style
-firstLetter =
- pseudoElement "first-letter"
-{-| A [`::first-line`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3A%3Afirst-line)
-firstLine : List Style -> Style
-firstLine =
- pseudoElement "first-line"
-{-| A [`::selection`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/%3A%3Aselection)
-selection : List Style -> Style
-selection =
- pseudoElement "selection"
--- Intentionally Unsupported --
-type IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
- = IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
-{-| The
-[border width values](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/border-width)
-of `thin`, `medium`, and `thick` have unspecified behavior according to the
-CSS specification, and as such are intentionally unsupported.
-Using them is a bad idea, but if the fate of the world depends on it, you can
-fall back on something like this:
- css [ property "border-left" "thin" ]
-thin : IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
-thin =
- IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
-{-| The
-[border width values](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/border-width)
-of `thin`, `medium`, and `thick` have unspecified behavior according to the
-CSS specification, and as such are intentionally unsupported.
-Using them is a bad idea, but if the fate of the world depends on it, you can
-fall back on something like this:
- css [ property "border-left" "thick" ]
-thick : IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
-thick =
- IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
-{-| [`blink`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/text-decoration-line#Value)
-is ~~totally rad~~ deprecated, and as such has been ~~reluctantly~~ omitted
-from elm-css.
-blink : IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
-blink =
- IntentionallyUnsupportedPleaseSeeDocs
-stringToInt : String -> Int
-stringToInt str =
- Result.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt str
-numericalPercentageToString : Float -> String
-numericalPercentageToString value =
- toString (value * 100) ++ "%"
-valuesOrNone : List (Value compatible) -> Value {}
-valuesOrNone list =
- if List.isEmpty list then
- { value = "none" }
- else
- { value = String.join " " (List.map .value list) }
-stringsToValue : List String -> Value {}
-stringsToValue list =
- if List.isEmpty list then
- { value = "none" }
- else
- { value = String.join ", " (List.map (\s -> s) list) }
-{-| Sets [`z-index`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/z-index)
- zIndex (int 2)
-See for a useful library
-to manage z-index values.
-zIndex : IntOrAuto compatible -> Style
-zIndex =
- prop1 "z-index"
-{- Touch Action -}
-{-| The `pan-x` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-panX : TouchAction {}
-panX =
- { value = "pan-x"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| The `pan-left` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-panLeft : TouchAction {}
-panLeft =
- { value = "pan-left"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| The `pan-right` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-panRight : TouchAction {}
-panRight =
- { value = "pan-right"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| The `pan-y` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-panY : TouchAction {}
-panY =
- { value = "pan-y"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| The `pan-up` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-panUp : TouchAction {}
-panUp =
- { value = "pan-up"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| The `pan-down` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-panDown : TouchAction {}
-panDown =
- { value = "pan-down"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| The `pinch-zoom` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-pinchZoom : TouchAction {}
-pinchZoom =
- { value = "pinch-zoom"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| The `manipulation` value for the [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-manipulation : TouchAction {}
-manipulation =
- { value = "manipulation"
- , touchAction = Compatible
- }
-{-| Sets [`touch-action`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action) property.
-touchAction (auto | none | panX | panLeft | panRight | panY | panUp | panDown | pinchZoom | manipulation | inherit | initial | unset)
-touchAction : TouchAction compatible -> Style
-touchAction =
- prop1 "touch-action"
-{-| Sets [`table-layout`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/table-layout) property.
-tableLayout (auto | fixed | inherit | initial | unset)
-tableLayout : TableLayout compatible -> Style
-tableLayout =
- prop1 "table-layout"
-{-| The [`pointer-events`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events#Values)
-property specifies under what circumstances (if any) a particular graphic
-element can become the target of mouse events.
-pointerEvents : PointerEvents compatible -> Style
-pointerEvents =
- prop1 "pointer-events"
-{-| A `visiblePainted` [`pointer-events`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events) value.
- pointer-events: visiblePainted
-visiblePainted : PointerEvents {}
-visiblePainted =
- { value = "visiblePainted", pointerEvents = Compatible }
-{-| A `visibleFill` [`pointer-events`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events) value.
- pointer-events: visibleFill
-visibleFill : PointerEvents {}
-visibleFill =
- { value = "visibleFill", pointerEvents = Compatible }
-{-| A `visibleStroke` [`pointer-events`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events) value.
- pointer-events: visibleStroke
-visibleStroke : PointerEvents {}
-visibleStroke =
- { value = "visibleStroke", pointerEvents = Compatible }
-{-| A `painted` [`pointer-events`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events) value.
- pointer-events: painted
-painted : PointerEvents {}
-painted =
- { value = "painted", pointerEvents = Compatible }
-{-| `property-events: fill`. This works around the fact that
-[`fill` is already taken](#fill).
-pointerEventsFill : Style
-pointerEventsFill =
- property "pointer-events" "fill"
-{-| `property-events: all`. This works around the fact that
-[`all` is already taken](#all).
-pointerEventsAll : Style
-pointerEventsAll =
- property "pointer-events" "all"
-{-| A `stroke` [`pointer-events`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/pointer-events) value.
- pointer-events: stroke
-stroke : PointerEvents {}
-stroke =
- { value = "stroke", pointerEvents = Compatible }
diff --git a/0.18-src/Css/Animations.elm b/0.18-src/Css/Animations.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 30d5bdfa..00000000
--- a/0.18-src/Css/Animations.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-module Css.Animations
- exposing
- ( Keyframes
- , Property
- , all
- , backgroundColor
- , backgroundSize
- , backgroundSize2
- , border
- , border2
- , border3
- , borderBottom
- , borderBottom2
- , borderBottom3
- , custom
- , keyframes
- , opacity
- , property
- , transform
- )
-# Animations
-@docs Property, keyframes, Keyframes
-# Animatable Properties
-As [MDN explains](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_animated_properties), only certain CSS properties are animatable.
-Some of the animatable properties (except for experimental properties, or properties with browser prefixes) are listed here. Many of them share a name and similar type with `Style` equivalents in the `Css` module, but they are different in that unlike `Style`s, animatable properties [are not compatible with `!important`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@keyframes#!important_in_a_keyframe) or various selectors or media queries.
-**NOTE:** We're looking to expand this list, but only on the `phantom-types` branch! See
-@docs opacity, transform, all, backgroundSize, backgroundSize2, border, property, backgroundColor, border2, border3, borderBottom, borderBottom2, borderBottom3, custom
-import Css.Internal exposing (AnimationProperty(..), ColorValue, ExplicitLength, Length, LengthOrAutoOrCoverOrContain, lengthConverter, lengthForOverloadedProperty)
-import Css.Preprocess as Preprocess
-import Css.Structure exposing (Compatible(..))
-{-| An [animatable property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_animated_properties).
-Many of these share a name and similar type with `Style` equivalents in the `Css` module, but they are different in that unlike `Style`s, animatable properties [are not compatible with `!important`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@keyframes#!important_in_a_keyframe) or various selectors or media queries.
-If you need to use an experimental or vendor-prefixed animatable property, see [`custom`](#custom).
-type alias Property =
- AnimationProperty
-type alias Style =
- Preprocess.Style
-{-| -}
-type alias Keyframes compatible =
- { compatible | keyframes : Compatible, none : Compatible, value : String }
-{-| Specify a list of ( percentage, properties) tuples to use for
-animation keyframes.
-Pass the result to [`Css.animationName`](Css#animationName)!
-`keyframes []` is equivalent to `none`.
-keyframes : List ( Int, List Property ) -> Keyframes {}
-keyframes tuples =
- if List.isEmpty tuples then
- -- animationName is special-cased to pick up on this.
- { value = "none"
- , none = Compatible
- , keyframes = Compatible
- }
- else
- { value = Css.Internal.compileKeyframes tuples
- , none = Compatible
- , keyframes = Compatible
- }
-{-| Create a custom animatable property with the given name and value. You can use this to define vendor-prefixed or experimental properties.
- custom "-moz-outline-radius" "25px"
-**WARNING:** Some properties are not exposed in this module because they
-are not animatable! This means browsers will refuse to animate them even if you pass them to this function.
-MDN has [a list of the animatable properties](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_animated_properties).
-custom : String -> String -> Property
-custom name value =
- Property (name ++ ":" ++ value)
-{-| -}
-all : { compatible | value : String, all : Compatible } -> Property
-all { value } =
- Property ("all:" ++ value)
-{-| -}
-backgroundColor : { compatible | value : String, color : Compatible } -> Property
-backgroundColor { value } =
- Property ("background-color:" ++ value)
-{-| -}
-backgroundSize : LengthOrAutoOrCoverOrContain compatible -> Property
-backgroundSize { value } =
- Property ("background-size:" ++ value)
-{-| -}
-backgroundSize2 : LengthOrAutoOrCoverOrContain compatible -> LengthOrAutoOrCoverOrContain compatible -> Property
-backgroundSize2 arg1 arg2 =
- Property ("background-size:" ++ arg1.value ++ " " ++ arg2.value)
-{-| -}
-border : Length compatible units -> Property
-border { value } =
- Property ("border:" ++ value)
-{-| -}
-border2 : Length compatible units -> Length compatible units -> Property
-border2 arg1 arg2 =
- Property ("border:" ++ arg1.value ++ " " ++ arg2.value)
-{-| -}
-border3 : Length compatible units -> Length compatible units -> Length compatible units -> Property
-border3 arg1 arg2 arg3 =
- Property ("border:" ++ arg1.value ++ " " ++ arg2.value ++ " " ++ arg3.value)
-{-| -}
-borderBottom : Length compatible units -> Property
-borderBottom { value } =
- Property ("border-bottom:" ++ value)
-{-| -}
-borderBottom2 : Length compatible units -> Length compatible units -> Property
-borderBottom2 arg1 arg2 =
- Property ("border-bottom:" ++ arg1.value ++ " " ++ arg2.value)
-{-| -}
-borderBottom3 : Length compatible units -> Length compatible units -> Length compatible units -> Property
-borderBottom3 arg1 arg2 arg3 =
- Property ("border-bottom:" ++ arg1.value ++ " " ++ arg2.value ++ " " ++ arg3.value)
-{-| -}
-opacity : { compatible | value : String, number : Compatible } -> Property
-opacity { value } =
- Property ("opacity:" ++ value)
-{-| -}
-transform : List { compatible | value : String, transform : Compatible } -> Property
-transform values =
- Property <|
- if List.isEmpty values then
- "transform:none"
- else
- "transform:" ++ String.join " " (List.map .value values)
-{-| Define a custom animatable property.
- css [ animationName (keyframes [ ( 5, property "backdrop-filter" "blur(3px)" ) ]) ]
- @keyframes _cf0d1b {
- 5% {
- backdrop-filter:blur(3px);
- }
- }
- ...
- animation-name: _cf0d1b
-property : String -> String -> Property
-property key value =
- Property (key ++ ":" ++ value)
diff --git a/0.18-src/Css/Colors.elm b/0.18-src/Css/Colors.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 139d0ea9..00000000
--- a/0.18-src/Css/Colors.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-module Css.Colors exposing (aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow)
-{-| A nicer default set of colors than the ones CSS ships with. Color codes taken from [clrs.cc](http://clrs.cc).
- css [ backgroundColor blue ]
-...compiles to:
- backgroundColor: #0074D9;
-# Colors
-@docs navy, blue, aqua, teal, olive, green, lime, yellow, orange, red, maroon, fuchsia, purple, black, gray, silver, white
-import Css exposing (Color, hex)
-navy : Color
-navy =
- hex "001F3F"
-blue : Color
-blue =
- hex "0074D9"
-aqua : Color
-aqua =
- hex "7FDBFF"
-teal : Color
-teal =
- hex "39CCCC"
-olive : Color
-olive =
- hex "3D9970"
-green : Color
-green =
- hex "2ECC40"
-lime : Color
-lime =
- hex "01FF70"
-yellow : Color
-yellow =
- hex "FFDC00"
-orange : Color
-orange =
- hex "FF851B"
-red : Color
-red =
- hex "FF4136"
-maroon : Color
-maroon =
- hex "85144b"
-fuchsia : Color
-fuchsia =
- hex "F012BE"
-purple : Color
-purple =
- hex "B10DC9"
-black : Color
-black =
- hex "111111"
-gray : Color
-gray =
- hex "AAAAAA"
-silver : Color
-silver =
- hex "dddddd"
-white : Color
-white =
- hex "ffffff"
diff --git a/0.18-src/Css/Global.elm b/0.18-src/Css/Global.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e028ed6..00000000
--- a/0.18-src/Css/Global.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1150 +0,0 @@
-module Css.Global
- exposing
- ( Snippet
- , a
- , adjacentSiblings
- , article
- , aside
- , audio
- , blockquote
- , body
- , button
- , canvas
- , caption
- , children
- , circle
- , class
- , code
- , col
- , colgroup
- , dd
- , descendants
- , details
- , div
- , dl
- , dt
- , each
- , ellipse
- , em
- , everything
- , fieldset
- , footer
- , form
- , generalSiblings
- , global
- , h1
- , h2
- , h3
- , h4
- , h5
- , h6
- , header
- , hr
- , html
- , i
- , id
- , img
- , input
- , label
- , legend
- , li
- , line
- , main_
- , media
- , mediaQuery
- , menu
- , nav
- , ol
- , optgroup
- , option
- , p
- , path
- , polygon
- , polyline
- , pre
- , progress
- , q
- , rect
- , section
- , select
- , selector
- , small
- , span
- , strong
- , summary
- , svg
- , table
- , tbody
- , td
- , textarea
- , tfoot
- , th
- , thead
- , time
- , tr
- , typeSelector
- , ul
- , video
- , withAttribute
- , withClass
- )
-{-| Apply global CSS to things like foreign DOM structures (e.g. generated
-from markdown) where you cannot add attributes.
-This module relies on CSS selectors which are [globally scoped and
-bad for maintainability](https://medium.com/seek-blog/the-end-of-global-css-90d2a4a06284),
-so definitely avoid using this module except when there is no reasonable way
-do to it using `Style` instead!
-# Global Styles
-@docs global, Snippet
-# Statements
-@docs class, id, selector, everything, media, mediaQuery
-# Combinators
-@docs children, descendants, adjacentSiblings, generalSiblings, each, withAttribute, withClass
-# Basic elements
-@docs typeSelector, html, body
-# Content sectioning
-@docs article, header, footer, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, nav, menu, section, aside, time, details, summary
-# Text content
-@docs div, hr, li, main_, ol, p, ul, pre, dl, dt, dd, blockquote
-# Inline text semantics
-@docs a, code, small, span, strong, i, em, q
-# Image and multimedia
-@docs img, audio, video, canvas
-# Table content
-@docs caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
-# Forms
-@docs button, fieldset, form, input, label, legend, optgroup, option, progress, select, textarea
-# SVG
-@docs svg, path, rect, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon
-import Css.Media exposing (MediaQuery)
-import Css.Preprocess as Preprocess
- exposing
- ( Snippet(..)
- , SnippetDeclaration(..)
- , Style
- , StyleBlock(..)
- , unwrapSnippet
- )
-import Css.Preprocess.Resolve as Resolve
-import Css.Structure as Structure
-import Html.Styled
-import VirtualDom
-import VirtualDom.Styled exposing (makeSnippet)
-{-| Add global styles to the page. This compiles directly to a `